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Everything posted by Rockapes

  1. Rockapes

    NSS Admin Console

    Don't suppose anyone could tell me how to make this use neutral zeus as I cannot see / access all mods only certain ones.
  2. Rockapes

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Just wanted to check if this is you guys / updated or another unauthorised post http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1185074247
  3. Pretty sure obj is the name of the obj. So if u have meditruck meditruck_1 etc thats what goes in there How are you spawning them in? Pretty sure you call it from init.sqf but that Im thinking would only work if you have named the object in question if thats possible when being spawned. Depends how you are handling the spawn
  4. Rockapes

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Just an update. Only issue I found in rpt was about deinitialized RHS objects ( like alot of them if not all ). I restored the current RHS mods onto server today and no errors or crashes or errors in rpt so obviously just something random with arma or server yesterday. Currently all working well.
  5. Rockapes

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ive encountered an issue but not sure where to start. I run alot of mods but with latest version on a dedicated server Im getting lots of crashes of various missions. We play mostly Ghost Enemy Assault missions but have tried a few others and same issue. Go back to v4.3.1 and no crashes. Didnt find anything in initial searches of rpt but still looking
  6. I dont believe they will bring that back as i think it was made this way to fit in with the Jets DLC
  7. Im no expert but I use the laser designator cntrl-right mse button Then lock on cntrl-t and activate laser After that it is just tone and drop Im not familiar with GPS targeting on the Hornet. FIR AWS weapons were added but TGP etc arent currently implemented to my knowledge
  8. Thanks for the help everyone. Currently radios are working only issue I am trying to resolve now is why I cannot use any assigned keys to change preset radio channels.....I can bring radio up and change them but not per stored keybind. Fixed all my issues by using 1.-1.0.259...
  9. So I just tried TFAR loaded only with CBA and still I only can get the long range radios to work... I must be missing something ( config or whatever ) on the server side. Do missions have to be edited to work with dedicated servers and TFAR? thanks again EDIT - No server issues or errors in RPT 2nd EDIT - So I just realised it keeps taking short range off me when I leave arsenal...what is going on? 3RD EDIT - So now its working but some keys arent...very weird
  10. But if it works as it is when I host with other players ( local ) shouldnt it work the same on dedicated?. Thats why I thouggt I may have missed something different on the setup / config of dedi with respect to TFAR?
  11. Hope someone can help me here, I have installed TFAR onto my gaming PC and everything works a treat, when I host we all can chat, all radios work etc perfectly. HOWEVER, my problem lies in TFAR on a dedicated server. I have searched for current instructions on how to setup dedicated server but I am unable to get it to work. I have copied tfar across to the server as per normal mod, it is loading and I can get the long range radio to work but none of the short range radios work and I cannot get Cntrl-P to bring up the short range radio....Ive check the server log and cannot see any issues related to TFAR at all.... Please please please can someone tell me what I am missing...its driving me crazy...
  12. I think I found the problem although I'm about to smash this damn computer
  13. No Probs, will do when I get home
  14. Anyone able to give me some advice as a little confused. I play liberation on any map hosting on my personal computer and everything works as it should, BUT when I place the missions on a dedicated server which is running all the same mods as personal computer no enemy units are spawning. I wouldn't have thought there was anything specific needed over hosting to dedicated but maybe in all the reading I have missed something. I know the required mods are loading because if I choose other missions on the dedicated server all of the mods ( units equip etc ) are all there in those particular missions. I apologise in advance if it has been listed already but for the life of me I cannot find it. The dedicated server and host computer sync to each other and load the same mods so cannot see that being a problem. Also checked the kp_liberation_config.sqf and made no changes, all default such as Tanoa looks for Apex, Altis default etc. Altis all set to = 0 default/vanilla Tanoa set to = Apex Tanoa Cheers
  15. I dont know that particular mod but does it need the BIS revive settings to be disabled? I personally use A3 Wounding System but you have to do a little script editing
  16. Sweet. Thanks for that @Wyqer
  17. Thanks @Wyqer. Sorry I did look through startgame.sqf but couldnt understand it. Lol. And totally missed that setting in liberation config. If thats 1000 mtrs though shouldnt plane and heli set it off earlier than when I hover about 15 mtrs over sector?.
  18. Hey @Wyqer Sorry if been asked before but I cannot find the following anywhere 1. Can you adjust starting resources just for testing purposes? 2. Can you change the spawn distance of enemy units because when I fly a plane or heli there is no-one to attack.? Thanks plenty
  19. Rockapes

    Ghost Missions

    Ah thanks you @magicsrp. Much appreciated
  20. Rockapes

    Ghost Missions

    Thanks, Sorry for late reply I hadn't played mission for a bit. That info is there but on Tanoa Map JTAC Officer does not have those options he has same as all other std units. Check UAV Operator and he has access per his role so bit confused. Edit- Also there is a "hint" that states no helipads when spawning in, is that normal?. Just tested Malden / Altis versions and player has all access in that map/mission.
  21. Thank you for continuing to work on such an awesome project. Brings so much extra to Arma gameplay choices.
  22. Am sure I'm gonna love this even more than all the previous versions. thanks very much @Wyqer for the continued updates and improvements
  23. Worked for me with latest build and lots of mods. Thanks for awesome info and files also. Much appreciated and very handy
  24. If you have latest betas then cntrl-f Assuming your keybinds are default