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Does OA include anything from the original ArmA 2?

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I have both games and I know I can combine them but does OA by itself include anything (islands, units etc.) from the original or is it all new stuff?

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I have both games and I know I can combine them but does OA by itself include anything (islands, units etc.) from the original or is it all new stuff?
Easy and short answer: NO

Units that were in ArmA II also got a rework to a higher standard (T-72 or BMP2 comes to mind), so it's in no way the same anymore...old maps are not included.

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So what you are saying is, it does include the old units but they are improved?

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So what you are saying is, it does include the old units but they are improved?
No old units in OA. No russians no USMC and all UN-CDF are new units.

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Oh OK, I think i'll install both games then. Thank you for your help.

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If you're asking for technical reasons, then other than a few (modified) base classes (UAZ_Base, T72_Base, BMP2_Base etc.) and some weapons (AK74, AKM, RPK etc.) there's no common classes.

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One last question, if I install both games will the content of both then show up in the mission editor in OA?

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Seems like there are some specific civs from base ArmA2 accessible in OA in the "Special" category. Probably a couple of specific units they needed for the OA campaign.

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