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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Now those are some low poly rocks! Also, updated PEQ-15?
  2. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will RHS also make low poly gravel?
  3. easyeb

    Is Random Start broken or am I using it wrong?

    It was working, now it's broken. I still miss the placement radius that excluded water the most.
  4. easyeb

    Is Random Start broken or am I using it wrong?

    It was working as you expect before the latest update.
  5. I've also started suffering from this issue. On Altis. Has anyone found a way to solve it?
  6. oh yeah, not using the RHS config solved it! Cheers!
  7. Inb4 everyone else says it's fine. I am cursed, so I wouldn't be surprised it's only me. I'll try reinstalling after I've put my daughter to sleep.
  8. Oh hey, sweet! Aw, error message.
  9. Hello there fellow kids! I'm learning faction config editing, what works best for me is editing existing configs to see how it looks when it works. I'm want to ad random head gear (from a list of say about five items) to these dudes but I've not gotten it to work. Any of you kind souls care to teach me the ways of the fo... I mean code.
  10. Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
  11. Hi! I tried allowedHeadgear[] = { "H_Bandanna_blu", "H_Bandanna_cbr", "H_Bandanna_khk" }; also ​ headgearlist​[] = { "H_Bandanna_blu", "H_Bandanna_cbr", "H_Bandanna_khk" }; ​right after the identityTypes ​part.
  12. easyeb


    Will you make Campbell Chicken Noodle soup cans? (sorry, but every addon thread needs an shameless request).
  13. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I can vouch for at least 1453 meters with te M2010 in Arma 3 :DZeroed at 100 m, and using ACE3 adv ballistics,
  14. Thanks, I'll give it a shot! Sorry for catching you guys of guard with a bunch of questions on something you haven't even released yet, much less prepared documentation for. I appreciate all the help! Edit: Couldn't figure it out. Thanks for your patience.
  15. So I'm stumbling along with the Orbenator, and I got it working once I replaced Spyders autogen.cpp with my exported data. Really cool to have it all with a smooth ui like this. I can't get two custom/customized factions running at the same time though. I have placed them in separate folders, and renamed the pbo's but it seems like I'm missing something. Any hints? Cheers!
  16. Guys, thanks for this ORBAT thing. You guys are saints. Saints I tell you!
  17. How does one install this here fancy dev version of Alive?
  18. Yo dudes. Is it possible to have ir strobes attached to AI units at mission start? Cheers
  19. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    There is a radius. Go to settings/game/configure addons/asr ai and you can edit that radius.
  20. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don't know. Haven't tried it with vanilla. Scope is zeroed at 100 meters in this case (and no adjustments were made), so if mildots are applicable to vanilla ballistics it should work. Edit: What I mean is you may be able to hit beyond 1000 meters, not zero at beyond 1000. Ace will not change scopes zeroing ranges as far as I'm aware. You zero the mk.4 at 100 and do the adjustments with the fancy reticle. That's why it's so fancy.
  21. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So, no one will care about this, but I have no friends so you guys will just have to indulge me. I just got a kill from 1450 meters with ACE ballistics and the RHS M2010 using the Mk.4 M5. Guys. 1450 meters without having to touch the dials of the scope. The H58 reticle just works. ATragMX gave me 18.27 correction, so at 6.5 zoom the dude was, oh say about three pixels tall :) It took two shots, first shot didn't kill him, but he started patching himself up instead of going for cover. That was his last mistake. Poor little dude. Guys this is so cool. Thanks again for this.
  22. While on the topic of ballistics, when using the ATragMX and inputing data, wind and inclination angle have two fields for input. Wind has fields marked 1 and 2, and inclination angle has fields marked C and D. Could someone explain to me what the different fields mean? Cheers!