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Everything posted by Ralian

  1. Ensure you have updated both workbench and the game itself. I have seen this issue today with people who had updated workbench, but had not updated the game through steam. If that doesn't work, validate files for both.
  2. Ralian

    BMR Insurgency

    The keybind for the group manager is set by BIS, not by this mission. I believe there is some way to change it from U if you wish. You can also change the keybind for the settings UI if you are hosting it yourself, but what do you have bound to H in the first place?
  3. Ralian

    Trip Flare

    I'm no expert but I think it would be fairly hard to do this with pure scripting (unless there's an event handler for tripwires I don't know about) but it would be pretty easy to do this with a client side mod. Just take the config for the existing tripwire mines and modify them to fire a flare instead of exploding.