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About MattyIce01

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    Private First Class

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  1. Sorry, I completely forgot about this thread... Here's a collection of some of the recent test builds and asset WIP photos. Both the STS and DEV projects are now in progress as we're polishing up the first release for the CAG and Optics projects. A lot has been worked on in the last few months, but here are a few bits and pieces to show. STS Grassland Spray WIP Surefire RM45 WIP Another asset to test the new workflow... Not 100% accurate but happy with the results. NSR Muzzle Devices WIP T2 Scalarworks WIP NSR WIP (This was the first major texture pass) Ammo/Mag WIP (Starting making the actual rounds so that by the end of the project the according ammo will be shown in the magazine) Photos From The Recent Test Builds Here's a bonus bit, put this together just to show what to expect when we come around to do the handguns for this project. The materials will probably be redone when it is put in as my workflow progresses. Just wanted to play virtual legos... (This is HEAVY WIP)
  2. Few more photos from the latest test build...
  3. MattyIce01

    Importing smoothing groups from Maya?

    For anyone having this issue in the future, it was importing objects at a master scale of anything other than 1 that was causing this issue. Very strange but at least it's solved.
  4. The project is still underway, optics have just been very time-consuming with the time we have outside of life. Here's a picture from the latest test build...
  5. I work in Maya and for the life of my I cannot get Object Builder to pick up smoothing groups in either fbx or obj format. My best luck has been using the detect angle function in the obj importer to get a halfway decent result. But I'm still getting edges being hard when they should be soft. When using FBX I get all hard edges and when going through blender the smoothing groups look correct but when I export it as a p3d and then open it in OB all the edges are hard again. I've never had issues like this with other games/programs. Does anyone have a clue what is going on? or how to fix it? Any Maya users having this problem? I've tried FBX, OBJ, blender and the 3ds importer with no luck. I'll include images of it in Maya, Blender and then in OB from different methods. from OB imported as FBX(Pink are hard edges)^ Using the detect angle feature of 30 degrees yields the best result but still with issues^ From Blender and Maya^
  6. Reptilia ROF-90 Micro This project was originally started so that I can push myself to learn a new workflow and this Reptilia mount is the first mesh I've created in that workflow. I'm very happy with the first result of this new workflow. Hopefully, the results will only improve from here.
  7. Pictures from the first test build.
  8. One is a single white light switch and the other is a dual switch. It'll just be cosmetically different in the mod.
  9. SureFire Pressure Switches WIP