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Beta 70951, AI AT+CQB engage problems

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Hi all,

has anybody noticed any of the following problems with AI behaviour with latest beta patches against v 1.05?

  • AI units in general not opening / returning fire efficiently when enemy is close: old problem somewhat fixed before and now showing up again?
  • AI AT units not opening fire (REDFOR especially), just aiming at target.
  • AI AT units armed with RPG missing the rpg grenade when switching animation (i saw this happen in 1.05 too though);

Despite these problems AI definetely improved quite a lot IMHO.

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For me, they run away, or shoulder their weapon and as soon as I run in front of the gun, they'll shoot. If I wait, they'll aim at me slowly...

they don't stop and shoot me, which should happen

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Yeah i've noticed this too. The will shoulder thw eapon and ahve it aimed to the side of the target by a few degrees and slowly rotate towards it. In some cases that will complete this cycle several times before actually firing. Still better than not being able to hit anything at all :P

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What skill % are you running in options, haven't noticed this one yet. I'm running friendly and enemy on 100, with super AI off.

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What skill % are you running in options, haven't noticed this one yet. I'm running friendly and enemy on 100, with super AI off.

Both maxed skill, no Super AI.

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i remember this worked very good in the demo, rockets were flying over my head all the time in the warfare mission supplied with the demo. But havent seen things like that in the full version since 1.01., especially not in CQC.

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