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About Toastbrewt

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  1. Hey there. I've had a similar issue like you. I've managed to pin down the issue to signature checking. When turned off everything worked fine and i was able to connect. Turned on (even on 1 not 2) i was stuck at the loading screen when trying to join the server. This is not really a fix i just wanted to contribute what i found out so far. Greetings David
  2. Afaik the SteamCMD command is "app_update 233780 -beta development" for APEX Sneak Peak.
  3. Any known issues with arma linux servers in combination with NAT and portforwarding? Im running the server in a virtual machine and forwarded the ports. Steam API tells me its there with the correct port and stuff but im unable to find it ingame using Direct Connect. @Edit: Distro is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server log:
  4. Thanks for the clarification! I was wondering about this message too.