JohnRobertvh 10 Posted July 9, 2010 This one seems a bit tricky. I follow the steps as described in a other tread by creating a get in waypoint, followed by an unload waypoint for the troops and a last move waypoint to get the chopper out of there. The only problem I'm having is that the troops who just disembarked from the chopper also moves to the waypoint I've set for the chopper. I would actually like for the troops to stay were I've dropped them of and only have the chopper move away. Can this be done? I would appreciate help on this one. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zulu1 145 Posted July 9, 2010 It sounds like you might have the troops joined or grouped together with the chopper. When you place serveral units in close proximity on the map they link together as one group. Try first placing the chooper aways from where you really want to place it. Then place your troops and then move the chooper to where you want it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRobertvh 10 Posted July 10, 2010 Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I'm still having problems though. Your explanation of groups linking together which is placed within close proximitiy of each other makes sense as I've noticed that happening. I'm now placing the groups as per your explanation. That however does not solve my issue though. The troops still have a mind of their own and runs of in the direction the chopper is suppose to take of into after unloading the group. The effect I'm achiving is the exact opposite of what I actually want. The chopper stays behind and the group of troops takes off. :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swot 10 Posted July 10, 2010 okay it depends on if you want the chopper to be part of the squad. if not then put the following code into each of the soldiers init lines: soldiersname moveincargo choppersname obviously write in the names of the squad members where i have put names. this moves the squad members inot the chopper without being part of the squad, then give the chopper a simple transport unload at the loacation where you want them to go, and give them there own waypoint and they will follow through with their current order. p.s. if you havent already, click on the icon that says "easy" until it goes to advanced... this makes things indcredibly easier to manage. and if you dont get may answer then look around the rest of the forum you WILL find your answer.:bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MulleDK19 21 Posted July 10, 2010 When you place serveral units in close proximity on the map they link together as one group. Wait, what?!? Since when... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted July 10, 2010 put a group on your map, put a chopper: - create a waypoint "embark" for the group - create a waypoint "load" for the chopper then press F5 synchronize, then select the waypoint "embark" right button on the mouse, and synchronize it with load. after that, create a waypoint "unload" for the chopper everywhere on the map, create a waypoint "disembark" for the group where you want and create an other one "move". you can also use that: (_x moveincargo nameofthechopper) foreach units nameoftheleader of the group create a waypoint "unload" for the chopper and a waypoint "disembark" for the group + a waypoint move Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ww2weasel 10 Posted July 11, 2010 When you place serveral units in close proximity on the map they link together as one group. He meant when you place one unit at a time on the map in the Editor - & if they are close to another unit - the game engine's logic will autolink units into one group. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkdexter 10 Posted May 3, 2011 wow, searching the old posts is worth it. This is what im lookin for. Sennacherib's post helps. I begin to understand what is the Synchronize tab are for. But i have other questions which is somewhat relevant to this thread. So I successfully made the chopper load a group of infantry using the sync, i made the chopper to transport unloaded them near an enemy territory. Now I want the enemy squad to move once my infantry are unloaded. But I only want the enemy squad to follow the way point i set them once the chopper at least starts to unload the first soldier. I used the sync to do this, i made the enemy squad to a seek and destroy way point near my chopper transport unload waypoint. Then i used the sync tab to join them together. Now my problem is the enemy infantry still moves out to that seek and destroy without even waiting for at least the chopper to appear. It seemsl ike the enemy squad follows the waypoint normally. In another words the sync is not working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiller 18 Posted May 3, 2011 (edited) hi, First solution: Use three or four waypoints for enemy squad - first MOVE waypoint near enemy squad Sync'ed (f5) with UNLOAD wp - second MOVE wp in a radius of 150-200m around chopper LZ - Third S&D wp near chopper LZ - Maybe a CYCLE waypoint after the S&D but not required. I will try to make a demo later. Second solutuion: EDIT: I made a script for insertion IMO more reliable than WPs and synchro. SP/MP compatible. init.sqs nik_unload=false nik_delete=false exit Insertion.sqs ;****************************************** ;Chopper Insertion Script by Nikiller v0.9b ;Unload a group from a chopper. ;contact: [email protected] ;[chopperName,groupName] exec insertion.sqs ;****************************************** _chop = _this select 0 _grp = _this select 1 _units=Units _grp _lc=local _chop _i=0 _j=count _units _chop setCaptive true _chop setBehaviour "CARELESS" _chop setCombatMode "BLUE" _ac="GETOUT" if (_lc) then {_chop flyInHeight 1; _chop land "get out"} @ (getPos _chop select 2 < 1.5) if (_lc) then {_smokes="smokeShellRed" createVehicle (getPos _chop)} ~1 #unload (_units select _i) action [_ac,_chop] unassignVehicle (_units select _i) _i=_i+1 ~0.5 if (_j>_i) then {goto "unload"} ~5 nik_unload=true; publicVariable "nik_unload" if (_lc) then {_chop flyInHeight 100} @nik_delete if (_lc) then {} else {exit} _d=driver _chop _g=gunner _chop _all=[_chop,_d,_g] ~5 {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _all exit I made a demo for what you want: copper land, unload troops, take off, go away and a group of enemies incoming to LZ. DEMO LINK a little explaination: nik_unload is variable to say that chopper has unloaded troops then you can write in the condition of the first MOVE WP of the enemy squad and the condition of the WP who order chopper to go away nik_unload nik_delete is variable to delete the chopper when it has done his job then write in the activation of the WP who order chopper to go away nik_delete=true; publicVariable "nik_delete" Just copy and paste those script in the notepad and save then as .sqs not .txt Study the demo I uploaded you have everything you need for what you want to do and I think it's more reliable and clear than have synchro and wp. cya. Nikiller. Edited May 3, 2011 by Nikiller added demo link Share this post Link to post Share on other sites