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Posts posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks,


    Just a question on the historical use of Sherman's... I watched a documentary yesterday on US Tank Battles in the Pacific Theater and while CGI - they portrayed the Sherman's swimming in to land on the beaches (Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa) without any of the skirting we saw on the Normandy invasions - could the Sherman's swim without this skirting ???






  2. 3 minutes ago, bludski said:

    Thats high praise! I can't wait to try some of that out myself! (still haven't actually played on the map myself) 

    I'll hit you up when I've hotfixed it.


    Hi Folks,


    LOL - that's the problem when your develop - all your energy goes into your creation and you don't get to enjoy it - often... I haven't developed anything for Arma - but I've modeled in both Flight Sim and Train Sim - so I'm pretty familiar... @bludski - hope you make the time to enjoy your work as well... Can't wait to get home this weekend !!!



    And if you're unfamiliar - @HeroesandvillainsOS makes some of the best Alive missions for Arma that I've come across - looking forward to anything he does with this map as well...



    • Like 3

  3. 1 minute ago, sammael said:

    thank you for your answer.  Strange-Before MACC  I was always thought ALIVE have helo patrol options module)




    Yeah - I believe previously the Military AI Commander would utilize aircraft spawned in for your faction - these new features are just developing the air warfare further - with plans to include new options and capabilities... I think the previous use was also just for CAS operations - I've never seen two planes dogfighting before... It sounds promising...




    • Like 3

  4. Hi Folks,


    For comparison - I'm running an older Sandy i2700K OC 4.7Ghz with 16GB RAM and a top end GTX 970 - I also use a few Samsung Evo SSD's - and my performance seems pretty good... Is your CPU OC capable - 3.4 Ghz seems relatively slow and CPU clock speed seems to give you the most bang for the buck... I run some reasonably sized Iron Front, Unsung, and RHS scenarios using Alive... Frame rates seem reasonable - I would think you should be able to exceed my performance with your setup... I'm actually getting better performance since I moved to the x64 executable...




  5. Hi Hero,


    I'm pretty sure it was the real crate - lol - but like anything else I could be mistaken... I'll try it again this weekend but I'm also pretty sure this has happened to me more than once... Do you think it would be different if I chose a different insertion method (helo or truck) - or it's just the logistic module relating to the RHS content in general ???


    LOL - I hope it was that new Cambodian Map - it looks absolutely incredible - I won't get to try it until the weekend - but - WOW - seriously WOW...



  6. Hi...


    Thanks for the response - yeah - I had used UNSUNG_E, UNSUNG_C before and they seem to work although I was hoping for a bit more granularity - also only one combatant side is represented...


    I'll check out Opendomes ORBAT factions - - - been a way for a while and didn't know if anything changed...


    Roger that - on the ammo crates...


    Appreciate the help - as always...





  7. Hi Folks,


    Wow - this mod becomes more amazing every time I look at it... Superb effort guys - truly looking forward to trying the new features...


    Question: I see that some of the UNSUNG maps are indexed - were the UNSUNG factions ever officially added or do we need to use the ORBATS tool to create our own ?


    Question: (Player Logistics) - - - last weekend I was messing with an RHS scenario - requested a parachute drop of an "RHS Ammo Crate" - said crate was delivered but was empty... If I place the same crate manually it contains ammo... Anyone else see this issue ?


    Thanks !!!



  8. Hi Folks,

    Huge fan of Voice Attack - don't know how you could play SP without it...

    Best $10.00 I've ever spent on a program...

    Use it as a virtual copilot in P3D as well...

    Woofer is the man for VA profiles - copied his examples to suit my own tastes - just about every squad command has associated voice command...

    Just watch his video - pretty impressive to me... He's shared his profiles as well...


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Like 1

  9. Ouch! :P
    I never have had cause not to be impressed by the UNSUNG team's work; and quite contrary to what I would have expected, this has become one of the prime reasons for my continuing interest in ArmA despite the STEAMing pile of  **** and some serious ill-health.
    Why?: I never had much interest in the VN war as a game (other than Vietcong 1) since I always, from kidhood, regarded the war as the result of appalling American ignorance and stupidity...
    Before the US cretinous 'patriots no matter what' tendency clog the thread, I should add that the Brits' WWII decision to release Jap POWs to suppress Vietnamese attempts to rid themelves of French colonialists - despite the appallingly brutal Japanese record in SEA - has never ceased to disgust me. Churchill may have been a useful figurehead in the fight against Hitler, but in most aspects of his life, by modern standards he was a far-right narcissist, whose excess of ego over competence led to many deaths (e.g., Gallipoli).
    Bravo Harold Wilson for so astutely keeping the UK out of one of the US' most predictable fuckups.
    /end personal take on history

    Hi Folks,

    LOL - don't hold back - please - tell us how you really feel...

    Some superb work there on the models...


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  10. Hi Folks,


    I've tried the Evolution series a few time - I've read the manual on it - one issue that's probably obvious to everyone but me - how do I recruit AI to join my squad ? I see in the manual there should be a "T" menu option (I've tried "T" and "TAB") - it never seems to come up ? I am in a multiplayer LAN server session... Do I need to be in a specific location for this to work ?








  11. Hi Folks,


    What's the trick to get your AI Squad to grab more ammo after they've expended a bunch ? Currently messing around with IF3 and I have a truck loaded with the correct ammo boxes... I can restock my ammo from the truck fine - but my squad seems to ignore it and I can't figure out any command to tell them to grab more ammo...





  12. Hi Folks,


    I drift in and drift out around here - just loaded up the new IF stuff and WOW - you guys are fantastic !!!


    Love the new Greyhound...


    • Question: is there a better way to slew turrets - a full sweep of my mouse pad only move the turret about 10 degrees or so... It's impossible to swing it on target...
    • Question: Is there an airborne mission I can try and use as a model to figure out how to get the troops to drop in from the Dak via parachute ???
    • Question: Does the US mortar team work ? I can't seem to get them to shoot with either Alive or High Command...


    Thanks so much !!!


