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Everything posted by madpat3

  1. madpat3

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    hey, i just saw your submarines. great, great, great .......... XD and this working sonar, wouldn't it be a candidate for the nh90 marine?
  2. AGM-84D: with the new arma feature like terrain following and top attack mode for missiles, would you think about a seaskimming mode and a pop-up attack mode for your anti-ship missile? watch this UGM-84D's realistic behavior:
  3. as far as i know, the AGM-84H SLAM-ER can also lock onto seatargets. with the new arma feature like terrain following and top attack mode for missiles, would you think about a seaskimming mode and a pop-up attack mode for your slammer? watch this UGM-84D's realistic behavior:
  4. madpat3

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    also got some values to be compatible with lesh's towing mod: LESH_canBeTowed=1; LESH_towFromFront=1; LESH_AxisOffsetTarget[]={0,9,-1.6}; LESH_WheelOffset[]={0,-3};
  5. madpat3

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    the ai refuses to lift cargo via waypoint. maybe got something to do with this: when hovering over a liftable object, the object disappears in the SLA monitor. while approaching everything's fine, but when position of the chopper is directly above the object, the indicator disappears.
  6. madpat3

    Redd'n'Tank Vehicles

    could you please tweak the sitting position of the driver in the "Fuchs" a little, so he sits a little bit lower? just a little, so the whole windscreen can be seen by default, without adjusting viewing.
  7. -the german translation for "Range in (m)", "Confirm", Cancel" don't fit in the spaces. And there is a translation mistake for "Set Range". Must be "Entfernung festlegen". -sometimes, the hint "fuse failed" comes up, although the warhead detonated correctly. -and the hint "impact" should also be shown, when the fuse is set to below 40m, not only 0.
  8. madpat3

    German SEM 52 SL for TFAR

    don't you wanna make an offer to the tfar guys, to integrate your radio to their mod? they already got the backpack radios in fleck and tropentarn in their content. your handheld would be a fine addition! and no need for an extra-mod anymore.
  9. yes, please give permission!
  10. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Stringtable.xml https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction
  11. madpat3

    NIArms Release Thread

    cba has integrated "weapon framework" (bold action) but it doesn't seem to work with your AWM rifles, only for the AWC. and i cannot load the magazines from bwa3_mod into your g36 rifles, due to missing compat_pbo, anymore.
  12. where can i edit the exausts?
  13. madpat3

    Redd'n'Tank Vehicles

    i can't figure it out, how to use the rangefinder in the milan. range display always says: Range - - -
  14. yeah! this is missing in their compats!!!
  15. deleted: wrong post
  16. madpat3

    NIArms Release Thread

    hey toadie, i'd like to rename some of the AWC Sniper Rifles (not for public, just internally for our clan). therefor i tried to open the config.bin with arma tools so i can write a cfg patch, but it fails to open it. is there a way to open that config.bin file?
  17. madpat3

    HAFM EC-635 Helicopter

    can you make it compatible with the new arma 3 pylon system?
  18. i took MarineDoors_co.paa MarineMisc_co.paa MarineOuterHaul_co.paa MarineUpperTail_co.paa and retextured them. but the parts that differ from the unarmed and armed version i couldn't retexture. which ones should i use?
  19. thanks, that worked. haven't tested it with simultaniously running both sqf's, but with the onPlayerRespawn.sqf it works. by the way, i've translated it into german language and because of longer words altered the sizes of the textfield and buttons, as well. maybe you can use it and also make it variable with the arma language support. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dtltzpr99dclcbd/MIL_airburstGerman.rar?dl=0
  20. you mean the code i usually put in the initPlazerLocal.sqf, i now have to put in the onPlayerRespawn.sqf? but is it then executed on "first life" as well?
  21. the script doesn't work with respawned units. in MP, when you initially join the mission everything's ok, but when you die and respawn, you lose the abillity to airburst the ammunition type. and you should tweak the del and backspace function, so the curser is positioned left of the 0, after tapping the key.
  22. this isn't my retexture, but it's good to see, which parts cannot be edited (or maybe i'm just too dumb for it;): https://www.dropbox.com/s/90yzqdorcg46s4o/20171019195424_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1cm4g2t194xhg1/20171019195419_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vktbi2pdot3329/20171019195349_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fa6nqsodfg9zxpw/20171019195339_1.jpg?dl=0
  23. the thread of the nh90 has been closed, so i tried to contact you in this thread. i can't provide any screenshots by now, because i deleted my editions, but i try to do it again. basicly it could be all the .paa's in the "marine" folder besides from: marineDoors, marineOuterHaul, marineMisc, marineUpperTail i'll report in later, after i reconfigured my retextures.
  24. false alert. everything works fine now. maybe my fault or maybe arma (it fucks us all ;) i'll keep you informed of any further bugs.
  25. i don't know. maybe it's a bug somehow. on second try on dedicated, it works now... standby...