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About SSG-Levi

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    Private First Class

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  1. I've tried ArmA3 on my 2017 Dell XPS13 which is a similar class laptop, but with current gen. HW, The game runs, but I wouldn't use it for demanding scenarios or large MP games. The graphics needs to be lowered and the frame rates are positioned at about 25fps on an empty map in the editor. I've also tried it on a local server in a low scale infantry mission and the overall responsiveness of the keyboard and mouse is very different compared to my Desktop.
  2. SSG-Levi

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We've used to carry 8 mags during long or high probability fire-fights missions. On standard patrols and such we were carrying 6 in the vest + 1 in the M4, so 8 mags is not so much. At least when you know you might use some of them and resupply will take some time.
  3. New UH60s looks great! thanks
  4. SSG-Levi

    MK20 SSR

    Beautifully SCAR models good luck
  5. OK thanks. Will it be possible to see the folded state of the plane in the editor in the Echo version?
  6. Can anyone tell me the init. command for the E2C Hawkeye "wing folding" command? I'm trying to place a packed Hawkeye on the new CVN83 carrier but it doesn't automatically packed on mission start as it was on the Nimitz or on the ground. Thanks.
  7. SSG-Levi

    Folding rotors

    During game you should have an action menu option. In the editor: For CUP helis, look at their website's FAQ section for a list of init scripts for each heli. For RHS helis, you can just double click on them and in the bottom of the dialogue box you will have a checkbox for folding rotors.
  8. SSG-Levi

    Folding rotors

    During game you should have an action menu option. In the editor: For CUP helis, look at their website's FAQ section for a list of init scripts for each heli. For RHS helis, you can just double click on them and in the bottom of the dialogue box you will have a checkbox for folding rotors.
  9. Ticket created - T2004 Thanks.
  10. Thanks Chairborne! for anyone interested, the full command is: null=[this,1] execvm "\CUP\AirVehicles\CUP_AirVehicles_MH60S\Data\Scripts\MH60S_fold.sqf"; is there a way to execute the init command in the EDEN editor so it will be visualized/executed before previewing the mission?
  11. Thanks for the new update! nice to see the inclusion of the new MELBs among the other additions. Any chance to get the MH-60 packing init command? Thanks.
  12. Are you trying to fix the orientation issue (making it face north)? or the "spawning 50m west every restart" bug? Maybe try to have it face in a certain direction first, in order to isolate the issue. If you could "dumb down" the script to have a main variable for direction instead of the trigonometric function - 0, 90, 180 and 270 deg. Or a fixed direction (90deg.) Maybe it will help. The original A2 version also only supported 90 and 270deg. But the translation issue seems new to A3.
  13. SSG-Levi

    Are vehicles supposed to be realistic too?

    Some of the issues you've mentioned might be related to joystick calibration and keybinding. Try to open the windows controller maneger and check that your stick is centered. After that, hop in the Comanche helicopter and see if your throttle range is from 0 to 100% in the HUD If it does, check that your jet controlls are the same as your helicopter controlls. I'm personally bind the jet positive throttle axis to the stick's throttle and the negative to an "air brake" button.
  14. SSG-Levi

    JETS DLC Wishlist

    The X47/UCAV they show in the video actually have a tail hook and hinged wings, shown as separate models - which can indicate that they're both can be animated. as well as the front gear part that attaches to the carrier catapult on both new NATO jets. also, the F18/22 hybrid has "NAVY - USS Freedom" written on it. the motion capture guy does look like he's doing the carrier takeoff moves. Static carrier confirmed? :)