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About baybal

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  1. As I understand Mi 48 is a merge of two existing designs, the Mi 28 and Ka 50. 1. I found it odd that the placement of inflatable shroud ports for ejection seats is mirrored instead of being offset (one for front seat and one for the rear). 2. It does appear to yaw faster to the left than to the right. As it doesn't have a tail rotor, there should be no difference. 3. Helicopters with coaxial rotors should be able move sideways much faster and have higher acceleration than helicopters with tail rotor. 4. Helicopters with coaxial rotors don't need to pitch forward as much as conventional ones to move forward. 5. Roll and pitch rates are nowhere near realistic for coaxial rotor helicopters. They should be noticeably lower due to much higher rotor mass.