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Everything posted by icmspectre

  1. Have you guys thought about using an arming menu for aircraft, or maybe different paint schemes for the virtual garage?
  2. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    How do you use UnitCapture?
  3. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Correct me if I'm wrong. But did I see "Deploy m240" how are you gonna make this work? Like does it become an extra seat? Also is there gonna be a MK19 door gunner variant?
  4. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Ooooo I believe you now, you sexy demon
  5. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    I thought you were having the two-part ramp. All of these vids and screens only show the half ramp
  6. Is there an ETA on the Bravo release. Don't wanna seem like I'm nagging I'm just really excited for it. I'm going away to Tenerife and was wondering whether it will be released when I get back or not.
  7. Aw nice that's awesome man. Will the Heuys have slingloading too? Thinking of recreating that scene from Apocalypse Now where the AirCav pick up the patrol boat.
  8. Are you gonna have Heuys with AirCav insignia on them or are they all gonna be stock green?
  9. CSJ's hueys are the best out there Have you guys seen the map "NAM" by CPL.Variable.A; it has a HUE section, Hamburger Hill, FOBS, 7th Cav HQ, NVA and VC camps and a US R&R camp, with beach equipment and a drinks shack. Its really well made too. You guys should check it out
  10. icmspectre

    Air Cav Vietnam Mod

    The hueys are incredibly stiff
  11. icmspectre

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    If you were to do starwars addons, why not the clone wars era?
  12. icmspectre

    3den Enhanced

    What are the names of other animations other than STAND if you don't mind me asking
  13. All the Yanks cared about in Nam was who had the bigger guns and just strapped whatever they could to whatever they have
  14. Too high maintenance and prone to crashes and being shot up because they weren't as fast as huey gunships
  15. CH-47 guns a go, now thats overkill
  16. pls port, those Hueys are brilliant
  17. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    This is one beautiful addon
  18. Are you guys sticking with Grumpy Rhinos Hueys or will you port 2.6's hueys over? Arma 2 UNSUNGs hueys are the best looking and feeling hueys I've used
  19. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Im glad about that. Loved the 2-part ramp since CoD4's US Marine missions
  20. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Which ramp will this have? The half ramp or the fully enclosed ramp?
  21. What about helmet art, like the US soldiers https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=vietnam+era+art&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB672GB673&hl=en-GB&esrch=CriOSWebView::WK&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuwcjgq4rKAhXDPBQKHYCAApwQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=MzYTT7o2H-6EoM%3A
  22. icmspectre

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    Will you be adding Black Hawk Down style Delta Force?
  23. icmspectre

    GX Addons v2

    I have an issue. Everytime I chose a location to land and order the AI to disembark, 2 men will and then the helicopter will gain altitude again and the men will continue to disembark causing them to fall to their deaths. Also when I order them to get in when the evac arrives, it just flies away
  24. icmspectre

    [WIP] VTOL Tiltrotor Aircrafts

    These look amazing please make sure you finish these