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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. I'll load up the default and check it.
  2. Biki is your friend..... Invaluable souce. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/faction GUER
  3. Hi Snake, There are issues with ReviveMP and RespawnMP. Roy is working to correct them. If you haven't please submit feedback at Roy's Feedback Tracker for Patrol Ops 4.0 . Press escape, and select respawn from the menu. It will bring up the respawnMP system.
  4. Hi Jnr, There are a couple of ways to do it. Add the class they are in. Or add the individual names of the object. If you haven't looked at the config viewer, I suggest you do so, when building the depot. It helps streamline classes and names. You may not have to add every vehicle name if they belong to a certain class. Not sure on the FactionType. I am not in front of my system. I think you can leave it as BLU. [this,["I_Heli_light_03_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F"],"FactionTypeBLU"] call MPSF_fnc_createVirtualDepot; Pylon parameters are in the parameter file.
  5. Is this Patrols Ops related? Or is somehow your messages are showing up here?
  6. I did the process last night, working with Crazy on discord. I ran Altis, and compared with Roy's Altis.hpp. Very close in size, and line numbers. I am putting together a step by step guide. I have a feeling this will be a popular process. Once I run it by someone on discord, then I'll post it up here. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow the latest. Your island sounds very interesting. Looking forward to final product. I am interested once PO4 is finalized(is it ever really finalized), and released, importing some terrains. I want to start from scratch and work with the MPSF Framework only.
  7. Hi Dragon, Are u on discord? There are a couple folks there who have ported to new maps. They would be able to help. Jump on this discord channel. Which island are you porting to? I haven't done it yet, but maybe I could try it. I want to learn the process. I am not trying to speak for Roy, but I know he is busy trying to get to final version.
  8. I think the goal is to encourage users to port maps themselves, then create a central repository for all to use. If you want add a map look here.
  9. A more elegant solution to above is the following: From Discord Roy86: 1. Copy the CHHQ.sqf to your mission directory. 2. Place the following line in the init.sqf file: ["MyCustomEvent","onDeployVehicle",{(_this select 0) execVM "CHHQ.sqf";}] call MPSF_fnc_addEventHandler; 3. When you deploy a Hunter from the vehicle depot, it will add the action to "Deploy TOC" to the action menu. 4. To make the Hunter a PO4 MHQ respawn point, edit the configuration.sqf the root of the mission folder, add the vehicle to MHQVehicles[]. class CfgRespawnMP { enabled = 1; MHQvehicles[] = {"B_MRAP_01_F","B_Heli_transport_01_F"}; class west { respawn[] = {"Base","Group","Rallypoint","Wave","Counter","Spectator","Trigger"}; respawnTimer = 10;//120; redeploy[] = {"Base","Group","Halo","Rallypoint"}; redeployVehicles[] = {"Base","Halo"}; redeployDelay = 10; };
  10. I don't think it's the actual rotation. I think it's a timing thing. Close the module too fast and it doesn't pick up the MHQ.
  11. Hi Vengeance, Post the code where you added the vehicle to make it a MHQ please. I found that sometimes when selecting a vehicle that has been designated MHQ, if you rotate your view around the vehicle it works. Very strange I know. But I've had times where I select the vehicle, and leave the depot , and I don't get the message a MHQ +5 points. I learned that if I rotate my view in the depot, it works. Try it. In regards to rallypoint, that may be part of squad mod, and is not available. There are functions that are not up and running yet.
  12. TIP OF THE DAY! To restrict vehicles in the vehicle depot.....edit the command line in the game logic for that depot. To spawn full air vehicles for BLUFOR: [this,["Helicopter","VTOL_01_base_F","Air"],"FactionTypeBLU"] call MPSF_fnc_createVirtualDepot; To spawn helicopters only for OPFOR: [this,["Helicopters"],"FactionTypeOPF"] call MPSF_fnc_createVirtualDepot;
  13. I've created a mobile "Mission Operations Center" that deploys from a Hunter. This allows you to take the MOC with you, and you don't have to return to base. This is not a mobile respawn point. See step 4 for that. You can do other vehicles, but that requires you tweak the position of the objects, or use Champ's CHHQ script position finder. 1. Download this script CHHQ.sqf, and place in your mission directory. 2. Place Hunter on map and add this line to the init. null = [this] execVM "CHHQ.sqf"; 3. Place a Vehicle Respawn Module and sync it to the vehicle. Add the following to the "Expression" field of the module. (_this select 0) execVM "CHHQ.sqf"; 4. Optional. To create a mobile respawn point, place a respawn position module near the vehicle, and sync it to the vehicle.
  14. LOL, I noticed the directory structure and file changes....for the better. Less confusing to me.
  15. cfgSides.hpp = cfgFactions.hpp
  16. Yes you can restrict arsenal. I didn't use Roy's solution. I used BI VA and some scripts from LARROW. Vehicles can be restricted as well. What I did was, I got the base class name from the config viewer in the editor, then edited the command in the game logic on the map. It's pretty straight forward.
  17. Hi Dave, Please provide feedback here. That is the best way to help Roy fix issues. http://feedback.roy86.com.au/my_view_page.php You have to have the correct trait to repair vehicles, and a tool kit. See my post above to add roles, or edit the roster and put a repair specialist on the map. You can tow vehicle back to the vehicle depot and repair them. I think there is an issue with revive system, roy will have to fix.
  18. To add Role selection to the Virtual Armory..... add #include "configuration\cfgRoles.hpp" to the configuration.hpp in the MPSF directory. it will give an error but still functions to happen, like engineer and explosive specilist. I don't think it ready until squad mod.(edited)
  19. I believe the script is set for 80% chance of them dropping intel. Look at the encounter scripts in tasks. Set dropIntel = 1.0; and test.
  20. Hi JD, I can answer some of your questions.... I believe the roles will be part of Squad Module, which is not released yet. To use RHS faction and vehicles, try and edit the file cfgFactions.hpp in \MPSF\configuration. I used VCOM as part of the closed beta test. It did not seem to break anything. I created opfor mortar teams, and the would setup and engage with mortars. Fun! I use Engimas Traffic Script with an insurgency mission. Try it. Shouldn't hurt anything.
  21. Congrats Roy on the release. It's been a long row to hoe....
  22. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Hi Phronk, I am getting this error at the start of mission. I looked at the positions in the demo mission. No variable name "RTO". Am I missing something? I have been able to test online yet. 17:08:50 Error in expression <("ItemRadio"in assignedItems _PLR&&_PLR getUnitTrait"RTO")exitWith{ switch(side > 17:08:50 Error position: <getUnitTrait"RTO")exitWith{ switch(side > 17:08:50 Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "RTO" 17:08:50 File C:\Users\Blackheart_Six\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\Insurgency.Altis\AFAR\f\RTO.sqf, line 3
  23. I'm getting this error randomly. Imagine it's when it call h2b_1 file. Don't see it anywhere else. Saw this in .2 as well. 15:20:26 Error in expression <180; _table attachTo[_house,[7,.35,.8]];_pTable setDir 270; _radio attachTo[_hou> 15:20:26 Error position: <_pTable setDir 270; _radio attachTo[_hou> 15:20:26 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ptable 15:20:26 File C:\Users\Blackheart_Six\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\Insurgency.Altis\PF\A3\h2b_1.sqf, line 37
  24. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    I set mine up like the demo mission. I haven't tested this version yet. The only issue comes if you have a mission calling the same class from a different file. Just be aware of that. The editor will let you know.
  25. Using on my server.... Observation: 1. When there is only one player, all the furniture disappears when the player dies and re-spawns, then the script is triggered again when he spawns in, and the furniture reappears. 2. When the furniture spawns it has to orient it self to the house with correct azimuth. There is a delay between the furniture spawning in, and the correcting for orientation, leaving furniture sticking out walls, and in the wrong position.