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About SceptreOfficial

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  1. SceptreOfficial

    Unit Voiceovers

    The original workshop listing has been removed by Gokmen. I will be maintaining the mod for now and I've re-uploaded it so I can publish updates. Gunter's link above is the latest (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1868302880).
  2. Custom Dialog System Current Version: 0.3 Github: https://github.com/SceptreOfficial/Custom-Dialog-System Usage instructions: https://github.com/SceptreOfficial/Custom-Dialog-System/wiki/Instructions CDS is designed to assist mission designers and mod makers by making a dynamic, customizable dialog system without the headache of creating GUI configs. Inspired by the dynamic dialog function from Achilles, CDS is built on usability and simplicity. By using just one function, you can create an interactive dialog and get user input needed for various scripting applications. All feedback is appreciated! Installation Download the latest release of CDS here: https://github.com/SceptreOfficial/Custom-Dialog-System/releases Also on the steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1772626803 If you wish to keep your mods dependancy free, you may use the CDS functions within your own mod under your own tag prefix, but you must follow the terms of the License. License CDS is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screenshots:
  3. SceptreOfficial

    Unit Voiceovers

    Glad you got it working. Some options are currently set up to work after a mission restart, such as the the ambient system settings. Eventually they will be adjustable on the fly... but in the current implementation, any options should be set before the mission begins so stuff works right. Also, new update today to fix a major issue with the call-out function.
  4. SceptreOfficial


    The vanilla CAS modules are now spawning 2 jets on top of each other and killing them.
  5. SceptreOfficial


    Pause the game and there is a field manual menu. The Ares-Achilles field manual is near the bottom.
  6. SceptreOfficial


    Great work so far, Kex. Really love everything you've done. Zeus is reaching its zenith now. Feature request: It would be really nice to be able to adjust the light source brightness and RGB with sliders. Would be useful for creating some ambient light inside houses that doesn't look like the sun from the outside.
  7. I think it broke with the last Arma update. It hasn't been working like it was before. I'd imagine it will be fixed in the next MCC update.
  8. Luckily this mod has stayed pretty functional since its last update. I don't know if the dev has taken a break for awhile or if it is dead, but there is a lot of information on the github page if anyone wants to contribute. I've actually been working on a few of my own custom modules for it. I really love how easy the implementation is. It's been a nice playground to learn and experiment with arma scripting. I really hope Antonstruyk continues work on with this mod. I couldn't enjoy arma as much as I do now without it.
  9. Yes. Larrow made an excellent script for this. See: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182817-how-to-limit-weapons-in-the-arsenal-of-a-box/ Although I haven't been able to figure out how to include the mod icons within the arsenal.