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Everything posted by Ilias38rus

  1. Then how it is in AIS? --------------------------- Oh, sorry it isn't there, but it shood be possible somehow.
  2. Hi, i have a collection of mods and scripts for my games and is one problem-i don't have anything what extending medical system, i would really appropriate if anyone can give me something to satisfy the requirements: 1. All units ``(pl.., ais) beginning |'ingured'|1 `'(like in arma 2 `when you are staying prone and can't change magazine or weapon) if ~ their health are < 0.01 but last damage was < 0.3. 2. |1| and dead units can be dragged, carried, loaded in,out vehicles. | | \/ 3. Can order ai to |'_'|. 4. Can order medics with medkit heal |1| units. 5. Ai s.l. ordering | \/ |2 around their squad if their squad are |scripting's marked ```(in array or have a value or ..)|. 6. |2| automatically around them ```(close).
  3. Hi, i have a collection of mods and scripts for my games and is one problem-i don't have anything what extending medical system, i would really appropriate if anyone can give me something to satisfy the requirements: 1. All units ``(pl.., ais) beginning |'ingured'|1 `'(like in arma 2 `when you are staying prone and can't change magazine or weapon) if ~ their health are < 0.01 but last damage was < 0.3. 2. |1| and dead units can be dragged, carried, loaded in,out vehicles. | | \/ 3. Can order ai to |'_'|. 4. Can order medics with medkit heal |1| units. 5. Ai s.l. ordering | \/ |2 around their squad if their squad are |scripting's marked ```(in array or have a value or ..)|. 6. |2| automatically around them ```(close).
  4. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    A3 Wounding System modified: init.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { stm = trye; TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; _ls = { while {stm} do { { [_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf") } forEach allunits; sleep 1; }; waituntill {stm}; call _ls; }; call _ls; }; giving Dying if couldn't survive after the damage tyrnable Dragging yes Carrying yes Unloading from vehicles auto Loading in vehicles no Ai beginning unconscious yes Order ai to heal yes Order ai to drag yes Order ai to carry yes UAV controllied ai healing yes UAV controllied ai dragging yes UAV controllied ai carrying yes Ai healing players yes Ai healing ai yesDragging bodies no Carrying bodies no if to add here interaction with vehicles that would be great (if someone can handle | advise | say some other mod with all the capabilities and the |\/|). Drag Dead Body Script Dragging bodies yes Carrying bodies no Loading bodies in vehicles no Anyone can handle | advise | say some other mod with all the capabilities and Carrying bodies, Loading bodies in vehicles?
  5. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    A3 Wounding System modified: init.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { stm = trye; TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; _ls = { while {stm} do { { [_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf") } forEach allunits; sleep 1; }; waituntill {stm}; call _ls; }; call _ls; }; giving Dying if couldn't survive after the damage tyrnable Dragging yes Carrying yes Unloading from vehicles auto Loading in vehicles no Ai beginning unconscious yes Order ai to heal yes Order ai to drag yes Order ai to carry yes UAV controllied ai healing yes UAV controllied ai dragging yes UAV controllied ai carrying yes Ai healing players yes Ai healing ai yesDragging bodies no Carrying bodies no if to add here interaction with vehicles that would be great (if someone can handle | advise | say some other mod with all the capabilities and the |\/|). Drag Dead Body Script Dragging bodies yes Carrying bodies no Loading bodies in vehicles no Anyone can handle | advise | say some other mod with all the capabilities and Carrying bodies, Loading bodies in vehicles?
  6. Just in case it wasn't writed: The script's additions: Dying if couldn't survive after the damage tyrnable Dragging yes Carrying yes Unloading from vehicles auto Loading in vehicles no Ai beginning unconscious yes Order ai to heal yes Order ai to drag yes Order ai to carry yes UAV controllied ai healing yes UAV controllied ai dragging yes UAV controllied ai carrying yes Ai healing players yes Ai healing ai yesDragging bodies no Carrying bodies no
  7. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    Sad but ACE's m.s. do not working with ai. thanks for information for analysis, but please write much, much lower |rousing|ecstatic|enthusiastic| Anyone know how to exclude medical system from a.c.e.?
  8. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    | Now playing with |"Arma 3 extended +" p.w.s. collection| , d.c.e. , d.a. , https://yadi.sk/d/Wx3ZUcyEn5Sjr (both not finished (and possibly will newer be, updating, changing every week when playing)).
  9. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    `````i need all of it, not necessary all in one script or mod, but all of it.
  10. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    `````1. All units ``(players, ais) beginning |'ingured'|-'(like in arma 2 `when you are staying prone and can't change magazine or weapon) if (would like to)-> their health are < 0.01 but last damage was < 0.3. 2. |'ingured'| and dead units can be dragged, carried, loaded in,out vehicles. 3. Can order ai to dragg, carry, load in,out vehicles |'ingured'| and dead units. 4. Can order medics with medkit heal |'ingured'| units. 5. Ai S.L. ordering medics with medkit heal |'ingured'| units around their squad if their squad are in some array or have some value or ... 6. medics with medkit heal |'ingured'| units automatically (close)-around them.
  11. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    The topic mean single question, not necessary to keep it, after it soluted, with the think like yours "missions editing and scripting" theme have ~400 pages ~300 of which will newer be useful for anyone anymore.
  12. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    Any of them satisfying all the requirements?
  13. Ilias38rus

    Please help.

    Not everyone have reminders for every theme in the forum.
  14. Dynamic fatigue restoring when leaning on water ~or staying under (with rebreather). -'_2-nd rebreather type - as backpack. Fix the all humans dying inside helicopter after some shots (helicopter stays fine) cases.
  15. Difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system, difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system. Difficulty setting for get back old fatigue system. What to hell is happening with realism in Arma?
  16. U.G.L. is attachable accessory.
  17. Fastrope (Why Bohemia interactive.did not added it?).
  18. Ilias38rus

    MP unit switch.

    I don't know how to reexecute: Zeus module and MCC.
  19. Ilias38rus

    How to store a code.

    Thank you, i should read it.
  20. _la = [{sleep 1}]; hint "t"; _la select 0; hint "t1"; or _la = [{sleep 1}]; hint "t"; _lsr = spawn (_la select 0); //_lsr = spawn {_la select 0}; | _lsr = spawn {(_la select 0)}; waituntil {skriptdone _lsr} hint "t1"; Do not working, how to do it?
  21. Ilias38rus

    How to store a code.

    Array is just example. Thank you both.
  22. Ilias38rus

    MP unit switch.

    Can anyone help?
  23. Ilias38rus

    MP unit switch.

    You can use the command SilentSpike sended, if you do not have some mods or scripts which are requestting some additional work, as in my situation.