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Optics Scripting (Ah-64)

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Hey guys

i am needing a little help with apache optics fov, i wish to increase this drastically as a real ah-64 has what some 32x magnification, i have had a little play around with some values i found here

class ViewPilot


initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -85;

maxAngleX = 85;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -150;

maxAngleY = 150;

initFov = 0.9;

minFov = 0.42;

maxFov = 0.9;


i have depbo'd the addon and unwrap its config.cpp found these lines and changed the maxfov to 1.3 to no avail. also i wanted to give something back to the community so i am working on a mission at this time in helmand with lots of treats and suprise's, had our first mp run out yesterday smooth as butter with over 150 ai, tested on a low end machine and a high end simultanously (Spelling maybe! , its late).

Anyone care to help with this problem is very much appreciated in advance.

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this is nothing about ViewPilot

but something like this (from GDT_Mod_Hellfire)

		class Turrets : Turrets {
		class MainTurret : MainTurret {

			class Viewoptics {
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -40;
				maxAngleX = 17;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -100;
				maxAngleY = 100;
				initFov = 0.7;
				minFov = 0.02;
				maxFov = 1.2;

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thankyou nikita for a quick response :) , what values would i have to manipulate to increase the zoom on the helo, as i want to continue using ace's fcs systems with an increased zoom level for CPG.

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thankyou nikita for a quick response :) , what values would i have to manipulate to increase the zoom on the helo, as i want to continue using ace's fcs systems with an increased zoom level for CPG.

'minfov' is responsible for maximum magnification. The rule for adjusting fov values is like this: fov = 0.33333/magnification (instead of 0.33333 there may be another value, depends on developer's choice of fov corresponding to 1x magnification. In ACE it's 0.33333). So if you want 32x magnification, your fov will be 0.33333/32 = 0.0104165625.

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hey Q1184

Really big thanks for the help mate, still have some trouble i changed the minfov to your value but i am still getting a weak distace on the guncam! any other ideas

Kind regards

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hey Q1184

Really big thanks for the help mate, still have some trouble i changed the minfov to your value but i am still getting a weak distace on the guncam! any other ideas

Kind regards

It appears you hit the hardcoded limit on max zoom in this game. There is a border value after which magnification stops increasing.

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aww bummer , this value seriously needs to be increased by bis in future patch or arrowhead :) , but seriously an apache can see from about 3 miles maybe a touch further, we should be able to own people from half way accross the map like real apaches can (to an extent) ... thanks for everyones input :)

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I read a book called "Apache - Inside the Cockpit of the World's Most Deadly Fighting Machine" by Ed Macy, who served in Afghanistan in the current war, which mentions a lot of details of the Apache. Here is one paragraph where he talks about the zoom of the TADS on page 3.

"I was flying, and Simon, my Royal Navy co-pilot and gunner, was in the seat sic feet in front of me. While the Paras combed the ground, we scanned the immediate landscape for enemy or hidden IEDs. Simon stared into his Target Acquisition and Designation Sight, constantly probing the treelines, bushes and shadows ahead of the Paras with the 127-times-magnification daytime TV camera lens."

Macy, Ed. Apache - Inside the Cockpit of the World's Most Deadly Fighting Machine. London: Harper Press, 2008.

Here is another paragraph talking more about the TADS on page 32:

"Most impressive of all the Apache's cutting edge technology was how it found its prey. Its Target Acquisition and Designation sight system was made up of an array of cameras housed in a double-headed nose con that looked like a pair of giant insect eyes. Its 127-times-magnification day TV camera could read a car number plate 4.2 kilometers, and spots of blood on the ground from a kilometer up. "

Macy, Ed. Apache - Inside the Cockpit of the World's Most Deadly Fighting Machine. London: Harper Press, 2008.

And that's talking only about the magnification of the TADS. God forbid to even think about how the Longbow can detect and track up to 128 targets at the same time, designating the top 64 threats and pointing out the top 2 threats of all, while aiming at them at the same time, and unfortunately the game fails to give us the chance to have a taste. At least Mando missiles lets us have a bit of joy with his add-on, but still, there is a lot of work to be done to replicate the features of an Apache in the game. As a military simulator BI should make the proper mods on the new expansion or we the coders should help mando to make a big, really big big mod for the Apache.

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As a military simulator BI should make the proper mods on the new expansion or we the coders should help mando to make a big, really big big mod for the Apache.

Now you're touching on the large realm of airborne electronic and weapon systems. I could go at length about the various capabilities of modern combat aircraft--like their radar, RWR, countermeasure systems (including various ECM systems) and missile guidance--but those things are so advanced and specific it's unlikely you'll find them anywhere outside a dedicated flight sim.

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