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iV - Ghost

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About iV - Ghost

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  1. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    I'm waiting for the update files from steam for our server but nothing incomming. Could it be a bug? Same problem with the "Reaction Forces" files.
  2. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces

    Is there nothing I can do? I try to open the landing dock by using a script command because I place the USS Takmyr by a script and I want to make it available by seeside.
  3. iV - Ghost

    BIS_fnc_showSubtitle broken?

    Hey, thanks a lot. The game option "subtitle" was the problem. I don't knew that. Now it works fine!
  4. Is the function BIS_fnc_showSubtitle broken? Can't use it and I don't know why it won't work. Testet without Mods or cDLC's. Text in console: ["CROSSROAD", "Mission is a go, I repeat, mission is a go, Crossroad, out."] spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle;
  5. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces

    USS Takmyr How can I handle the doors by a script? I try to open the landing dock.
  6. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces

    Gangway A gangway would be a really nice addition so that's possible to board the big ships from the pier.
  7. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces

    Is it possible to integrate a helipad in the model of the USS Takmyr (Same like the USS Liberty), so ai can find a landingplace?
  8. iV - Ghost

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Project Yulakia

    Yes, very nice map! Unfortunately we have some problems with clipping road parts (collision bug) near the roundabout traffic. Same with a big roof of a border station.
  9. iV - Ghost

    Arsenal: Exit before open

    Yes I'm creating my arsenal with "AmmoboxInit". Having missed the possibility for the condition. Will give it a try. Thx
  10. Is it possible to prevent opening virtual arsenal by using the ArsenalPreOpen eventhandler? I don't want to close display if arsenal is open. Use scripted eventhandler: [missionNamespace, "arsenalPreOpen", { _this spawn { params ["_display"]; ["Arsenal"] call iV_fnc_checkCondition; // Loop }; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; Close display: (uiNamespace getVariable ["RscDisplayArsenal", displayNull]) closeDisplay 1;
  11. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Suppressor compatibility: It would be nice if the weapon "LMG_03_F" could use the short silencers in a future update. Unfortunately, this weapon can currently only use the long standard silencers.
  12. iV - Ghost

    [BUG] lockInventory

    I'm using the addItemCargoGlobal and the addBackpackCargoGlobal command. The containers will be created by the server on missionstart. A way or workaround could be that I set a variable on the locked container and search with nearObjects by using the InventoryOpened Eventhandler. But for now this is not my first choice.
  13. iV - Ghost

    [BUG] lockInventory

    The content of the crate is random and should not be deleted. But my intense was to report the "bug" and hopely get a fix from BI. I have tried to closeDialog 0; by using the InventoryOpened Eventhandler if the crate is lockedInventory. But I failed. Maybe have doing something wrong. Will try again.
  14. iV - Ghost

    [BUG] lockInventory

    If I create a crate and try to lock them with lockInventory so that the players can't get at the content the lock can be bypassed by still being able to access it via Inventory --> Crate on the top left side from the inventory menu. It seems that the lockInventory command only delete the "inventory" addAction but don't lock the container. // CREATE AMMOBOX ON SERVER private _crate = createVehicle ["Box_Syndicate_Ammo_F", position player, [], 5, "NONE"]; [_crate, true] remoteExec ["lockInventory", 0, true];
  15. iV - Ghost

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    I like it! But a radio backpack in the desert camouflage color for the NATO would be a great addition. Maybe something like "B_RadioBag_01_desert_F". 😃