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Update FaceTrackNoIR

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Hello Mr. Halik,

Thank you for moving this project forward, I'd love to try your version along with the new features and improvements you introduced but http://arma.misaki.pl/ appears to be down with a 504 Gateway Time-out are there any trusted mirrors the files can be downloaded from ?

Disregard, server is now responding and files are available for download.

Edited by SidVicious
Server Status Update

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For those getting bad results from my tracker, FaceAPI works again. Turned out to be a simple dll/headers issue.

FaceAPI is now separated to a new directory, to allow us to use Qt 4.8.1 with all its bugfixes, while at the same time allowing FaceAPI to function with Qt 4.6.2 it's hardcoded to use.

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Hey all,

Just after some pointers to get this new version running, does it need compiling? If so, then deffo more help needed!

I found some .exes in "\ftnoir-2012-06-11\ftnoir-devel\bin", ran the facetrack one and all seems fine, but then nothing happens in ARMA.

In the readme, it says "You need also: - FaceApi xxx.faceapi.com", is it correct you have to register to download this? Does it then just run alongside Facetrack?

Finally, is there a guide on curves somewhere? Really doesn't make any sense to me and doesn't seem to be explained anywhere.

Bought a Sony eyecam and tried it in the older version of Facetrack, it works a ton better than the other cheap cams I tried. Can't recommend it enough for £11 delivered!!

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Use the FreeTrack protocol for Arma. No need to install either FaceAPI or IPP anymore, in this release they're all bundled.

Also you need to activate FreeTrack in Arma separately.

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ah ok, great, thanks.

So on this dev build, running the .exes from the bin folder is correct? Will try it again if so, had no luck getting it to work


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ah ok, great, thanks.

So on this dev build, running the .exes from the bin folder is correct? Will try it again if so, had no luck getting it to work


What error message do you get?

Also when using faceapi make sure you've deinstalled all older IPP and faceapi software.

I got an error when IPP was still installed.

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Why would you get an error? There are IPP exes in the app's directory which should override all existing IPP copies in the system.

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ah ok, great, thanks.

So on this dev build, running the .exes from the bin folder is correct? Will try it again if so, had no luck getting it to work


What I've found best is to extract the files in the bin folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR\ after deleting anything that's already there (except your Settings folder which you might want to backup). I had trouble in the past just overwriting the old files and found it worked better if I just deleted them.

If that's the wrong procedure I'm sure sthalik will correct me though ;)

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:36 ----------

Why would you get an error? There are IPP exes in the app's directory which should override all existing IPP copies in the system.

Whilst both FaceAPI and FaceDetect are working here, the only exes in my FaceTrackNoIR folder are face-detect.exe, face-detect-debug.exe, FaceTrackNoIR.exe and TrackIR.exe. Are one or more of these the IPP exes you refer to?

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I'm talking about ipp-5.3.dll and friends in the newest version here:


Edit: There aren't any! Time for a ninja edit... Done.

And the install procedure is extracting to some random directory, clicking `Load' and choosing a 'Falcon BMS' profile to base your new profile upon, then creating it and 'Save as'. Note that the Falcon BMS profile was made by me and it's very sensitive.

Heard from Wim that he's in the process of merging the changes. Also, the crash fix on exiting should be fixed if it wasn't mentioned already. Turns out freeing stuff in an atexit context where half of our heap is gone already isn't such a good idea.

Edited by sthalik

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I'm talking about ipp-5.3.dll and friends in the newest version here;


And the install procedure is extracting to some random directory, clicking `Load' and choosing a 'Falcon BMS' profile to base your new profile upon, then creating it and 'Save as'. Note that the Falcon BMS profile was made by me and it's very sensitive.

Ah, I see. Yeah, I've got those (in the face-api subfolder), I was just looking for the "IPP exes" you referred to.

Your install procedure suggests the only thing that's changing between builds are the profiles. Are there no other changes that require overwriting the files in the FaceTrackNoIR folder?

I appreciate the X-Plane profile by the way. I've just introduced my Dad to FaceTrackNoIR and he only uses X-Plane, so it's great having a profile he can use :)

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No. DLL's and .EXE's are changing too. Just extract it to your documents directory and be done with it. For now, there are no further changes unless there are some improvements to be made.

Thanks. X-Plane is a nice sim with friendly developers. If only it had any combat... :) Waiting for the TacPack, still.

Other than the ipp-5.3 addition, there were no binary changes in the past few days. Can stop furiously updating now :) If you're interested in diffs and changes, point your TortoiseSVN to http://arma.misaki.pl/svn/ftnoir-devel/ There will be no WebSVN interface because that pitiful piece of cr*p deadlocks during IPC with diff(1) when someone browses the repository, thus bringing down the whole FastCGI instance. I don't feel like becoming a developer for each open-source project I use either.

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The TacPack looks cool, never heard of it before, although it only seems to be for FSX/FS2004.

My Dad's very much into the flying side of things only anyway and doesn't understand my obsession with shooting/blowing things up ;)

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Why would you get an error? There are IPP exes in the app's directory which should override all existing IPP copies in the system.

Using FaceAPI in FTNOIR resulted in a crash with error message for me. Can't recall the exact message though.

After deinstalling no more problems.

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Registered just to say thank you for providing this program for us, it really adds another layer of immersion to ArmA!

I spent about an hour messing with the curves last night trying to get it just right, I'll post up here when I get some more feedback. I may have missed it but is there a "sensitivity" setting in 1.6? It's playable but outside of the neutral zones when I'm "freelooking" it's sooooo sensitive to my movements. I slowed it down quite a bit with the curves, it's just not as smooth as I'd like. I'll mess with it more this afternoon after work.

It did take me awhile to figure out you have to run the game and face track software as administrator or it just stutters back and forth. I also seem to have an issue leaving the facetracknoir program running. I have to start up ArmA (beta) first, then load the software or it'll either a) crash ArmA or b) spaz out in game.

Again, I'll post up again when I get more time to play with it, these are just my first (very positive) impressions.

Thanks again!

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Hi iNfekt3d

You might want to try the latest beta from http://arma.misaki.pl/ as that has the new Accela filter. It would be great if you could share your Arma profile when you've finished tweaking it :)

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Hi iNfekt3d

You might want to try the latest beta from http://arma.misaki.pl/ as that has the new Accela filter. It would be great if you could share your Arma profile when you've finished tweaking it :)

How is this different than the one available at http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php? I currently play DayZ so I'm forced to stay up to date with the constantly changing ArmA II betas, but I have never seen the site you linked. Whenever I get done I will gladly share!

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What error message do you get?

Also when using faceapi make sure you've deinstalled all older IPP and faceapi software.

I got an error when IPP was still installed.

It just didn't do anything when I tried it, was going to try again just now, but http://arma.misaki.pl/ has been down for the past few days now, so can't grab the latest. Anyone know when it will be back up?

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Ran into a weirdish problem with getting FaceTrackNoIR to work and I can't really seem to figure out what it is

I get Noir running and it recognizes my face and tracks it just fine. I have the game protocol set to FreeTrack and the FaceAPI chosen.

When I launch Arma2 though, it doesnt seem to track anything. I go into the controllers options and I see Track IR and Freetrack listed, but when I enable Free track and click customize, I get this:

Just a blank page with no options to set the axis or anything.

I'm using Six Launcher to launch Arma2 (with the DayZ mod already chosen and the latest Beta patch). Even if I try to launch through Steam for combined ops, I still get the same issue.

Any ideas?

I have a link to an image of what I am seeing but the forum doesn't let me post it. i[dot]imgur[dot]com/SzHyy.jpg

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Lawlcat, after you enable FreeTrack, you have to restart Arma. It'll crash first time, just rerun it.

moorsey, yes, it's down. :( I don't have a good place to put my files now, so it'll have to wait. I just improved accela, to quote from my last email to Wim:

I did something stupid with Accela previously, when it got out-of-scale, used a completely different scaling function. Now it's the extrapolation of the spline, using last 2 points, as a linear function.

Another change is that "max x" is where the spline ends, not where the end of screen is. It makes sense, as Y can go higher, faster.

He has the code for that, of course.

Also, I realized that it's important *not* to use FaceAPI internal filtering. It causes very bad lag, often 1/3 of a second or more delayed movement. With newest accela and proper accela curves (can't stress it enough - accela is only as good as the curves are), there's little to no jitter as well as little delay in movement.

Hope you guys enjoy it, and let's hope the relevant changes are integrated and released soon.

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The server is back up. The latest Accela version isn't incorporated, however. If any of you want to test latest Accela, please send a PM and I'll provide a link.

I'm requesting help from programmers with regards to filtering jitter in tracker input. Testing and telling it's good is great and all, but the code won't write itself :(

Just a mathematics background is fine too, for instance the guy who wrote the EWMA filter does audio processing and not strictly programming.

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Hi guys sorry noob question here.

I'm currently on a Macbook Pro i7 running Bootcamp Win 7 64bit and I've installed Facetracknoir v160.

I'm running it as admin but i all i get in the preview is a white screen instead of my ugly mug on the video. I see the green light on the isight come up so its activating the camera. And the camera works fine when using Skype in Win 7.

The X,Y,Z values are also changing as i move my head so i know its picking something up. Would anyone know what is causing the white video preview, and what i need to do to fix it? Just about to try installing faceAPI as well. Not sure if that will do the trick.

In this current state, whenever i open Arma 2 CO my character just looks straight up no matter what i do with my head.

Would appreciate any help, thanks.

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Make sure the video widget is enabled. View -> Video widget. As for Arma, it's quite possibly a distinct issue.

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