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Vigil Vindex

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Everything posted by Vigil Vindex

  1. Vigil Vindex

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    From the initial announcement of Arma 3 all I modestly hoped for was to have the problems of Arma 2 corrected. These primarily being poor MP AI performance and poor vehicle physics. After the release of Arma 3 a not insignificant amount of the advertised content was missing from the Arma 3 release, some of which showed up eventually, albeit radically different from what was expected, for example the dynamic campaign was disappointingly replaced with small scale linear missions. And some of the missing content is now being listed as paid for DLC. For example the Helicopter DLC is implied to include the Take On Helicopter flight model which had originally been expected in vanilla Arma 3. Also the Marksmen DLC which is vaguely implied to offer improved weapon mechanics again could reasonably be an expected feature in vanilla Arma 3 as we had repeatedly been told that Arma 3 would be focused explicitly on the "Infantry Experience". As it currently stands little real progress has been seen in the areas of MP AI performance, Headless Client is still undocumented and unsupported, the Linux Dedicated server is still to receive any meaningful attention, the current PhysX implementation still allows for vehicles weighting multiple tons to be ridiculously blown into the air. But there is plenty of time to experiment with new DLC mechanics and other trivial activities. I get the feeling that nobody wants to tackle the elephant in the room, we just want to play with the new toys while they are still shiny.
  2. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Thanks for the updates Ryd. Every update is a step forward towards perfection ;) In regards to VCOM AI I will look into it and see if we can figure out if it can play nice with HAL in the future.
  3. Vigil Vindex

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I have been playing with these AI scripts with (HAL)Hetman Artificial Leader and found that HAL has an error when used alongside these scripts. I have posted about it in the HAL thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167717-HETMAN-Artificial-Leader&p=2698439&viewfull=1#post2698439
  4. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Thanks for the updates Ryd! :D I can confirm that VCOM AI (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176244-AI-Overhaul-Reactive-Squads) is what makes HAL give the following error in 1.15: _alliedForce = _alliedForce - (_alliedGarrisons + _alli> Error position: <_alliedForce - (_alliedGarrisons + _alli> Error Undefined variable in expression: _alliedforce Error in expression <RydHQ_Exhausted",[]]; With 1.16 and VCOM AI enabled I still get the above error and spotted this one too: Error in expression <r ((damage _veh) > 0.5) or (((group _x) in (((_HQ getVariable ["RydHQ_AirG",[]])> Error position: <in (((_HQ getVariable ["RydHQ_AirG",[]])> Error in: Type Number, expected Array,Object,Location Error in expression <RydHQ_Exhausted",[]]; I posted about these in the VCOM AI thread to see if we can find out why it is causing HAL to error in this way: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176244-AI-Overhaul-Reactive-Squads I disabled VCOM AI and tested out 1.16. Everything seems to be working fine except for this error: Error in expression <0) exitWith {_getBack = true} } foreach _knownEG; if (isNull _HQ) then { _onPl> Error position: <_knownEG; if (isNull _HQ) then { _onPl> Error Undefined variable in expression: _knowneg
  5. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Getting some errors, not tracked down what is causing them. Demo mission is not giving these errors. All I have changed is making all the AI side east and just one BB. "Big Boss A issues orders." "Side: A - Losses: 0 Number: 238 Value: 724 enValue: 0 enFactor: 724 lossFactor: 0" Error in expression <[]; { _points set [(count _points),(_x select 0)] } foreach _takenPoints; _poi> Error position: <select 0)] } foreach _takenPoints; _poi> Error select: Type String, expected Array,Config entry Error in expression <RydHQ_Exhausted",[]]; _alliedForce = _alliedForce - (_alliedGarrisons + _alli> Error position: <_alliedForce - (_alliedGarrisons + _alli> Error Undefined variable in expression: _alliedforce Error in expression <RydHQ_Exhausted",[]];
  6. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Thanks Ryd, you are a LEGEND! x
  7. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Quick request Ryd, would it be possible to try and make use of "Ryd_Path" variable to minimise the changes required when the file and folder structure changes. Something like: Ryd_Path = "RYD_HAL"; Then when you need to use the path use: format["%1\scriptname.sqf",Ryd_Path]; PS. And a clean way to disable the custom sounds so we can choose not to have all those large audio files in the mission. PPS. Double quotation mark missing in File: RYD_HAL\HAL\HQOrdersEast.sqf Line 74: _attackAv = _attackAv - ["Del]; PPPS. I still see the Arma 3 classnames are duplicated in numerous places. Might be a good idea to isolate all the classnames into one file to manage better.
  8. Vigil Vindex

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Thanks for the updates! Loving this wounding system. Would it be possible to expose a few more user configurable variables for things like the time it takes to do a revive action, and the effectiveness of a revive? To add a bit more variability.
  9. Vigil Vindex

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Yeah it was just in a test mission with no AI. Just used a grenade at my feet to test what happened and I got that error. I will revert what I changed. Also getting this error from HitNear.sqf line 50: Error in expression <eadyDown = _x getVariable "DOWNED"; if (_AlreadyDown == 0) then { [_x] spawn { > Error position: <_AlreadyDown == 0) then { [_x] spawn { > Error Undefined variable in expression: _alreadydown Source: if (_AlreadyDown == 0) then { Not sure if this will fix it: if ((!isNil "_AlreadyDown") && (_AlreadyDown == 0)) then {
  10. Vigil Vindex

    [Release] Bens Drag&Drop

    Thanks for the update! I have been testing this with another script that adds actions and I have noticed this script removes those actions so that could be a possible issue, perhaps because of using removeAllActions.
  11. Vigil Vindex

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I was getting an error and fixed it in HitNear.sqf line 33: Error: Error in expression <Nil "_Point") exitWith {}; _UnitGroup = group _Point; { _CheckDistance = (_hit> Error position: <group _Point; { _CheckDistance = (_hit> Error group: Type Array, expected Object Source: _UnitGroup = group _Point; Fix: _UnitGroup = group _unit;
  12. Vigil Vindex

    What limits the server?

    I am printing this thread for safe keeping. As far as I am concerned this is smoking gun proof that BIS really don't have a clue and are actively avoiding these issues. So many people jump in to derail the discussion and belittle the Op, but as bore out by the Op in testing we can see clear issues. Handle leaks? 10 minutes wait times for spawning in one group of AI? Is this the real arma requirement? Why has no BIS dev been up front and honest and told us before if you want to spawn a group of AI you better wait 10 minutes before you spawn another one? Never that's when. Why are BIS not doing these sorts of performance tests? Beggars belief that an unpaid community volunteer can contribute more to this discussion with actual numbers and evidence than what BIS has shown in years. If I am wrong why don't BIS prove us all wrong and show us how it works. Show us a MP CO-OP mission with more than 100 AI groups and 10 FPS.
  13. Vigil Vindex

    Mission Presentation

    The sections for briefing and establishing shot need done here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Presentation
  14. Vigil Vindex

    Poor multiplayer FPS with i7 and GTX 780.

    Seems to be that when the server gets busy it limits fps on clients, so say when there is AI and the pathfinding slows down the server, or when you have no AI but some SQF scripts running on the server the client FPS drops. I think this is a design problem somewhere between the process threading and network code. Some people have made progress by making use of a headless client which is dedicated to running the AI on it and that keeps the server from slowing down, but BIS haven't been quick in supporting this work around and it is still in the process of being developed by community members.
  15. Vigil Vindex

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    BIS know there is a problem, why do you think all the missions never had that many AI in the campaign? Why do you think the open ended campaign got cut? Did you try the official BIS Arma 3 servers? I went on and it was running at 4fps, and that's the official server, with I presume a BIS coded mission. If not even the game developers can run a MP server with AI and players over 10 fps then there is a serious problem.
  16. Has the script version been tested on dedi?
  17. I have noticed that when firing the M107 SD with the explosive rounds there is no sound for the explosions.
  18. I thought I would try out the new dedicated server package, but unfortunately I cannot connect as every time I connect it kicks me with "You where kicked from the game." and there is no errors to indicate what is going wrong. Server is being called from a bat: call "C:\Games\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -name=server -port=2302 -profiles=profiles -malloc=system -config=cfg\server\server.cfg -cfg=cfg\server\arma3.cfg server.cfg: // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "DS"; password = "pass"; passwordAdmin = "word"; localClient[] = {}; reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; //reportingIP = ""; persistent = 1; logFile = "logs\server\server.log"; timeStampFormat = "short"; //MOTD motdInterval = 120; motd[] = { "", "### Welcome to DS ###", "", }; // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 40; // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 100; voteThreshold = 1.5; // Voice Over Network disableVoN = 1; vonCodecQuality = 5; class Missions { class PersistentMissions { template="some_mission.Altis"; difficulty="veteran"; }; }; //SECURITY verifySignatures = 2; equalModRequired = 1; kickDuplicate = 1; //kickDuplicate = 0; BattlEye = 0; // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; regularCheck = "{}"; // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //Unsigned data detected. onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //Edited data signature detected. onDifferentData = ""; //Data version mismatch detected. arma3.cfg: language="English"; adapter=-1; MinBandwidth=71457280; MaxBandwidth=322428800; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=512; MinErrorToSend=0.020000001; MinErrorToSendNear=0.020000001; MaxCustomFileSize=9999999; serverLongitude=-4; serverLatitude=56; serverLongitudeAuto=-4; serverLatitudeAuto=56; net.log: 34.418: Ch(4):sHB(2.63,2.62,0.10,0.00,0) 34.528: Ch(4):sHB(2.74,2.73,0.11,0.00,0) 34.638: Ch(4):sHB(2.85,2.84,0.11,0.00,0) 34.733: 20:12:35 Player VigilVindex connected (id=76561197971393433). 34.753: Ch(4):close 34.754: Ch(4):~(0,0,0,0,0) 34.771: 20:12:35 Player VigilVindex disconnected. 34.803: 20:12:35 BattlEye Server: Player #0 VigilVindex disconnected
  19. Vigil Vindex

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I would like to know what BIS think of Oculus Rift support for Arma, especially the fact that the people making Oculus say we will need smooth 60fps for each eye. I don't see Arma ever supporting Oculus, based on the lack of resolution to the issues in this thread. Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/01/11/oculus-rift-developer-on-required-system-specs-potential-new-functionality/
  20. I though dead bodies got optimised in Arma 1? Or was it Arma 2? Can't remember, hopefully we will get it in Arma 3. Or will dev time have to be spent on it again when Arma 4 comes?
  21. What I don't understand is how BIS can work on Arma 3 and not notice the performance issues. What happens day to day, do people just ignore it? Are they fine with it? Or do they actually think the performance is fine? What specs are they running? There is no details at all, all just general stone walling and PR rhetoric. We need facts and figures, specifications and details, from BIS' end. I am getting bored of feeling like a Q&A tester that pays to work on finding bugs and problems with the game when I should be playing and having fun.
  22. Vigil Vindex

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Less than 1% of Arma 3 users have ESET NOD but it gets dev time, more than 10% have crap MP AI performance, but it doesn't get acknowledged. Why?
  23. Vigil Vindex

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I have sort of given up hoping that the performance issues will be fixed in regards to AI and MP in Arma 3. I am sure there will be small steps towards progress, but not the kind of investment and systematic change that is needed to fully resolve the problem. I am disappointed but willing to accept this. Arma 3 is still a step forward for Arma. But at this point I really only want one thing to be heard by BIS and remembered. And that is that the current level of performance cannot be allowed to continue into Arma 4. This is 2013, we expect games to run 60+fps, not to have us feel lucky if we get 30fps. When I think about things like Oculus VR saying we will need 120 fps, 60 fps for each eye, it makes me sad to think we will never be able to achieve this level of performance with Arma 3.
  24. Will the new revive system have spectate? This is the one thing missing when we are playing this and it would be great to get it back.
  25. Vigil Vindex

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Glad to see this has been updated! Thanks Ryd! Are the class names for A3 still to be added to RHQLibrary.sqf? Or are they meant to be duplicated into all the HQSitRep*.sqf files? PS. I started dumping the script version into a Github repo to try and track changes here: https://github.com/vigilvindex/RYD_HAC/commits/master