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Everything posted by mullan360

  1. mullan360

    Uniform mod problem

    Hey guys. I'm back with the mod mostly working however...... For some reason the uniforms I'm making are duplicating themselves within the virtual arsenal. E.g. I have two 2RAR options in the virtual arsenal Here is the code I'm using for the uniforms: class MTP_Uni_2RAR: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "MTP Uniform - 2RAR"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; HiddenSelectionTextures[] = {"\AM_BAF_EquipmentV1\data\2RAR_Uniform_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "MTP_Uni_2RAR"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 45; }; }; Any help is appreciated, Mullan
  2. mullan360

    Uniform mod problem

    Still not working...
  3. mullan360

    Uniform mod problem

    Yea so I've tried that however it now only gives one version of each uniform but when I click it, it loads the naked man texture
  4. mullan360

    AM BAF Equipment

    We made them ourselves, a lot of work went into our base template from which we added the TRFs. The base template originates from a retexture of the AAF long sleeve uniform. Regards, Mullan
  5. mullan360

    Uniform mod problem

    Can anyone help me?
  6. mullan360

    Uniform mod problem

    Yea I know - it's corresponding with a soldier
  7. mullan360

    AM BAF Equipment

    Okay, so here are some "better" images with the default Arma shaders. I believe that this looks better and a more accurate representation.
  8. mullan360

    AM BAF Equipment

    Yea I'm out at the minute but I will get some better screenshots when I'm home. The camouflage is just fine against the terrain for me because it is just my high contrast. (No idea why I have it so high) Also, if anyone has any particular requests post them here or PM me, preferably post reference images as well.
  9. mullan360

    AM BAF Equipment

    Yea the whole yellow tint thing is just my in game settings, the new arma shaders mess all that up lol
  10. mullan360

    Config.cpp error

    Hey guys, literally as I made that last post I realised my mistake. Thank you for all you assistance on the matter. PS- any reason as to why the uniform would be created twice in virtual arsenal? Regards, Mullan
  11. mullan360

    Config.cpp error

    Hey guys, so I'm working on my first little mod (only retextures for now) and I've ran into a problem. When I launch the game I am getting the error "config.cpp, line 197 encountering [ instead of {" So when I opened my config file, this was the code on that line (and around it) class MTP_Uni_RE: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "MTP Uniform - RE"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; <------------------LINE 197--------------> hiddenSelectionsTetxtures[] = [\AM_BAF_EquipmentV1\data\RE_Uniform_co.paa] class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "MTP_Uni_RE"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 45; }; }; Any help would be appreciated! Regards, Mullan
  12. mullan360

    Config.cpp error

    Okay, so I've done all of the above and its fixed the previous error however in the same line it gives me the error; 'c' encountered instead of ; I know this is frustrating for you guys as well
  13. mullan360

    Config.cpp error

    Okay now it's saying: "" encountered instead of {
  14. mullan360

    Config.cpp error

    Okay, I've tried that however I'm still getting the same error this time on another line: class ItemCore; class UniformItem; class Uniform_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class MTP_Uni_RE: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "MTP Uniform - RE"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; hiddenSelectionsTetxtures[] = [\AM_BAF_EquipmentV1\data\RE_Uniform_co.paa] class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "MTP_Uni_RE"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 45; }; }; class MTP_Uni_RA: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "MTP Uniform - RA"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; hiddenSelectionsTetxtures[] = [\AM_BAF_EquipmentV1\data\RA_Uniform_co.paa] class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "MTP_Uni_RA"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 45; }; The error is on line 209. Sorry about this, really struggling though :unsure:
  15. mullan360

    Chernarus bases by DonbassCZ

    Is this still active? Would love to see what you can come up with! Regards, Mullan
  16. Hi there! I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this so I apologise if it is. So, I'm looking to retexture the AAF uniform for a uniform mod I am trying to make however I seriously am struggling to find the AAF character files. Any help is appreciated, Mullan
  17. mullan360

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I would love to see some British naval assets introduced such as the HMS Bulwark or HMS Queen Elizabeth. This area seems to lack content so it would be nice to see
  18. mullan360

    Terrain Builder/Buldozer Error

    Hi, thanks for your response. I've just tried what you illustrated and I came up short, still getting the same error.. (Sorry, didn't realise there was another place to post ;) ) **EDIT: Just got it working, I just forgot to do something after checking the box xD. Thanks for your help mate!**
  19. Hi, so before I start, I want to say I'm very new to this... So, I'm currently working through the Atlas terrain making guide and it was absolutely brilliant up to this point. So when I launch Buldozer, it goes through the texture loading process only to give me this error message when the application opens, "Cannot load texture maps\tag_testmap\data\layers\s_000_000_lco.paa." After a brief look around in my files, I came to realise that the file exists but is in the wrong format (PNG) and so are the other dozens of files like this in the folder. I was wondering if this is my problem and how to fix this as I have looked around the web for a good while now and have struggled to find anything to help me resolve this. Any help is greatly appreciated :D Cheers! Mullan