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Who's Side would you Join?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's Side would you Join?

    • JTF USMEX (Military)
    • Policia Federal (Mex), Federal Agents (U.S)
    • Civilian Just live life as it is
    • Trafickers, Henchmen, Enforcer, Leader, (CarteL)
    • Join the Liberation Army!
    • Live in a island off main land, and be a "Antonio Montana" Type

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Forbidden Conflict Mod

Brief Discription of mod: Build an island with similar vegetation as Mexico with several towns and beaches (cancun):yay:Blufor side would of course be the federal government and the opfor would be the: Narco Cartels and their armies of gunmen and army desserters and many foreign fighters. The independent side would be: , Rebels


Federal Government:



Special Forces Groups>>>Amphibious Special Forces Group>>>High Command Airmobil Group Special Forces>>>Parachute Rifle Brigade>>>Special Forces Airmobile Group

Federal Police

Police Special Groups


Air Force


Narco Cartels

Vigilante Groups of Civi's



(Ejercito Zapatista Liberacion NAtional) >>> English TRanslation>>>Zapatista National Liberational Army

(Brief History): This is a Military Political Movement, born from Marxist and Socialist ideology, most of the followers

are indigious people from southern Mexico.


(Ejercito Popular Nacional) English Translation >>> Popular National Army

(Brief History): is a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group in Mexico that advocates a socialist revolution,

(more info) http://www.mexidata.info/id2376.html

a convoy of Gunmen in a small town, extortionating locals REAL VIDEO



Maddii [/i]>>> p3d modeler

Fox 09>>> Texturer

Vilas>>>will help us, by donating some of his mods, ofcourse credit will be giving to him in this mod and for his models!

Looking for:

>>> Texturer(s)

>>> Animator(s)

>>> Configurator(s)

>>> coder(s)

>>> Party Coordinator :p

Remember guys our team is "EOM" Equal Opportunities Modders,

if intrested feel free to message me to the mods email: [email protected]

Ideas are Welcomed!


Edited by Civilian_88

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I'm getting better at texturing, I would be willing to help out. :)

I've only done soldiers etc, but vehicles, buildings, , i can try.

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great fox, im going to assign you to Texturing, try adding me to the Mods email messenger, to keep in contact and update you with more info on the mod

Edited by Civilian_88

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This is a really good idea. I don't have any modding experience, but I hope this sees the light of day.

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thanks for the support Devil Dog, I know the guys who volunteered and myself will get this done, not anytime soon though.

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belgerot, thanks for the support man,

anyways, my friend maddi started some work on the chevy pick ups used by the Mexican Army, and my friend fox has also started some work, thanks guys for your spare time on dedicating it to the mod, i myself is trying to get ground textures of land in mexico.

thanks guys again, and a reminder anyone with modding experience is welcome, newbies or pro's all work will be credited to you guys.

Edited by Civilian_88

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Great News, Vilas agreed on helping us by lending us his models and us retexturing them with new Mexican camo;s, proper credit will be giving to him, and his name will be placed in our mod!, Fox09 thanks for the update, keep it up Man! Maddi, thanks for updating info aswell !

any texturers with no experience and experience, are welcomed to join the group !

Edited by Civilian_88

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yes, i sent him a pm asking if he would like to be part of the mod, and this is what he replied with:


sory, i have no time to help - girl, work, summer < sport, fitness (from PC i get too fat )

but i can suport with ALREADY made elements/models/textures etc.

i have no time to do anything from begining"

many thanks to vilas, for his generosity, and too my two other members of the mod, for spending time on helping and making it happen,"maddi" and "fox09"..

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so far so good, man thanks for the support minimalaco!!

im working on the Mexican BDU's Digital Textures !!! so far im good, ima see if i can transfer them to fox09 !

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So far I was able to do this textures of the original MExican Army and MArines and some proto-type Digital BDU's (DEsigned by me :D), hope you guys like them.

Darkhorse 1-6

that eventually will be done later on, first we must do the MExican Armed Forces First, thanks for the idea!! But if you can help us by texturing that be great! You are surely welcome to help in the mod,

Edited by Civilian_88

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yes, i have thousands of pics of the mexican army and marines, i personally took pics with them.

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If you know any members of those branches, ask them to get their jacket/pants etc, and take good picture of the pattern, without anything else in the picture. If it's done right you should be able to use the picture as a camo swatch, and use it to texture the units.

& about that "offer", I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested.

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Civillan, my suggestion is.. keep it small and do it well. Focus on say the Narco Cartels and skip those gerillas.. everyone been fighting those (similar) in ofp/arma/arma2/arrowhead.. narco cartels is more "fresh", serious and real.

Same with bluefor.. try cut it down to start with.. airforce, make one pilot, use the bis default module. Don't spend more time and what its needed.

There might be guys that are willing to donate their work, but in the end you are the ones that need to make it into something new and fresh.. or what was the point? Can you guys do that? Can you make it.. or just another of those "i have great ideas, now i just need to find people to do stuff for me"-mod

Want to see some pictures of your own work.. not vilas stuff.

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so is this mod done yet? i just got myself the game and im really keen to get a my hands into this.. i would offer my help in the creation of it but i dont have the skills :(, as i mexican i would love to use their armed forces in this game... just as another question... is there any other mod that has the mexican army? i saw this MAF (Mexican Armed Forces) in google (lol) but i havent really find it anywhere in the forum... sweet ass guys hope its still on =)

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Hola Fernando..

Sadly I haven't seen any mexican stuff.. but since Mexico use very few own made stuff, american hmmwv's are the "mainpart", it shouldn't be that hard to make at least some basic soldiers and vehicles with just new textures.

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i've been a bit lazy myself, but I'm still gathering resources etc. i don't think the rest of the team has made much progress so far... i may be wrong. I'm going to get to testing and perfecting the camoflauges tonight, and maybe post some pics here.

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I hope this doesn't die, it is a great concept plus the Mexican military doesn't seem to get any publicity.

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