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Everything posted by 88mike

  1. Bringing up an old one from the grave to possibly help others. Today I deleted Bitdefender from my computer and it changed my Arma settings. Everything was all jacked up and back to stock settings and it wouldn't save any settings I changed. As it turned out, my profile got turned off and it was like I just installed the game for the first time. I got the idea to check that from this thread and it was indeed the problem. I went to the launcher settings, clicked the profile drop down menu and selected the correct profile. Now I'm back in business.
  2. Bunc, keep up the good work. I'm excited to use this script. Exactly what I was looking for!!!!
  3. For sound, I use this mod. After using it for a long time, the only thing I find that it's missing is a much needed change to incoming artillery and bombs. Is there anyway you can add this? Please?
  4. I was having issues at first with undefined variables until I used the " sleep 2; " you suggested. Now it works! This is a great script and it came out just in time! Using it in the current mission I'm making. 88Mike
  5. After watching YouTube videos on installing the mod I had decided that detonation would occur at the game logic. That was incorrect. It actually occurred at the trigger. Which seemed backwards to me, but then again, I'm still learning how all this works. I was able to attach the trigger to the device using " triggerName attachTo [this, [0,0,0]];". And now I can move the object where ever needed on the map. Thanks for the reply's barbolani and R3VO. 88Mike
  6. Let me start off by saying I'm somewhat new to scripting but I'm learning how as I go. I've looked absolutely everywhere to find out how to attach a game logic to a moving object. What I'm trying to do is attach a game logic to the assembled device so I can move a nuke anywhere on the map using panda's nuke mod. I've tried attachTo but that's not working and I've tried getPos setPos on a trigger with out much luck either. Also I've tried to get around using a game logic and sync'd the module strait to the device. No luck there either. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated, I'm stuck. 88Mike
  7. I'll give setPos another look. It may be the mod just won't allow it. You guys have given me a couple of ideas. Thanks for the incite. 88Mike
  8. I would like to know as well.
  9. 88mike


    Thanks nemesisre. That was one of the problems. I spoke with Zade and he suggested changing "player" to "this" and that did the trick. I wanted to share that incase anyone else ran into that problem.
  10. 88mike


    Zade, I tried out ACE3 just to give this mod a go. Both addons are awesome! ACE3 has added new functionality to Arma. And BOC works perfect but only in SP for me. This is my only problem. I can't seem to get it to work in MP. The only mods I'm using are: CBA (latest version), ACE3 (latest version), BOC v.21, mas (NATO, Spetsnaz weapons) and AIA terrain. The script I'm using in the unit init is: addedBackpack = [player,"B_Kitbag_rgr"["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellGreen","FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack; . I've tried putting "true," in between the last brackets like in other examples I've seen but nothing changed. I also removed the unessential mods one at a time. Nothing changed. Any help from anyone would be great! I just want to get this to work in MP! I'm fairly new to mission making but not a complete noob, only partly lol.
  11. 88mike


    Will this mod ever be made to work without Ace3? Maybe make it work with a hot key? It looks like it's the best mod for it's intended purpose.