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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. Hopefully, your files were stored in the cloud. It might be best to release the modules of the framework.....like Virtual Depot, and Virtual Armoury, to keep moving forward. Let people test and use the modules, as you work on getting your systems back up. It sounds like it will be several months now until PO4 sees beta.
  2. SOMEBODY get that man a computer, STAT! There's an emo for that....
  3. Oh yea, one other thing..... The crate doesn't spawn at the exact marker location. You have to find it. And if it is open wooded grounds, good luck with that. We've spent many minutes scouring the landscape. Hint: Always look for the 4 man fire team to be guarding it.
  4. I've seen this before. Sometimes the crate spawns underneath the floor, in a container, or rock. Keep calm, and cancel the mission. Amazing PO3 still runs after 3 years of updates to Arma.
  5. Wow, it's been awhile since Roy shaved. Must be hard at work.
  6. Good Day Roy, Just want to verify before I go off and build my Virtual Armoury, is the below format for "class Armoury" correct? ///////////////////////VIRUAL ARMORY class CfgVirtualArmoury { enableFullArmoury = 0; // Gear Restricted assignRoles = 2; // 0-Init Script only, 1-Admins only, 2-Admins & Squad Leaders }; class CfgRoles { class garrison { side = 1; displayName = "Garrison"; icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\private_gs.paa"; limit = 1; crewman = 0; // Enables Armour Operation pilotHeli = 0; // Enables Helicopter Operation pilotPlane = 0; // Enables Aircraft Operation medic = 0; // Enables Medic Capability engineer = 0; // Enables Field Repair explosiveSpecialist = 0; // Enables Explosive Handling HALO = 0; // Overrides HALO Restriction class Armoury { weapons[] = { }; magazines[] = { }; items[] = { }; linkedItems[] = { "H_Beret_02", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio" }; uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; backpack = ""; }; }; }; BTW you spell Armoury wrong... it's Armory. You probably use a "u" in colour as well. LOL! J/K. J/K. Too many Gin and Tonics.
  7. Hi Roy, I have a question on "setting a position", for the task framework. I have a bunch of 5 x 5 km square markers on the map to create zones. I.E. "zone_1", "zone_2", etc. etc. etc. How do I randomly select one using "positionSearchTypes"? "zone_%1"? class My_Task_1 { positionSearchTypes[] = {"Town","Village"}; positionSearchRadius = 1000; positionNearRoad = 1; }; Additionally, would it be possible to select a random position based on type of structure? For example, I want to randomly select the structure "land_offices_01_v1_F" on the map for a raid. Thanks in advance!
  8. is I want to report the download links on the wiki still say "Not Available"!
  9. oh yea.... Plan on creating a full suite of missions base on 3-21 with the framework. Going to be tough with some of them, like exploit. I'll work the easy ones first, like movement to contact, or destroy. I hope to create some patrols that could take up to 2 to 4 hours to complete. Altis has some great terrain for it. The four parent missions are Offensive, Defensive, Patrolling, and Tactical. Each parent mission consist of a series of child tasks. Offensive missions have 4 child tasks: Movement to Contact Attack Exploit Pursuit Defensive missions have 3 child tasks: Area Mobile Retro Patrolling missions have 7 child tasks: Area Ambush Point Ambush Raid Area Recon Route Recon Zone Recon Security patrol Tactical missions have 5 child tasks: Breach Defeat Destroy Seize Supress
  10. I am in total agreement, Axion. And do so on my server. I look at it from the realistic point of view. First, I was never given a unlimited type of weapons and quantity when I served. I was given a M16. That's it. Not even a pistol. Those were for gunners on crew served vehicles. If you wanted an AK-47 you had to find it on the battlefield, and it was illegal to have it. All war materials were required to be turned in. A scout platoon loaded up their Bradley IFV with weapons they found. They all got busted. I don't know about restrictions on PO3. I ripped VAS out, and replaced with BI's VA. I now use roles and load outs with the built in respawn/position system. I want to see what Roy cooks up in the virtual armory system as far as interface. Everything I am doing revolves around ATP 3-21.8, US Army Infantry Platoon and Squad, including weapons, and equipment.
  11. BI also has mobile re-spawn built in the module system. Just drop a re-spawn position module, and sync to a vehicle.
  12. OUTSTANDING! True AIR LAND SEA Battles. I never liked using air because of the power it welds. It's no fun for ground troops when the Fly boys are just shooting up the AO. With this, I have no problem letting players use aircraft if they are going to be challenged. CAP and CAS. Love it.
  13. Hi Roy, Just curious, what do you plan to charge for this product, your investing so much of your time on? How long have you been doing this? Since Patrol Ops 1, correct? Zero dollars right? Keep up the good work.....Thanks for your efforts.
  14. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    I'll try and do some testing, capture the exact moment it happens. I could speculate, but that does do anyone any good.
  15. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Hi Phronk, Just some feedback..... I like your thinking on Command vs. Side. I shut off "side" every chance I get, along with any "global" channels, if possible. In regards to Dynamic Groups, that is sad to hear. I use dynamic groups since it is a groups management system built in to the game. Now that said, I am waiting for Patrol Ops 4 and A3 Framework to be released, and see what groups management Roy86 is using. In addition to above, the continuous static bug is a script killer, and caused me to pull your product. I would make that your number 1 priority. Form follows Function. If not fixed already, please fix that, as it really kills your great idea and script. You have a wonderful script. I do not like using mods on my server. And this product fills a sorely needed gap in Arma 3. I thought BI was going to revamp the comms.
  16. Dude, don't post stuff like that....... My acid reflux is back now. I've completely ran PO3 into the ground, and have resorted to running APEX coop.
  17. Hey Roy, That's amazing! It looks really great. Question on the task system.... Can I randomize child tasks under a parent task? I.E. Parent Task is "Conduct Offensive Operation", Child Tasks are "Attack", "Exploit", or "Pursuit". System would randomly chose one. Thanks in advance, BH_6
  18. IMHO, I think Virtual Depot is using the function of BIS_fnc_garage, so BIS updates hopefully won't impact too much. Knock wood. Additionally, since it is using functions already built in game, building these features are fast, using minimum bytes. Get a basic idea of how it works, go into editor, and paste this into a vehicles init. From the wiki for BIS Function Garage this addAction ["Open Garage",{ _pos = player getPos [30,getDir player];_vehicle = createVehicle [ "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; ["Open",[ true, _vehicle ]] call BIS_fnc_garage; }]; It's pretty cool.... Remove doors, change paint scheme. Of course Roy's has a hell of lot more going on.....
  19. Punctuation SAVE LIVES! Let's eat Grandma! Let's eat, Grandma!
  20. Fantastic! I will be able to keep moving forward with it's creation if I can check it prior to release. Thanks for the debug.....I would have spent days trying to figure that one out! LOL
  21. Did you set the allegiance? MP Editor ----> Attributes ----> General ----> Misc. ----> Independents Allegiance. Click on the icon BLUFOR or OPFOR.
  22. I'm already working on a set of custom tasks. Everything I am doing is coming out of ATP 3-21.8 (FM7-8). Is the A3 Task Framework Documentation complete? I am checking daily. //O=Offense D=Defense P=Patrol T=Tactical class CfgMissionTasks { class AWG_O_MoveToContact { scope = 1; // 0,1,2 typeID = 0; //0,1,2 positionSearchTypes[] = {"Town","Village"}; positionSearchRadius = 1000; positionNearRoad = 1; class TaskDetails {}; parent = "" title = "Offensive Operation: Movement to Contact"; class TaskDetails { description[] = { "<font>Ref: %1</font> | <font>Date: %2<br/>AO: %3 %4 near %5</font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Brief:</font> <font> A movement to contact may result in a meeting engagement, which is a combat action occurring when a moving force engages an enemy at an unexpected time and place. Once making contact with an enemy force, the leader has five options: attack, defend, bypass, delay, or withdraw. Two movement to contact techniques are search and attack, and cordon and search.</font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Action:</font> <font> Text Here</font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Enemy:</font> <font> Text </font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Note:</font> <font> Text Here</font>" }; iconType = "C"; iconPosition = "positionOffset"; textArguments[] = {"randomCode","datetime","worldRegion","worldName","nearestTown","factionBLUshort","factionOPFshort"}; }; class Environment { time = "Dawn"; fog = 1; force = 1; }; class Markers {}; class ChildTasks { class Option1_Attack {}; class Option2_Defend{}; class Option3_Bypass {}; class Option4_Delay {}; class Option5_Withdraw {}; }; class Objective { class Succeeded { condition = "_childTasksComplete"; }; }; }; class AWG_O_Attack { scope = 1; // 0,1,2 typeID = 0; //0,1,2 positionSearchTypes[] = {"Town","Village"}; positionSearchRadius = 1000; positionNearRoad = 1; class TaskDetails {}; parent = "" title = "Offensive Operation: Attack"; class TaskDetails { description[] = { "<font>Ref: %1</font> | <font>Date: %2<br/>AO: %3 %4 near %5</font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Brief:</font> <font>An attack destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both. Attacks incorporate coordinated movement supported by direct and indirect fires. They may be decisive or shaping operations and hasty or deliberate, depending upon the time available for assessing the situation, planning, and preparing. </font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Action:</font> <font> Text Here</font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Enemy:</font> <font> Text </font>" ,"<font size='16' color='#FFC600'>Note:</font> <font> Text Here</font>" }; iconType = "C"; iconPosition = "positionOffset"; textArguments[] = {"randomCode","datetime","worldRegion","worldName","nearestTown","factionBLUshort","factionOPFshort"}; }; class Environment { time = "Dawn"; fog = 1; force = 1; }; class Markers {}; class ChildTasks {}; class Objective { class Succeeded { condition = "_ParentTaskComplete"; }; }; }; class AWG_O_Exploit {}; class AWG_O_Pursuit {}; class AWG_D_AreaDef {}; class AWG_D_Mobile {}; class AWG_D_Retro {}; class AWG_P_Raid {}; class AWG_P_Ambush_Point {}; class AWG_P_Ambush_Area {}; class AWG_P_Security {}; class AWG_P_Recon_Area {}; class AWG_P_Recon_Route {}; class AWG_P_Recon_Zone {}; class AWG_T_Breach {}; class AWG_T_Defeat {}; class AWG_T_Destroy {}; class AWG_T_Seize {}; class AWG_T_Supress {}; };
  23. Hey Dirty, I threw a Tanoa version of PO3 on my server, and have been running. Both defend missions are working ok. The only issue I see is the counter attacks after the first wave do not announce. The missons complete after hunting down every living thing in a 1 km radius. Including units spawning in on opposite shores. Make sure you destroy all vehicles as well.
  24. Man... Wiki is looking good. I like the choice of either dynamic position or specific positioning of the task. Either slog your way through 100 meters patch at a time or bounce all over the place. You could turn a combat patrol of a single valley into a hours or day long event. Digging out the old FM 7-8.