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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    Cheers Spyder!
  2. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    Fking Arma...
  3. Incontinentia

    C2 -Command And Control

    Seconded! And suppressors. I know the code to do that (suppressors may be a bit hacky!) if it would be helpful mad cheese?
  4. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    I can confirm the loadout manager issue is the same for me!
  5. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Sorry to bump this but would there be a way to feasibly expand the alerted units array to include any Independent unit that is aware of any BLUFOR unit without absolutely tanking performance in a mission with few (sub 10) BLUFOR units?
  6. Incontinentia

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    If you aren't using filepatching, give that a go. Should get rid of the error I think (someone else feel free to correct!).
  7. Incontinentia

    C2 -Command And Control

    Great work Mad Cheese! Thanks for the update.
  8. Incontinentia

    C2 -Command And Control

    You can turn the numpad buttons off by clicking the little numpad icon in the middle of the radial menu I think.
  9. These sound absolutely incredible Lax! Can't wait.
  10. Incontinentia

    Pooter's enhanced ASR AI

    Thanks raptoer! Much appreciated.
  11. Incontinentia

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    And louder too!!
  12. Thanks for the response! Turns out it still doesn't work even if I remove the player knowsabout check though. I've had some progress and I have managed to get the script to work on Dedi by calling it with BIS_fnc_MP in console. However, it doesn't work when executed by the parent script. Basically, I've put this in chaos.sqf: if (100 > (random 100)) then { {if ((side _x) == Independent) then {_x addrating -10000};} foreach allunits; }; And in the parent script (which is executed on completion of an ALiVE auto-generated task), I've got this little nugget to fire it: case "onTaskCompleted": { [[[],"intel\chaos.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM"] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; So why would [[[],"intel\chaos.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM"] call BIS_fnc_MP; work perfectly when executed in the debug console (either locally or on server) and not when called by the parent script? I've also tried [[,"intel\chaos.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM"] call BIS_fnc_MP; with no success. Again, this works fine when executed from the console window though. Scripting is fairly new to me so apologies if the answer is obvious. It works fine in SP and MP, it's just Dedi which is being a pain in the tits. EDIT: It works!! The parent script wasn't initialised properly.
  13. Hi all, I'm trying to create a scenario where there's a chance that independents will turn on either themselves or civilians or both under certain conditions. The script works flawlessly in SP however on Dedicated it does absolutely nothing. It's part of a much larger script that fires when auto-generated mission tasks are completed. if ((100 > (random 100)) && (1 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout player))) then { if ((side _x) == Independent) then {_x addrating -10000};} foreach allunits; }; if ((100 > (random 100)) && (2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout player))) then { {if ((side _x) == Civilian) then {_x addrating -10000};} foreach allunits; player addrating 12000; }; Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
  14. Incontinentia

    C2 -Command And Control

    I think BIS suppression is a bit more reliable to be honest, probably because it's engine level. Not a bad call to switch out the two. As long as you can keep the keybind though, that's really useful. Little feature request while you're on that topic, could you set another keybind to call off suppression (not hold fire, but just knock it off)? It can get a tad confusing in the middle of battle to remember which guy you ordered to suppress and which was moving and remember who to order to stop suppressing and who to start!
  15. Roger, thank you anyway! It's a great mod.
  16. Incontinentia

    Eden/Apex units changing sides ?

    C2 caused this issue for me.
  17. Incontinentia

    AI Lasers without Combat Behavior

    I ended up exchanging lasers for flashlights then using forceon. Not quite as cool but found it difficult to get lasers to work.
  18. Hi Igitur, is there any change of a script version? No worries if not! Just thought I'd ask if it wasn't too much of a pain. EDIT: Or would you permit me to make a script version as long as I don't change anything and attribute it correctly?
  19. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Hi Duda, I'm getting the debug hints but nothing is showing on the map so no AI Command still unfortunately.
  20. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Man this is a fascinating thread for a script newbie like me... Makes me think we need an Arma script-off tournament.
  21. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Hero. Thanks man. Will give this a go when I get back to my PC.
  22. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Hi again Duda! Just wondering if I could trouble you once more (sorry!); is there a way to get Advanced AI Command to initialise during a mission on a dedicated server for all clients rather than at the start? I'm having some issues with ALiVE at the moment which means I need to auto-initialise the server and join once the mission has loaded fully. However, when I join, the scripts above don't work unless I quit and join again. I run my own dedicated server on my machine so I need to start it up again pretty much each time I play. No worries if it's not obvious! Just hoping to tap into your scripting knowledge again if I can. Really enjoying the mod, it's really difficult to play without now! Adds so much to the game.
  23. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    I hope you don't mind but I had a dig around and I'm not sure it has. In the ambience module you've got: class CfgPatches { class COMPONENT { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.60; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"}; author = MOD_AUTHOR; authors[] = {"SpyderBlack723"}; }; }; And should have: class CfgPatches { class COMPONENT { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.60; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"}; author = MOD_AUTHOR; authors = "SpyderBlack723"; }; }; This gets rid of the author/ errors in the editor I think.
  24. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    Hi Spyder, just to let you know, the cfgPatches author change still causes errors when your modules are used in a mission (including latest versions). Think it's the cfgPatches files inside the module PBOs that's making Arma get all uppity. Will give the Loadout Manager a test soon!
  25. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Thanks. I think the confusion is that ALiVE and / or ACE changes the bindings to Ctrl + Alt + Sec Mouse, which works fine.