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Everything posted by mihal190

  1. mihal190

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    remember when it was? Also RHS said long ago that there will be only US and RU?, well its RHS they do what they want to do, maybe a little bit later we could see some Sa80 rifles
  2. mihal190

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    IF* up-armored humvees are made, RHS makes what he want's, but your comment confirms that are humvees are in the works?
  3. mihal190

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Looks nice, hey i have question about magazines, do you have any plans to add dynamic mags, like in VTN mod or NiArms?
  4. mihal190

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    for you its meme, for me nice weapon: And i wonder how RHS is going to do their RPK im sure they will do it better for now its just placeholder for our unit
  5. mihal190

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    because noone did it, as i remeber corectly Red Hammer studio do what they want to do, i Still wait for change scope of Sraw, for me works pretty well :p, and for that RPK you mentioned, its done but you need to put a model, really thats all
  6. im polish just i changed it for my polish unit, for these who wonder what that functions does, if you want i will add you credits in config, not only as a author of addon
  7. private ["_vehicle"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; fnc_Sgu_Odrzut = { _vehicle = _this select 0; if {player in {Crew_Vehicle}} then { addCamShake [1.2, 1, 45]; }; }; _vehicle addEventHandler {"Fired",{{{_this Select 0}} call fnc_Sgu_Odrzut;}}; what im doing wrong?
  8. mihal190

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Hey mate, i've got question, is your Hilux variants still can be downloaded i ported hiluxes by myself and i need for my unit some skins, could you send me these? for now we have only 1 skin woodland, im loving your mod, and i need skins for only personal use and if i will ever publish it for my unit i will give you all credits
  9. well, a lot of groups use full RHS because often it dependts on each other
  10. not going to revive it, but im at vacation and i wonder if they fixed it
  11. im not sure, but they could just remove FFV slots and make interiors or not? and animated hatches, seems a lot of work but new model?
  12. about 2, maybe a another variant that have hatches instead of sitting on? Of course if you could, and can, just a idea for you guys
  13. Well, can i request, maybe something odd. RHS had good old FROG uniform in M81 bring it back!, as someone higher said desert set of RHS Russians, i mean 6b23 vests, esspecialy with custom 116sh (???) and maybe if you can desert 6B47, and i last thing maybe some polish WZ?
  14. This guy: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076206933/ (me) wants to help you
  15. mihal190

    Arma 3 Rappeling Mod Help

    you need to put a classnames of VEHICLES not the PBO's or mod name. im pretty sure noone nammed his heli like this
  16. mihal190

    Vanilla Ghosthawk AFM Revision

    fix RHS and CUP AFM!!!!!! thats all we need mate, and this mod is Great MAKE ARMA GREAT AGAIN WITH AFM!
  17. IM IN CREDITS BITCHAS! My first time in credits lol :D
  18. Hey VTN Team, i have kinda stupid or weird question i totaly love your hmmwvs! they are great, but you removed the old GPK Turret, is that old model still avaible, can you PM or share it with me? maybe i could write some addition to add it :)
  19. mihal190

    [WIP] RHS UpArmored Hmmwvs

    Im back, im acctualy bussy but i will post some pics and info here: 1st things i must tell you about i have my small unit named SGU its Multi-National unit :) and im leader of it so i have a lot of work there and next last thing is list of hmmwvs :) [NEW HMMWV] M134 Gatling [NEW HMMWV] M240 [NEW HMMWV] M998A1 HMMWV Cargo/Troop [NEW HMMWV] (Patrol Backpacks on it :)) [NEW HMMWV] Fuel Cans (Interactive) [NEW HMMWV] Armored Doors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. NICE! i was waiting for that now, we need a few things like H-Barier and Sandbags, we have one from ace but , they are useless, you should add a ready fenece of sandbags :)
  21. Idea, for placeable, building maybe? something like Squad ?
  22. mihal190

    [WIP] RHS UpArmored Hmmwvs

    of course, but i need few improvments to Woodland Version of turret, you know, it must be universal for all woodland vehciles, probably it will be dark plain Olive
  23. mihal190

    [WIP] RHS UpArmored Hmmwvs

    Finally get some free time, and here the Crates in trunks :) UPArmored doors will be very soon, because i got lack of free time,
  24. FireWill, can i Reqest moar Turrets :P im loving it, using it on every vehicle, and i request M240 or M134 Gatling ? pleaseee i need it for my mod "RHS UP Armored Hmmwvs"
  25. mihal190

    [WIP] RHS UpArmored Hmmwvs

    i dont know what you mean, im not doing textures, Im using models, you can make UP armored doors/Turrets only wtih models, editing textures doesnt work here