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About focheur

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    Private First Class

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  1. focheur

    Script respawn vehicles

    Thank you but your script will not be useful, I am trying to modify the current script: s
  2. focheur

    Script respawn vehicles

    It's complicated, I use the mobile BTC MHQ Basic there is a respawn when the MHQ is destroyed, but it respawn basic just with the possibility of MHQ Without arsenal and without the configuration of the vehicles I find dasn the scritp or is the respawn script of mobiles mhq, but I do not know how to modify it so that my vehicles respawn with what I wish. I have 2 mhq mobile, 1 truck and 1 helicopter Here is the current respawn script of the 2 MHQ BTC_vehicle_mobile_respawn = { _veh = _this select 0; _var = _this select 1; _set = _this select 2; _type = typeOf _veh; _pos = getPos _veh; _dir = getDir _veh; waitUntil {sleep 1; !Alive _veh}; _veh setVariable [_set,0,true]; sleep BTC_mobile_respawn_time; deleteVehicle _veh; _veh = createVehicle [_type, (_pos findEmptyPosition [2,200,_type]),[],0,"NONE"]; if(getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _veh >> "isUav")==1) then {createVehicleCrew _veh;}; _veh setDir _dir; _veh setVelocity [0, 0, -1]; _veh setVariable [_set,_var,true]; _resp = [_veh,_var,_set] spawn BTC_vehicle_mobile_respawn; _veh setpos _pos; }; For the truck ( Lima_MHQ ) I wish a respawn with arsenal and the following modifications: _veh = createVehicle ["QIN_Titus_arx20_DES",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["Camo_Woodland",1], ["comp_camonet",0,"comp_wind_grilles",0,"comp_klec",1,"comp_police",0,"comp_police_stripes",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; For the helicopter (Hotel_MHQ) : _veh = createVehicle ["ffaa_nh90_tth_armed",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["EJERCITODETIERRA",1], ["HideExtras",0] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;
  3. focheur

    =BTC= Revive

    Hello, I have a problem and I need your help I use the script. 1 mhq helicopter and 1 mhq truck Both work very well with the arsenal that I add in the init vehicles, but when they are destroyed, they respawn well but without the arsenal and in the basic configuration (camo, color ...) or change that so that the vehicles respawn with the custom parameters and the arsenal? Thank you
  4. focheur

    Script respawn vehicles

    Okey, and to keep the same settings of vehicles? color of the car, number of seats ...
  5. focheur

    Script respawn vehicles

    I use a translator and I do not understand too much ^^ ' Do you have an example? a mission? screenshot?
  6. Hello !! I need your help because I try to respawn vehicles with init (arsenal, vehicle configuration (color, seats ...)) Currently I use the modul of respawn, after destroying the vehicles respawn but without the init, so he respawn the wrong color, without being an arsenal ...) Thank you for your help
  7. focheur

    VCom AI: Script Version

    Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to reduce the mine posited by the enemies? I find in the parameters: ( It is already over 75, so I have a choice between 100 and 0, there is not a middle? for example 50, 25?
  8. focheur

    VCom AI: Script Version

    We use it on our public server, and the CBA is activate, yet I do not activate the command line above and it works very well But if I activate it will be useful only for the person lodged in admin anyway I think Knowing that I use the script version, no need for management by a player 🙂
  9. focheur

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    Yes I did the same, I have all deactivate, activate, delete files ... I always lost session, forced to disable the keys for our public server:
  10. focheur

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    We encounter the lost session problem when we have no launch addon! client side and / or server side!
  11. focheur

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    Hello, I have the same problem too. We did not change our addons nor the keys We have lost session, even when we try without any addons It works if we disable the verification of the keys I deleted the cache file but it still does not work Has also to replace the key ( a3.bikey )with the new one but does not work either We need help ^^
  12. focheur

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Yess nice thanks 🙂
  13. focheur

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hello, say, with us the mission starts all the time of night, but I can not find or change it to start in the morning, thank you
  14. focheur

    VCom AI: Script Version

    Say, the line: class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { VCM_CBASettings = compile call preprocessFileLineNumbers "Vcom \ Functions \ VCM_CBASettings.sqf"; }; is it obligatory?
  15. Hello, I allow myself to ask for help. I create an addon with XXX vehicles, I sign it .... when I am in a game I do not see my vehicles in zeus, yet I see all the rest I said that I have activated all the addon in the module zeus because achilles ares works, rhs, cup ..... My vehicles appears in the arsenal too but not in zeus, why? I must forget to do some things in creating my addon but I do not know what, thank you for your help sorry for my english i use a translator