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Posts posted by scottb613

  1.   On 10/20/2024 at 11:29 AM, Hans(z) said:

    If the mission starts with AI team in squad, SOG AI automatically add some new equipment to their inventory: toepoppers, mines, grenades, etc. I would like to turn off this action, because I want my team to have exactly the same equipment as in mission briefing. In TFF2 you can play consecutively several missions. Missions are chained, so team's status and equipment should transfer inbetween the missions. => IMHO team shouldn't get mines/grenades refill every SOG AI initialization, because they are behing enemy lines without any means of resupply.


    Hi Folks,


    I'll have to break out my tactical fishing rod...



    • Haha 1

  2. Hi Folks,


    I'm not sure if this only affects SOG - however - when the player is injured - often applying a First Aid Kit (FAK) doesn't heal you all the way. Since the damage is < 25% you can't use another FAK to heal that last little bit - you're left listening to your player chronically gasp and moan from the injury - hence the Catch 22. This script - heals that last 25% and only the last 25% so you no longer need to listen to the moans and groans. I had started to put the "treating self" animation in - but if you just got done doing that with a FAK - I thought it better not to do it again. It's intended use is via the addAction menu.


    • // GIVEN: Displays "HEALTHY" when player health is 100%.
    • // GIVEN: Heals player fully if damage is less than or equal to 25% - after First Aid Kit use.
    • // GIVEN: Displays "---TREATING---" during the healing process.
    • // GIVEN: Displays "HEALTH TOO LOW" when player health is below 75%.




      Reveal hidden contents



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  3. Hi Folks,


    User configurable.


    Added some more randomness - to keep the player guessing - Stamina Tickets are assigned to each group - individually - base value - plus or minus random variation - so you don't know when the hunters will break off the attack. Multiple groups will break off at different times.


    private _stamTix = 0;           // Stamina ticket init
    private _stamTixBas = 7;        // Stamina ticket base count
    private _stamTixVar = 4;        // Stamina ticket random variation +/- base


    This was already in there but tries to replicate tracker skill.


    private _chanceTrack = .50;     // Chance of maintaining track per cycle
    private _trkErrMax = 80;        // If Tracked max position error
    private _trkErrMin = 40;        // If Tracked min position error


    Script updated in first post.


    Demo mission updated in first post.




    • Like 1

  4. Hi Folks,


    OK - tried a little combat video - nothing more than a simple demo with 8v8. No friendly losses. It's far more jerky - as I had to worry about fighting. What is up with bodies being launched 40 feet in the air from a 40 Mike Mike? Is this something new?  I like it. It's in the video.


    • Added a list of the key commands in the first post - so you can see what voice control buys you.
    • Added my custom sounds if anyone tries my profile - they're called.
    • Added a "Squad Rest Easy" command - strictly for immersion.
    • Fixed my "Squad Split Left/Right" - macros.
    • I do use the mod "Fire On My Shot" for better fire control - on occasion.
    • Moved the Scout to a better position when "Scout On Lead".
    • The SOG_AI and VAN halt/stop behave differently - added a flag to track which is used - to minimize unnecessary commands.
    • Demonstrated "Tail Charge" macro which is very handy when being pursued.


    Updated profile link on first page.







  5. Hi...


    To do any coding in ArmA - you really want the syntax highlighter for Notepad++ - it will make your life far better.


    Notepad++ ArmA Syntax Highlighter


    private _vehicle = vehicle player;
    private _playerPos = getPos player;
    private _vehicle = vehicle player;
        if (_x != player) then {
            _x assignAsCargo _vehicle;
            _x moveInCargo _vehicle;
    } forEach units group player;




  6. Hi Folks,



    REQUIRED SOFTWARE:  Voice Attack Software $10.00


    DOWNLOAD PROFILE:  SCO Voice Attack SOG AI Profile


    DOWNLOAD SOUNDS: Install Into Voice Attack Sounds Directory



    Please - sir - step away from the keyboard. I don't know how any SP ArmA users get by using the cumbersome menu system to manage their squad. Voice Attack was a game changer for me - and I probably wouldn't be using ArmA without it...



    I'll keep this profile download link up to date - as I'm constantly tweaking for better performance and more functionality.


    Why Voice Attack:

    I've been using Voice Attack for many years - with: Flight Sim - Train Sim - ArmA - and Blender Modeling - it's the best $10.00 I've ever spent on a program. It can be very simple and intuitive to setup - while having an extremely powerful macro scripting language underneath - for more advanced users. The half a dozen times I've had a question - their support forum normally responded in less than 30 minutes and was extremely helpful. The program has been continually updated since my initial purchase more than a decade ago - with new features and improvements (including some I suggested) - for free. If you don't like voice recognition - you can just use the macro function and assign the same commands to any joystick/keyboard. The program also recognizes long presses and double taps on joystick/keyboard - giving much more functionality if you have a limited number of buttons available on a joystick. Full Disclosure: I'm not related to the company in any way - except for being one very happy customer.


    Key Profile Commands (Spoken Command / Macro):

    Profile Init       - Set timing speed of pauses in profile, dependent on PC speed (runs automatically).
    Check Ammo         - ACE Check Ammo.
    Clear Room         - ACE Open Door - ACE Throw Grenade.
    Navigate           - Open Compass for a few seconds and close.
    Radio Call         - Open the Radio Menu.
    Squad Attack       - SOG_AI Silence, SOG_AI Form Line, SOG_AI Follow Me.
    Squad Bound        - SOG_AI Bounding Attack / Fall Back.
    Squad Cover        - SOG_AI Seek Cover on Structure.
    Squad Defend       - SOG_AI Silence, SOG_AI Form Line, SOG_AI Move.
    Squad Form File    - SOG_AI Form File.
    Squad Form Line    - SOG_AI Form Line.
    Squad Go           - SOG_AI Move.
    Squad Halt         - SOG_AI Halt.
    Squad Lay Dog      - SOG_AI Lay Dog.
    Squad Medic        - SOG_AI Heal Yourselves.
    Squad Rally Up     - SOG_AI Silence, SOG_AI Form File, SOG_AI Follow Me.
    Squad Silence      - SOG_AI Silence.
    Tail Charge        - SOG_AI Tail Place Charge.
    Squad Mount Up     - VAN Mount Up.
    Squad Eject        - VAN Eject.
    Unit [_number]     - VAN Player Squad Unit (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20).
    Assign Scout       - Assigns the role of "Scout" to any unit for independent action.
    Scout Continue     - VAN Crouch, VAN Regroup, VAN Stealth, VAN Advance.
    Scout Fall Back    - VAN Fallback, VAN Fallback.
    Scout Flank Left   - VAN Flank Left.
    Scout Flank Right  - VAN Flank Right.
    Scout Go           - SOG_AI Move.
    Scout Halt         - VAN Stop, VAN Crouch.
    Scout Mode Combat  - VAN Open Fire.
    Scout On Deck      - VAN Prone, VAN Stop, VAN Aware, MOD Fire On My Shot.
    Scout On Lead      - VAN Autostance, VAN Form Vee, VAN Regroup, VAN Aware.
    Scout Take Point   - VAN Crouch, VAN Stealth, VAN Advance.
    Scout With Me      - VAN Crouch, VAN Regroup, VAN Aware, VAN Form Line.
    Squad Frosty       - SOG_AI Silence, VAN Stag Column, VAN Regroup.
    Squad Hold Fire    - MOD Fire On My Shot.
    Squad Mode Aware   - VAN Aware.
    Squad Mode Combat  - VAN Combat, VAN Open Fire.
    Squad On Deck      - VAN Stop, VAN Prone, VAN Aware, MOD Fire On My Shot.
    Squad Patrol       - VAN Form Stag Column, VAN Safe, VAN Regroup.
    Squad Patrol Fast  - VAN Form Stag Column, VAN Aware, VAN Regroup.
    Squad Patrol Point - VAN Form Stag Column, VAN Safe, VAN Regroup, VAN Stealth _scout, VAN Crouch _scout, Van Advance _scout.
    Squad Rejoin       - VAN Select All, VAN Select All, VAN Autostance.
    Squad Rest Easy    - VAN Form Diamond, VAN Safe, VAN Stop, VAN Crouch, MOD Fire On My Shot.
    Squad Split Left   - VAN Form Diamond, VAN Aware, VAN Select Red, VAN Flank Left.
    Squad Split Right  - VAN Form Diamond, VAN Aware, VAN Select Red, VAN Flank Right.
    Squad Watch [_dir] - VAN Watch Direction (East, North, Northeast, Northwest, South, Southeast, Southwest, West).


    Just breaking this discussion away from JB's excellent SOG AI squad management utility thread - to prevent further clutter.


    • Old Sandy Bridge PC with poor video card recording the video - had to slow my VA timings down to make it work - it normally runs faster.
    • All my Voice Calls can be assigned to any Keyboard/Joystick if you don’t like using voice recognition.
    • Production SOG_AI - not the new one JB has been showcasing recently - with many Vanilla commands mixed in.
    • As of yet - you can’t order independent actions via team or unit in SOG AI - JB stated it should be fixed in new version.
    • Vanilla version of Scout or Point Man. 
    • Point Man is far more responsive in jungle due to Vanilla Stealth Mode always seeking - cover to cover moves. He currently accepts command to - follow player - take point - move up - flank left - flank right - halt - prone - fall back - return to formation.
    • There is a chirp confirmation, so you know when the command is finished executing - and an error buzz when something isn't setup correctly.
    • If only ArmA had a faster user interface - it's pretty slow and cumbersome - hence the need of macros.
    • Since the Point Man is still part of the players formation - once ordered into position - he will stay in that relative position - regardless of direction changes or starts/stops - without any further commands.
    • The Patrol Formation I’m using spreads out the players squad in what seems to me - to be a realistic manner.
    • I had to repeat “Scout With Me” in the video - because I didn’t give the previous command time to complete.
    • This is the only time I use the player external view.
    • I used an xBox controller to smooth out all the movements while recording - so you don’t get motion sickness.






    For those new to VA - if you click the button I circled below - it categorizes all the commands as shown below - makes for much easier reading.


    It also helps - if you do a couple of the speech recognition training sessions that are part of MS Windows - where you read a bunch of stuff and the speech engine learns your speech patterns.







    • Like 1

  7. Hi JB,


    Hah - thanks - hopefully some find it helpful. I may have just broken the old link to my profile - as of a few minutes ago - you may just want to check to see if it still works. I just uploaded a new version based on lessons learned while making the video. Sorry. I won't update the link again - for a while. 


    I changed the split formation - as discussed - it seems to work better. I also pulled out some local references I had for my machine - that would need to be changed.


    For those new to VA - if you click the button I circled below - it categorizes all the commands as shown below - makes for much easier reading.


    It also helps - if you do a couple of the speech recognition training sessions that are part of MS Windows - where you read a bunch of stuff and the speech engine learns your speech patterns.






  8. Hi JB,


    Oh - one more thought - I’m running two sets of commands - Vanilla and SOG_AI - if you truly have fixed the independent actions - I can probably simplify my profile.


    As you noted previously - your stances don’t stick - so we may need to keep Vanilla for that. If you could add your SOG “copy my stance” to the “T” menu it would be very helpful - as I feel that is the most important stance. 

    Thanks for EVERYTHING.




    • Like 1

  9.   On 10/22/2024 at 3:44 PM, johnnyboy said:

    @scottb16 That is super cool.  All the command combos you can macro together into Voice Attack make it simple to use and quite powerful.


    A few questions and observations:

    • Scout ranging ahead via vanilla Advance looks very natural. 

    ### Yeah - as mentioned it's far more responsive in the jungle - I don't typically play huge open fields. I'm pretty happy with it. It seems that the positions picked by the Point - are much further apart in open fields - and - the Point must make it to one of these positions before being permitted to follow the last given instruction.

    • Scout's forward vanilla distance from player worries me for Nam dense jungle.  Seems risky to be that far from the team.  Has that been a problem where you can't see him, he gets downed, and then your other AI is endangered by moving to rescue him?  This affects how I want my SOG AI point man to work...

    ### With my normal "patrol formation" being spread out it's easy to control the distance ahead by position in the formation - I find the second slot works very well in the jungle - if the Point crests a hill - I normally just halt him to keep watch - as the patrol continues to his location - then just issue a "Scout Continue" - when we arrive. My patrol is pretty spread out - position your Point a couple units back and he will be substantially closer. Having the AI call out the OPFOR was genius - as it puts the player on a more even footing with the enemy.

    • Split was simply sending red and green team to 2 calculated destinations, right?  Was that based on where player looking, and then choosing spots to left and right of that?  Or hardcoded positions relative to player?  Thanks for the idea.  I want to add that to my mod.

    ### It's helpful but not ideal. I'm simply ordering team red to flank left - team green to flank right. What's not abundantly obvious - is the teams will not hold these positions as you move forward and back - it's like they are on a very large wheel rotating very slowly with respect to player motion - I want them to station hold relative to player - as it gives you two distinct sources of fire with substantial bearing separation - as you fight the enemy. As it is now - I typically order them out - then halt them for fighting - then pull them back in when I move. It could be better. If you work this - perhaps it would be more realistic to keep Team Red with the player and simply send Team Green flanking left or right? 

    • Same question on Defend.  Is the utility of this a quick way to form a line defense similar to my lay dog?

    ### The "Squad Defend" is all you JB - it's simply a macro to run your SOG commands:

    Press T key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Press 5 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Press T key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Press 7 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Press T key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Press 2 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause a variable number of seconds [_keyPause]
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\confirmation_beep.wav'
    • What actions occur on Clear Building command?

    ### Simply open the door and ACE throw a grenade.

    Press Space key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Press Left Shift+G keys and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Click left mouse button [duration 0.1 seconds]
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\confirmation_beep.wav'
    • Do you get nade type display on every throw?

    ### It throws whatever is item set - same as just hitting the G key. I fumbled a bit in the video as I didn't want Willie Pete.

    • I can see how the teams mag inventory status can be useful.

    ### I feel completely in the dark when I play missions that don't have my status screen - feel free to add to SOG_AI if you think it would be useful. I could mod it - if there is something you would prefer.




    I think this is a great demo.  Can I share the video link on PF and Arma discord, along with your VA SCO profile?  The PF community relations guy Tanner would probably promote it also.


    Edit:  I'd love to see another video of your squad control in combat sometime...


    ### Feel free to share as you see fit - I can't state it enough as to how appreciative of your efforts - I am. LOL - don't hold your breath - I made this video a dozen times and I still forgot features I wanted to demonstrate. Add combat to the mix - I'll be totally lost - my hat's off to ya - brah.





    • Thanks 1

  10. Hi Folks,


    OK - I took a little time to throw together a proper demonstration of how I use SOG_AI with Voice Attack.


    Honestly - I don't know how anyone can use SP ArmA without some type of Voice Control/Macro Program.


    NOTE: This was recorded on my old PC (Sandy Bridge) with a poor video card - I had to slow the VA timings way down to make it work.


    • Old PC recording the video.
    • All my Voice Calls can be assigned to any Keyboard/Joystick if you don’t like using voice recognition.
    • Production SOG_AI - not the new one JB has been showcasing - with many vanilla commands mixed in.
    • As of yet - you can’t order independent actions via team or unit - JB stated it should be fixed in new version.
    • Vanilla version of Scout or Point Man. 
    • Point Man is far more responsive in jungle due to Vanilla Stealth Mode always seeking - cover to cover moves. He currently accepts command to - follow player - take point - move up - flank left - flank right - halt - prone - fall back - return to formation.
    • There is a chirp confirmation, so you know when the command is finished executing - and an error buzz when something isn't setup correctly.
    • If only ArmA had a faster user interface - it's pretty slow and cumbersome - hence the need of macros.
    • Since the Point Man is still part of the players formation - once ordered into position - he will stay in that relative position - regardless of direction changes or starts/stops - without any further commands.
    • The Patrol Formation I’m using spreads out the players squad in what seems to me - to be a realistic manner.
    • I had to repeat “Scout with Me” in the video - because I didn’t give the previous command time to complete.
    • This is the only time I use the player external view.
    • I used an xBox controller to smooth out all the movements while recording - so you don’t get motion sickness.






    • Like 1

  11.   On 10/20/2024 at 11:29 AM, Hans(z) said:

    If the mission starts with AI team in squad, SOG AI automatically add some new equipment to their inventory: toepoppers, mines, grenades, etc. I would like to turn off this action, because I want my team to have exactly the same equipment as in mission briefing. In TFF2 you can play consecutively several missions. Missions are chained, so team's status and equipment should transfer inbetween the missions. => IMHO team shouldn't get mines/grenades refill every SOG AI initialization, because they are behing enemy lines without any means of resupply.


    Hi Folks,


    Yeah - concur - if you take the time to equip all your own units - it would be better if SOG_AI didn't add equipment - - - on the SOG_AI generated teams - it's very helpful to have everything preloaded.



  12. Hi Folks,


    Updated both the script and the demo mission - need CBA and SOG for demo. I also added in my status screen via the actionMenu. The mission is in debug mode - simply set "_debug = 0;" to turn off the markers and hints. Just kill or avoid the random hunter teams - as you see fit and conditions dictate.




  13.   On 10/17/2024 at 10:35 PM, johnnyboy said:

    @scottb613Hey man, good news.  I've got a Take Point feature working well now ( in my dev version). My original failed approach was making player second unit in group and point first unit in group.  But your key combo approach of "selected unit advance" steered me to a working solution.  Since there is no Advance sqf equivalent command, I just send him X meters in direction player facing.  And I can toggle forceWalk on him, so he can move slow and stealthy, or fast.  Plus his stance copies player which also slows him down or speeds him up some.  It's pretty sweet.  Player follows Point at his desired distance, with rest of team following player as normal.  You can stop or redirect Point's direction of travel at any time, or take point yourself at any time.


    Anyway, lots of testing still to do.


    I want your opinion:  Should Point's default speed be fast or slow?   Player will have an action to toggle it.  I'm currently using default Slow as it makes more SOG tactics sense, but I expect players being impatient may more often opt for Fast.  Since you've been doing the point man thing for awhile, what do you think?  Default point speed Fast or Slow?


    Hi JB,


    Been playing around with it myself - since you pointed out that the Point was literally running around - I put him a crouch - slowed him down a bit - I like it better.


    Great news. So many cool features in this mod.


    As for SOG_AI - you and I seem to be on the same page with this stuff. It's about immersion as well as game play - I would try slow first and see of people complain - as I try to be realistic as much as plausible. I walk slow and look around pretending my life depends on it. MilSim like - without the live team members. I also set my squad without respawn - they die they die - it tends to make you more careful. One got hit with that spring loaded punji trap the other day - the poor guy got skewered and couldn't even fall down. Too cool - horrible and amazing at the same time.


    With SOG_AI - one of my favorites is putting the squad in a defensive line - SOG Silence - SOG Form Line - SOG Go (macro) - it's real advantage when being pursued by a larger force. All your firepower from a prone position gives you a pretty good advantage over an advancing enemy. I just added the watch direction commands - so I can steer them to the threat axis - if they happen to be facing the wrong way.


    Keep at it - sir.






    • Like 1

  14.   On 10/16/2024 at 5:32 PM, johnnyboy said:

    I just tried this running SOG AI.  I pick a unit and use Vanilla 1 + 2 to tell him to advance (while in sog ai Stealth mode).  He moves forward but too fast for me, immersion-wise.  I'd like him to move slow, or match player speed.


    I guess you have to frequently stop him, or redirect him using vanilla commands, right?


    Also, sounds like I don't need to change anything as you seem satisfied with your vanilla commands for Scout, right?


    I may still work on my own version of point man if I can get him to move slowly in front of team.

    Hi JB,


    When using the script I posted above - yeah - he moves at Normal Stealth speed. Which does look like running around from position to position. Ideally - it would be nice for him to run out in front in Normal Stealth Mode and once there - switch to Limited - maybe an alternating Crouch - so he's actually sneaking around. The rest of the squad is typically at a SAFE walk - so that should work fine. You would want to be able to retrieve him in a rapid manner (stand up and normal/full speed) if combat breaks out. I just can't really control that with VA in a manner that would be satisfactory. I typically recover for combat by using SOG_AI - Silence - Line - Follow Me (yet another macro). Silence - seems to reset all the Vanilla commands issued previously - reengaging full SOG_AI mode. 


    Aside from immersion aspects - the Point Man seems to be very functional - as I get early warning detections all the time - and - most times I can issue a Halt command - so he takes cover remaining undetected.


    I just updated everything in my VA profile linked in my sig - recently. I'm pretty satisfied on how it all works together.



  15.   On 10/16/2024 at 5:11 PM, johnnyboy said:



    Here's the code for copy my stance.   There's a sleep in the forEach loop so there's a slight delay in each unit responding in sequence.

    [units group player,"AUTO"] spawn
    			params ["_units","_stance"];
    			sleep 1;
    			{sleep .2; _x setUnitPos _stance;} forEach _units; 

    For point man, if I simply allow setting a unit to be on a different team (say yellow or blue) so he is unaffected by other team move and follow commands, that could be helpful, right?

    And if so, I'd likely have him rejoin Team Green or Red if Leapfrog command given.



    Hi JB,


    Gracias amigo.


    In addition to the Vanilla code posted above - I have found that when in a SOG_AI File - I can order my scout to advance to take point. The only difference between the two - is in Vanilla Mode the Scout seems to seek cover and pause - while - in SOG_AI Mode he's in constant motion as long as the rest of the patrol is in motion and doesn't seek cover.


    From my perspective another color is not needed - I really like the simplicity of only having two teams. I usually run a 9-man patrol to keep it manageable. Whatever you think is best.


