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About Predatorium

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Predatorium

    Combat Patrol

    The first one does work though :) did you name the player P1? I mean i run it on my dedi now and everyone's happy!
  2. Predatorium

    Combat Patrol

    Thanks for all your help guys. I solved it by placing the following code in the units' init fields, giving them different variable names like P1, P2 etc: [] spawn { _pos = (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_finalInsertionPosArr"}; sleep 5; P1 setPosATL _pos; P1 setDir 260; }; Works fine on dedi.
  3. Predatorium

    Combat Patrol

    Well I don't know what to use instead of player, i know it returns null on server but for the life of me I can't figure out what else to use :( I really have no clue what I'm doing but it worked so fine on local host I just wanted help to get it running on a dedicated :)
  4. Predatorium

    Combat Patrol

    Thanks but I was really looking to start simple since I don't really know much of anything about this but am very curious how to make halek's script work on a dedicated. The player variable returns null on dedicated, that's why it doesn't work right? what does one use instead of player? sorry I just like combat patrol but just want that spawn to be in base and I'm in no way able to figure this out myself.
  5. Predatorium

    Combat Patrol

    How would I go about to get this working on a dedicated server? When I try this on local host it works, we spawn in at AO for a second and then we pop up at base at my respawn_west marker. But on dedicated nothing of that happens, we just spawn in at AO like normal. Using this: 0 = (getMarkerPos "respawn_west") spawn {waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_finalInsertionPosArr}}; BIS_finalInsertionPosArr = _this; sleep 10; player setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); };
  6. Predatorium

    how to use CfgRoles

    haha yeah I noticed this 2 am in the morning just staring my bleeding eyes on the wiki page. Very subtle! Works like a charm now. I use it more like what part of the whole team you are, for example one role is named "ground team" with many loadouts and the other is "Air Force" with a jet pilot loadout and a heli pilot loadout.
  7. With the new update of Arma all my respawn loadouts are linked to a role called "Default". I looked at the wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn:_New_Respawn_Screen but I don't get how to link my loadouts to different roles. Maybe someone can explain this to me?
  8. Predatorium

    TAC Vests

    After the latest arma update(1.6) some of the pmc vests are missing like Pointman OD, my favourite :( :( :( Update: it's when you run Tac Vests and Tryk at the same time!
  9. Thank you! It works! :D :D :D
  10. I need your help! Apparantly the wounding system is not JIP friendly. When someone disconnects from our dedicated server and reconnects the wounding system isn't working anymore for that player. He/she gets instakilled instead of agony state(realistic mode is false) and when trying to heal someone no healing bar appears and it goes on and on forever. Any tips on how to solve this?? I've run the AIS test mission with no mods on client and server and the same thing happens!
  11. Predatorium

    TAC Vests

    Why isn't this wonderful mod signed? :( We need the key for our server. What a waste :/
  12. I've tried and tried, but arma crashes everytime, gone over the instructions and making sure im doing it right. The indexing window appears for a split second and then it crashes.
  13. I'm reaching out to you guys! Please! How do we get Hindu Kush indexed and working with this fantastic mod we call ALiVE?? :blush: :icon_hug:
  14. That breaks my heart, love that map. :( if you pros couldn't do it, there's no way I can. Update: I tried indexing the map but arma crashes when I try. Well I tried :/