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cry me a river

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  1. cry me a river

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is there anyway to force AI paratroopers to drop straight down? Whenever I use the infantry paradrop waypoint, the paratroopers split off, with some gliding left, and others gliding right, with no in between.
  2. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    And the opposite for the F-22's gun. Explosions and HE effect but wrong sound lol.
  3. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Actually it's been answered repeatedly and the answer is no. They are sticking with vanilla uniforms. Honestly, it's the lack of authentic helmets that the old version had that made me sad but the mod team has basically not been working on an update but a complete revamp of the mod. Superficially it's very similar to the old version but functionally its completely different. With that much on their hands uniforms just aren't a big enough priority to warrant the extra time. Maybe in the future they will add them back, but for now there are no plans to.
  4. cry me a river

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I've noticed in the config viewer there is an ammunition listed ATACMS. Is the MGM 140 in RHS? I couldn't find it in the M142 MLRS
  5. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    It's really nice to see how quickly the mod team is responding to feedback. Keep up the good work!
  6. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    For me its the lack of damage done by the missiles and the reluctance of the AI that is causing me issues. AI wingmen do not engage and missiles that I launch can'tt seem to shoot anything down. The missiles work fine against vanilla planes but it seems most mods like RHS and the SU-35 mod use planes with higher hit points. The AI issue might be complicated, but perhaps the next hotfix can simply increase the damage done by the missiles? The cannon on the F-22 still works great aside from its sound effects. A single burst will put an enemy plane out of commission, just as a real life burst at 100 rpm of 20 mm SAPHEI would.
  7. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    I have to retract my last statement regarding F-22 AI aggressiveness. It's appears to be a fluke. Every time I load up a scenario now the F-22 pilots literally turn around and run away. Maybe there's a bug with the AI behaviours regarding this plane?
  8. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Also, just a quick fix that players can use to remedy a problem with the F-22's cockpit zoom; when you right click to zoom in for say a gun run the camera zooms into the head down displays instead of at the head up display. To fix this as a stop gap before it gets patched, simply press 8 on the number pad or whatever key is binded to adjusting the camera upwards. This will cause the camera to be recentered so it is facing up at an upwards angle from where it was before, which lets you zoom in through the HUD. The difference is negligible when you zoom out so you do not need to constantly adjust the camera. One final sidenote: I do not know if this is intentional and I am not complaining about this, but the F-22 AI pilots are aggressive as hell. I made a quick scenario to test out the new version with USAF mod F-22s against RHS SU-57s with external weapons (since the currently fielded R-77 can't fit internally and the R-77M is not yet fielded) and the AI F-22 just dove in behind and shot his @$$ point blank. In a 4v4 against the SU-57s the AI F-22 with no help from me won 4-0
  9. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    I know how they work. I only included a brief description so it didn't seem like I was nit picking at something that isn't broken. I brought it up because I think the Vanilla fighters and the RHS fighters do manage to get this detail, so it thought I was possible. This isn't game breaking, just something to maybe remedy when you guys have fixed the bigger issues with bugs and the like
  10. cry me a river

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Loving the update so far. I do have a few criticisms though. The main bay doors remain constantly open when the AIM-120C are selected and if there are still missiles left in the weapons bay. The way the function in real life is to only open when the missile is being launched; note that this does not apply to the side bays for the AIM-9X. Because these missiles need to have a direct line of sight and datalink usage can be sketchy in a dogfight with friendly aircraft around, the sidewinders are left in the slipstream with the bay doors open when the missiles are selected. The AIM120Cs are designed primarily for long range use and thus they always use a datalink for initial guidance; even when the bay doors are open the missile rails are not extended and so the missiles cannot see the target anyway. The AIM-120s can still be deployed at short range, but its riskier in real life (though this is not something that is replicated in Arma 3 game mechanics). The way we can better reflect this in game with the mod is to only open the bay doors when the missile or bomb is being ejected. The F-22's cannon sounds like a rat tat tat machine gun firing sound effect when it should be closer to a higher pitched version of the A-10s BRRRT There is currently no computer aided aim reticle for the gun. There is a special piper icon for the gun IRL that is also used by the vanilla game. The piper hovers over where the cannon shells will go given their ballistics and the plane's trajectory. In simple terms, it is a lead computer site. You simply put this sight over an enemy aircraft instead of guessing the amount of lead necessary yourself. Minor issue: The AIM-120's on the missile rack used for the service menu have "AIM-120B" written on them. I know you guys are busy finishing the rest of the mod, so please consider this only as a possible next step when you move towards polishing.
  11. cry me a river

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ill try it thank you
  12. cry me a river

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    how do I change the loaded magazine?
  13. cry me a river

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This might be a silly question. How do you get a unit in the editor to spawn with a certain magazine loaded? I prefer the PMAGs for their appearance, but when I load up every vest, shirt, and backpack with PMAGs and then select the M4A1, the M4A1 has a STANAG mag loaded, removes one of the PMAGs from the vest, and adds a spare STANAG mag. Is there a way around this so I do not have to manually reload at the start of the mission to use the PMAGs?
  14. cry me a river

    How to get AA to shoot at missiles

    thanks mate
  15. Is there any script to get an AA turret or vehicle to shoot their autocannon at a missile that is manually spawned? I've been using this script to spawn missiles: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200065-release-guided-missile-script/ I don't need the AA to be able to hit or shoot down the missile, just fire at its general direction continuously while tracking the missile as it flies overhead.