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    UAV (MQ-1*MQ-4 * MQ-9 * Predator C)

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  1. 13/6/2016 Unfortunatly No Update.... No Fix ......
  2. PLZ....PLZ USE Persian(Iran Air Force) Texture ..... ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat http://8pic.ir/images/tg3qi09gepwyo7mrpxq9.jpg http://8pic.ir/images/uqeboitwrjneqrpntgpb.jpg http://8pic.ir/images/05tvocpz8crctmaic6ks.jpg http://8pic.ir/images/8lrvyax5xmeidaqqdg6s.jpg http://8pic.ir/images/m97b5p4cwbotx4w9psmw.jpg
  3. USE .... FIR AWS US - AirWeaponSystem US/NATO Script Mod (JDAM Bomb & GBU 31 Best Explosion Sound & Effect & Reality Smoke After Impact)
  4. Haloo My friend...come to this topic it's New ...for After Relase Predator C https://forums.bistu...-uav/?p=2921315
  5. Special Tnx Apex Team... i am very Happy :D ...best day in my life...after 6 monthes plz Make Mangment App(UAV Station) for Arma3 same this app http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2377 ..for example(different Alt level):500m..... 1000m...1200m ...1500m ..1750m..1800m ...1900m..and more zoom level Camera same MQ9 In USAF Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25512 Fix:JDAM+Glide Bomb No Explosion & Impact Sound and Bad Smoke Eeffect Unfortunatly Fix: GBU 24 Not Work Some Times & No Explosion Sound & 1 question... Why ..Hellfire Missile Only Impact in direct way(Full Lock)??...it's Very hard and so bad way for Windy wheather in arma 3...shake the camera ..and we should ..lock the person(Ctrl+T) ...and go to pilot Camera...manual Fire...after 7 minute ...you best postion for fire the hellfire missile...& enemy target Escape Operation Zone (Soldier or Car...Tank) .7 minute for kill 1 soldier by hellfire missile...it's very bad ...MQ4a+Mq9(USAF Mod New Update).missile Follow the Laser... Follow anyway anypostion anyAngel (i know It's Not real but In Reality UAV Lock On Targets and fire immediatly in Loiter:1250~1500 (Angel 90 degree) less than 15 Secend ..Destroyed Target....See Real Clip in Youtube ...Plz Use Orginal Uav Hellfire Script My Dream UAV Mod in Arma 3 ...Reach 100% UAV Simulator because Arma3 is a Simulator ..it's Not Game..it's Not Battlefield 4... :) and Always You have service menu by This Bug... http://8pic.ir/images/gbk3jsui2ei7393vr6t3.jpg http://8pic.ir/images/ww2rms33fcfj5t7u3icn.jpg :)
  6. Tnx... i am very Happy :D ...best day in my life
  7. Kyori Always Offline plz Tell me..Predator C Relese date? :confused: