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About ducksonshrooms

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, hopefully this is posted to the right section of the forum. I wanted to look into getting a dedicated server suitable for hosting a TS, an ARMA 3 server and possibly a website. For a while we've been hosting through my friends computer and it isn't suitable for our needs anymore. However I know nothing about how to shop for dedicated servers, I don't know which providers have the best performance to price ratio and service and stuff, so I come here asking for people with experience to help. I don't mind splerging on the price TOO much, (hopefully not more than 150 bucks but I don't know anything about dedicated server costs, so who knows maybe I'm in for a surprise) I just want everyone to play at a good framerate and with a good connection. The location doesn't matter but most of our players are in America and I don't know how much having a EU server would effect performance, but if it doesn't effect performance at all than that would be fine. For now I only have 20-25 people to provide for, but it may bump up to 40-50, so hopefully it would be really decent. Thanks for any recommendations or answers you can provide.
  2. ducksonshrooms

    Squad commands with Zeus?

    Questions self explanatory, I hop into a squad leader with Zeus Remote Control, use the 1/f1/scroll wheel to try to issue commands to my squad, and they have nothing. Is there some kind of option or setting or even an addon or script I can download that will allow this? was hoping to do some ambushes on my friends by splitting the AI squad into a blocking element and assault element, using HOLD FIRE -> FIND COVER -> OPEN FIRE like I do in the editor and SP scenarios, but none of this is available in remote control mode and without these features I find the ambushes I pull off with the AI are way less coordinated, effective, or impressive to behold.
  3. I searched around but found no answer, I was wondering if anyone knew why my MCC mission generator covers my MCC zone with a dark square like in my picture? I can't see any of the details or buildings in the zone unless I squint really hard
  4. Thanks a lot Larrow this works like a charm!
  5. ducksonshrooms

    Creating a Deathmatch-Team Deathmatch

    I'm working on TVT style map also and used this page to create TDM ticket counters http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=24433 specifically the code here DESCRIPTION.EXT class Header { gameType = TDM; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 16; }; respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 5; respawnDialog = 1; respawnVehicleDelay = 240; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"EndMission","Counter","MenuPosition"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"EndMission","Counter","MenuPosition"}; Author = "ZiiP Vredesbyrd with thanks to Sho, Stapo, Moricky and Kylania"; init.sqf if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; }; enableSaving [false, false]; //Ends the mission when West or East have scored more than X - in this case 2 //Credit to Stapo for Ultimate Team Deathmatch code _endmission = false; while {NOT _endmission} do { { if ((scoreSide WEST >= 2) || (scoreSide EAST >= 2)) then { _endmission = true; }; } forEach allUnits; }; "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;
  6. I am not ... I wanted the mission to be as accessible as possible so I can throw it up on steam workshop , thus I'm using only vanilla content. (Except for MCC as a 3D editor)
  7. Hey there, new to the game and the forum, only really started playing ARMA because of watching all my sons twitch streams and playing Altis Life with him, only recently decided to sit down and explore the other aspects of the game and I've been really pleased to find the editor. I messed around with it the first few hours, looking up youtube videos on how to do basic things, and next thing I know I was lost in making my own mission. I really love this thing, been on the editor for 2 days straight almost now and it remidns me of making campaigns/dungeons for D&D back in the day. Anyways enough exposition, the post topic pretty much explains it all, I've ran into a mission making snag, I've searched on google and the forums but have been unsuccessful in finding specifically what I needed. Pretty much I need to know how to make a HVT capture mission where BOTH sides can capture/recapture the HVT from eachother and be able to load the HVT in a vehicle or make the HVT join their group so they can command the HVT to enter the vehicle. I've found PLENTY of scripts for HVT/hostage capture but none that are TvT specific that allow both teams to fight over control of the HVT. I had originally wanted to make a mission where Blufor has to protect a fuel jerry can that opfor had to steal to refuel their escape helo but couldn't figure out how to do that or turn the Jerry can into an object that can enter your inventory, or how to create a refueling mission so I settled for an HVT being the mission mcguffin, but if anyone can help with that instead and thinks that would be easier I'd love to know that instead Any help is appreciated and thanks beforehand
  8. ducksonshrooms

    [SP/COOP 05] PURPLE NIGHT (Stealth mission)

    surely theres something that you can put in a unit init to make it less aware? something similar to spotdistance and spottime?
  9. ducksonshrooms

    Immersion Cigs

    need a mod for chewing some Copenhagen next for max tobacco realism.
  10. ducksonshrooms

    Arma 3 Eden Editor Sneak Preview Live Stream

    finally, hope its better then MCC+Zeus as a 3D editor.