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Everything posted by FR-Helios

  1. Hello guys, I share my new project, currently WIP. 1st Chapter (10 missions): Release + 5 cooperative missions 2nd Chapter (10 missions): Release TRAILER - Chapter 1: TRAILER - Chapter 2: ***Description*** The American special forces called the Navy Seals are undoubtedly part of the best soldiers in the world. They have never abandoned or renounced in their training as well as in operations. They are predators lethal to their enemies but today they are the target of a new enemy... ***Important Note*** - Make sure to activate ONLY mods required (CBA A3 + CUP Collection). Many mods can disturb your gaming experience ***Features*** - Written and directed by Helios - Single Player Campaign - 3 Chapters, 30 missions - Rich story around the world (Altis, Stratis, Takistan, Chernarus, Zargabad...) - Fully translate (English/French) - Play 6 characters, switch between themselves - Improvement enemy AI (teamwork, reinforcement, CQB...) - Replay value - Unsconscious system and teamplay - Drag body system - Great Atmosphere - Background musics - Several missions adapted for cooperation (Coming soon) ***Credits*** - Abia Dasein, Grimtidings, Pak Benou: english translation - CUP Team and contributors: CUP Addon - giallustio: =BTC= Revive Quick script (improved by me) - POLPOX: Ambiant animations script - BangaBob: Dragbody script - Celery: CLY Jukebox script ***Special big thanks*** - Abia Dasein - ApexDali - Julien Certoux - Antonin de vestel - Jeff Larcher - Frederic Nihus - Ranagash - Nikki Näslund - Nathan Croft - BoltSauce - Alexandre Bouffard Support the project on www.patreon.com/HeliosArmA to help with the full creation of the campaign and its numerous features. Receive on early-access (chapters and missions on beta-test) for my donators. Steam Workshop (Chapter 1 and 2 + Cooperative missions): http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=608963174 ArmaHolic (Chapter 1): Navy Seals - Blood Brothers - Campaign (@) Navy Seals - Blood Brothers - Coop Pack (@)
  2. Hi guys! Big change: chapter 2 intregate in this addon. All-in-One. Play mission 1 at mission 20 :D Chapter 3 work in progress...
  3. - ENGLISH TRANSLATION ADDED !!! Special big thanks at: Grimtidings and Pak Benou :P :P :P
  4. 10 missions. 100 lines per mission. I know it's long and hard work.
  5. Chapter 2: Release Steam Workshop (Chapter 2): http://steamcommunit...s/?id=700249060 Only french
  6. Translator need to translate all frenchs texts. All translators who aborted the project never send a first work or something. I have nothing english translation for chapter 2 :( :(
  7. So, I'm damned... My new translation doesn't give any news about his work (french -> english) :angry: :angry: I decide to release the chapter 2 only french for a first time. If a serious guy want to help me for translate on english, he's welcome. :wub: I'm so sorry for this delay. 3... 3 translators abandon the project without prevent (I love the french community, seriously, I'm so angry)
  8. {deleteMarker _x} forEach allMapMarkers; ;)
  9. FR-Helios

    Error "'author/' is not a value"

    @Mynock, maybe you post this problem in this section: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/153-arma-3-troubleshooting/
  10. FR-Helios

    Error "'author/' is not a value"

    Same problem, hope to will fix.
  11. Hi players, Chapter 2 will be release around 28 may 2016 :) ***currently on translation french -> english*** I'm so sorry for this delay, with my old translator who abort the project...
  12. Informations for my Steam's friends, chapter 2 is release on beta on steam workshop (for only friends) *** Warning, it's beta version, only french available*** english translation work in progress... Please, give me your feedback.
  13. Chapter 2 coming soon :D TRAILER - Chapter 2:
  14. Hi players!!! 2nd chapter is ready :) but my translator (french -> english) don't give any news. I can't wait, so if a player motivate want to translate my 2nd chapter (10 missions), you are welcome. Send in this post or a MP.
  15. Hi devs! I have a big problem with eden editor. I just import my missions.sqm in eden editor (it works fine) But when I build a campaign.pbo (same build as old mission.sqm), I have always the same crash: NavySeals_Chapter1/Campaigns/missions/NS_01.Stratis/mission.sqm, line 0: '.raP': 'â–¡' encountered instead of '=' I precise their missions works fine in a scenary mission (eden) or campaign (if I keep old mission.sqm) Can you help me? Do I have to change my description.ext or others?
  16. Hi guy! When you revive a teammate, he will be prone without weapon several seconds. But he will take his weapon normally after.
  17. Hello guys! First update release! And... 5 cooperative missions :) Changelog: ***Cooperation missions*** - Coop 2 - Not Easy Day - Coop 4 - Winter Russian - Coop 5 - The Longuest Day - Coop 5 - The Longuest Day III - Coop 6 - Sandman ***Campaign*** - Add VCOM AI by genesis92x for all missions - Fixed many errors scripts - Huge FPS optimisation - Fixed crashs memory (mainly Mission 4) - Fixed texts errors
  18. 2nd Chapter (10 missions): Under Construction (Spring 2016) ;)
  19. Hi all players! Announcement: ***Future Update: January 29th 2016 + Missions adapted for cooperation*** Changelog: ***Cooperation missions*** - Coop 2 - Not Easy Day - Coop 4 - Winter Russian - Coop 5 - The Longuest Day - Coop 5 - The Longuest Day III - Coop 6 - Sandman ***Campaign*** - Fixed many errors scripts - Huge FPS optimisation - Fixed crashs memory
  20. Information: ***Future Update: January 30th 2016 + Missions adapted for cooperation*** I will update chapter 1 and try to fix all your bugs. And... 5 missions of this chapter in cooperation :D
  21. Hello mates! First, thanks you so much for your comments!!! :P Anothers mods can confilt with my campaign. Make sure play with only mods required. Yeap, I will change gear and remove all handgun with a assault rifle :) Warning with MCC mod, it can to bugged my campaign.
  22. Hello guy! I prepare a cooperation mission with a script who launch "end mission" when all players connected are a variable "btc_qr_unc". Launch in init.sqf null = [] execVM "Scripts\EndFailed.sqf"; EndFailed.sqf: //All Players Dead chk_dead = { { _playerCount = 0; _downCount = 0; { if (isPlayer _x) then {_playerCount = _playerCount +1; if (_x getVariable "btc_qr_unc") then {_downCount = _downCount +1;sleep 1} }; }; } forEach units SealTeam; if (_downCount == _playerCount) then {ENDFAILED2 = true}; }; [] spawn { while{true} do { sleep 10; [] spawn chk_dead; }; }; It doesn't works, anyone can help me?