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About Saxøn

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    Private First Class

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  1. He's not SF. He was 2rar with MTF3 No, no and no.
  2. Hello Everybody, It's been a while since the last update so here's a quick SITREP on what we've been up to. The team is proud to announce our recent co-operation with Platatac who have agreed to back us and provide us with information, CAD files and references in order for us to accurately replicate equipment currently fielded with Australian soldiers, You can read part of the conversation here. We've also been hard at work with our uniforms and equipment. Warden and souldrinker have kicked off work on the M4 and it's accessories which will be a key piece of the modification. I'll allow them to decide when they are ready to post screenshots etc. We also have two new additions to the team Adacas and Thom, who have agreed to help us out with equipment and clothing items. Welcome guys. That's mainly it for the time being i'll try and pull my finger out and post more media in the coming weeks however i'd like to briefly mention we are always scouting for more talent to join the team, if you're confident with Object Builder, 2D/3D Art or scripting feel free to shoot me a PM on the forums. Cheers All.
  3. Vehicles are being put on hold for the time being as we really can't spare the time, (especially as of now due to recent events)to work on them effectively. Weapons and kit have taken priority over vehicles for now. But to answer your question yes we will revisit vehicles and look into finshing our 6x6 and start work on the 4x4s at a later date.
  4. G'day all. Small update on the team and the mod due to a few PMs asking about it. We have sadly had our lead artist Zeriah step down and depart due to technical complications that have caused him to lose enthusiasm and motivation to continue work on the mod. However we would like to welcome Azza to the core development team as our new Config-writer. In relation to our current work we have been moving at a rather steady pace and we have quite a few goodies in the works. Abit more info to come shortly. Cheers, Saxon
  5. They will be included but will most likely come last on the list as they aren't exactly a combat specific unit. If you're asking if they will be included in the mod then yes. All info about branches that will be included in the mod are back in the first post of the thread.
  6. We do have quite a few uniform models in the works and we are of course doing AMCU :D. Yet from what i hear Cunico is very hard to get a hold of these days. I suppose it won't hurt to inquire none the less.
  7. Cheers mate, I hope we can deliver something for us all to enjoy :)
  8. G'day chaps, Got a little early WIP shot for you all Anyone guess what this beast is called? Edit: ltf and wansec_6 are correct! This is our early WIP model on a heavily modified Uni-Mog variant utilized by the SASR. Dubbed as "Motherships", Their role was to act as mobile resupply points to SASR teams allowing them to operate for extended periods of time in enemy territory. Motherships where typically armed with MAG-58s, M2s or Mk19s for defensive purposes only, And where used frequently by Australian SOF during the Invasion of Iraq and the War in Afghanistan.
  9. Happy Australia Day! From all of the Overwatch team we would like to wish everyone a Happy Australia Day and say a big thank you for all of the recent support from the community. More progress updates are on the way. Cheers guys, Take it easy and have a good one.
  10. G'day all, Today we would like to announce the collaboration of both Project Overwatch and CQB-M (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/179939-close-quarter-battle-mod-cqb-m-wip/) The CQBM team have faced certain issues both in their personal lives and with certain aspects of the mod itself. Our team will be assisting in finishing the bulk of the work for CQBM and helping it progress further. We plan on still releasing the mod as a standalone as originally intended, but core features from the modification itself will be integrated into Project Overwatch further in the development phase. A handful of members of the original CQBM team have decided to stick around and continue work on the modification with our assistance. Moderators may i ask that the CQBM thread please remain open, as we will be posting progress updates and monitoring the thread for people who are specifically interested in CQBM. As stated earlier we are still interested in volunteers to assist in development, especially with the new aspect of CQBM. More info in the coming days. Cheers gents
  11. G'day all, Today we would like to announce the collaboration of both Project Overwatch and CQB-M (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/179939-close-quarter-battle-mod-cqb-m-wip/) The CQBM team have faced certain issues both in their personal lives and with certain aspects of the mod itself. Our team will be assisting in finishing the bulk of the work for CQBM and helping it progress further. We plan on still releasing the mod as a standalone as originally intended, but core features from the modification itself will be integrated into Project Overwatch further in the development phase. A handful of members of the original CQBM team have decided to stick around and continue work on the modification with our assistance. Moderators may i ask that the CQBM thread please remain open, as we will be posting progress updates and monitoring the thread for people who are specifically interested in CQBM. As stated earlier we are still interested in volunteers to assist in development, especially with the new aspect of CQBM. More info in the coming days. Cheers gents