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About Bonezz

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    Private First Class

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  1. So im doing this model and in OB the texture shows fine but in game its all black around it i did move faces to top in OB but still nothing worked and the texture works on other models.
  2. Hey all probably this been asked before but i couldnt find anything for what i need im converting a truck to arma and yes i know they dont support trucks and trailers but i wana do it so i have everything setup wheels spin in buldozer and i game they spin too but i have one wheel wheel_2_3 floating and i dont have an idea why i tweaked sprungMass and other stuff but didnt work. heres a pic https://gyazo.com/29c44612bd9b7cfc6813a31e07917502 model.cfg physx.hpp please if anyone can help let me know.
  3. Can some help i got this problem where custom buildings door open in editor but its not opening on dedicated server i have no idea why if i anyone can help that would be nice thanks .
  4. bump anyone can help with this still ?
  5. so i should remove it ?
  6. Hey all can anyone help with this how can i make BEC tool run from my batch file when i lunch my server or when the server restarts i have tired couple things but it does not work this my batch file for the server to run. title ARMA SERVER @echo off C:\Windows\System32\mode con cols=50 lines=7 >nul set /a var=0 color f :start cls title ARMA LIVE ( %var% RESTARTS ) echo ------------------------------------------------- echo SERVER HAS RE-STARTED %var% TIME(S) echo ---This Server Session Started At: %time%--- echo ---------------- Running Server ----------------- echo ---------------- ARMA DEDICATED ----------------- echo ------- Created For/By The Trinity Network ------ echo ------------------------------------------------- start "" /wait /high "C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -malloc=tbbmalloc -pid=pid -server -port=2302 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\A3LSV\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\A3LSV\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\A3LSV" -name=A3LSV -filePatching "-mod=@CBA_A3;@Jonzie Mega Mod Pack;@Lakeside;@StonerVilleGaming;@SV_task_force_radio" -autoInit -enableHT -servermod=@extDB;@life_server;@infiSTAR_A3 set /a var+=1 cls title ARMA LIVE ( %var% RESTARTS ) goto start
  7. thats what i thought too but its just getting damaged no blow up or smoke and fire , and that class i cant find no where class DestructionEffects {}
  8. hey guys i looked around before i came here to ask , i couldnt find anything what is the way to make the vehicle go on fire after its damaged do i have to add something in OB , or its in the config can some one explain please . and happy new year for u all.
  9. thanks man that worked . one more thing would u know why my glass is doing this when its destroyed https://gyazo.com/4281002c5987ebb18466451f4b9df420 https://gyazo.com/2bc7eff11e52e7fbbcd04b16adfd4fa4
  10. here man thanks for replying .
  11. this the model.cfg im using i got it from the samples files