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About RizlaUK

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  1. RizlaUK

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Hi Genesis, We are keen to try this on our server and if you need any more testers to reports issues, we'd be glad to help with that. Regards Rizla
  2. RizlaUK

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Thanks Genesis, that worked.
  3. RizlaUK

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi, We've added a paradrop script which we want VCOM not to run on, for the pilots, but to still run on the paratroopers after they've jumped. If !(_RandomNum isEqualTo 1) then { [_RandomSpawnPos] Spawn { Params ["_RandomSpawnPos"]; Private ["_Dist"]; _ASL = ASLTOATL _RandomSpawnPos; // Get ATL for sea level. _RandomSpawnPos = [_RandomSpawnPos select 0, _RandomSpawnPos select 1, ((_ASL select 2) - 50)]; Sleep 2; _Helis = _RandomSpawnPos NearEntities [["HELICOPTER"],100]; Sleep 10; {_x addCuratorEditableObjects [_Helis, true]} forEach allCurators; { // { _x setvariable ["NOAI",true]; _x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1, false];} foreach (crew _x); (Driver _x) setvariable ["NOAI",true]; (Driver _x) setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1, false]; } forEach _Helis; // In case more than one heli in the array. Failsafe }; }; We get the following RPT error though. Can anybody help with this please? 22:13:00 Error in expression <iable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",false]; if !(_NoFlanking2) then { _CheckStatus2 = > 22:13:00 Error position: <!(_NoFlanking2) then { _CheckStatus2 = > 22:13:00 Error !: Type Number, expected Bool 22:13:00 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\VCOMAI\Functions\VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarn.sqf, line 81 Thanks a lot. Regards Rizla
  4. RizlaUK

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I must be missing something then, the choppers after initially spawning and displaying "SAD" behaviour, stop and hover and very rarely change from this :(
  5. RizlaUK

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi, Could anybody tell me how to put the nopathing stuff in this script please? params ["_AOPos"]; if ((!alive derp_airReinforcement) && {derp_lastAirReinforcementTime <= (time - derp_PARAM_airReinforcementTimer)}) then { _AOPos params ["_xPos", "_yPos"]; derp_airReinforcement = createVehicle [(selectRandom AirReinforcementVehicleList), getMarkerPos "opforAirSpawn_marker1", ["opforAirSpawn_marker2", "opforAirSpawn_marker3", "opforAirSpawn_marker4"], 50, "FLY"]; createVehicleCrew derp_airReinforcement; derp_airReinforcement lock 2; {_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[derp_airReinforcement], true]} forEach allCurators; private _wp = (group derp_airReinforcement) addWaypoint [[_xPos, _yPos, 1000], 0]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; derp_lastAirReinforcementTime = time; }; Thanks a lot Rizla
  6. Thanks a lot man! Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  7. To be a little clearer, the Multiplayer Lobby normally shows a list of Squads filled with the different roles like Marksman, Grenadier etc. But now it shows like the picture above until you click on Blufor in the top left. It's like it has introduced a extra uncalled for step, which creates confusion when people first join the server. This only happened after editing some of the playable units in the editor. Any advice would be great. Regards Rizla Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  8. Hi, I've been working on a mission file and for some reason when trying it on our server, it doesn't default to Blufor so everybody has to click that first. Like the picture below: https://s29.postimg.org/ciglarax3/20170129220538_1.jpg I'm sure that it's an easy fix but i'm lost. Any idea please? Rizla
  9. Thanks for the example. Forgive me for asking, but for the script part would i need to make that a function and define it in cfgfunctions.hpp? Cheers Rizla
  10. Hi, I have the below parameter in my Description.ext that deals with a percentage of enemies left before a mission completes; class EnemyLeftThreshhold { title = "Enemy Left Threshold"; values[] = {0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05}; texts[] = {"50%", "40%", "30%", "20%", "15%", "10%", "5%"}; default = 0.10; }; Is it possible to make it a range, rather than an exact value? For exmaple; class EnemyLeftThreshhold { title = "Enemy Left Threshold"; values[] = {0.50-0.41, 0.40-0.31, 0.30-0.21, 0.20-0.11, 0.10-0.05}; texts[] = {"50%" - 41%, "40% - 31%", "30% - 21%", "20% - 11%", "10% - 5%"}; default = 0.10-0.05; }; Would this work? Thanks Rizla
  11. RizlaUK

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi, Would anybody know how to copy the custom save file system from Liberation to another game mode please? Regards Rizla
  12. RizlaUK

    Help With Fast Time

    Thank you very much for this and for explaining exactly how to do it. It was really helpful and i appreciate you taking the time to help. *Edit* Out of interest, why is the night time the only time you used OR?
  13. RizlaUK

    Help With Fast Time

    Is this any better? [] spawn { private ["_accelerated_time_day","_accelerated_time_night","_accelerated_time_dawn","_accelerated_time_dusk"]; while { true } do { if (daytime > 04.45 || daytime < 05.30) then { _accelerated_time_dawn = 3; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 3)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dawn; }; if (daytime > 05.30 || daytime < 18.45) then { _accelerated_time_day = 6; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 6;)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_day; }; }; if (daytime > 18.45 || daytime < 19.30) then { _accelerated_time_dusk = 3; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 3)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dusk; }; }; if (daytime > 19.30 || daytime < 05.30) then { _accelerated_time_night = 10; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 10)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_night; }; }; sleep 10; }; };
  14. RizlaUK

    Help With Fast Time

    Is this it? [] spawn { private ["_accelerated_time_day","_accelerated_time_night","_accelerated_time_dawn","_accelerated_time_dusk"]; while { true } do { if (daytime > 04.45 || daytime < 05.30) then { _accelerated_time_dawn = 3; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 3)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dawn; }; if (daytime > 05.30 || daytime < 18.45) then { _accelerated_time_day = 6; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 6;)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_day; }; if (daytime > 18.45 || daytime < 19.30) then { _accelerated_time_dusk = 3; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 3)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dusk; }; if (daytime > 19.30 || daytime < 05.30) then { _accelerated_time_night = 10; if (!(timeMultiplier isEqualTo 10)) then { setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_night; }; }; sleep 10; }; };
  15. RizlaUK

    Help With Fast Time

    OK, I've tried this but it's not working, any advice please? [] spawn { private ["_accelerated_time_dawn","_accelerated_time_dusk","_accelerated_time"]; while { true } do { if (daytime > 04.45 || daytime < 05.30) then { _accelerated_time_dawn = 3; setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dawn; if (daytime > 18.45 || daytime < 19.30) then { _accelerated_time_dusk = 3; setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time_dusk; if (daytime > 19.31 || daytime < 05.29) then { _accelerated_time = 10; setTimeMultiplier _accelerated_time; } else { setTimeMultiplier 6; }; sleep 10; }; };