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About houseman

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  1. The bug is already on the feedback tracker. I submitted it. Now I'm asking where should I post about it on these forums. ---------- Post added at 00:55 ---------- Previous post was at 00:53 ---------- Oh, good, that's where I already posted it. But then somebody made a comment that implied that I posted it in the wrong place.
  2. So I found a bug. Where should I post about it in order to get people to notice and vote for the bug on the feedback tracker?
  3. No I am not playing koth on dev branch. BUT, here's my reasoning as to why I posted it here: 1. To my knowledge, there is no place to post bugs or direct attention to bugs. 2. When you google "Arma III bugs" the first link is to dev.arma3.com 3. This is the "dev branch" section of the forums. 4. This bug is in prod, so it's probably also in dev too. All of this made me think that this was the correct place to post about the ticket. If there is better place for me to direct attention to it, please let me know and I'll post it there. Also you mentioned lock-on. I'm only talking about wire-guided missiles. It could be the case that there's an issue with lock-on too, but I wouldn't know about that.
  4. I think I found a bug. I noticed this while playing KOTH. Whenever I fire two wire-guided missiles from a Titan AT missile from the MPRL Compact, the second one always shoots high, and I have to aim underneath the target in order to compensate. The first missile goes exactly where I aim it. I already submitted it through the tracker. Id 22157