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Zoom vs keypad Minus

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How do i get the zoom to stay "ZOOMED OUT"?

If i press keypad - i get zoomed out but i dont want to

sit ther pressing it all the time. And no i dont want to stick

something in there or place something ON it. I just need to

be able too ZOOM out and thats it..

2x minus isnt working.

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If you want to see more world around you you can adjust the FOV settings in the config file.

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Please tell me how...I really need to adjust this.

But seriously, why cant we adjust this with controls?

Its simple zoom..

2x Keypad- should be enough right?

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I've added this function to A2Joy script. Now I can lock the zoom in or out pressing joystick buttons.

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+1 to the ops request.

How about Bis just fix it? It works for me on foot but not in any vehicle, ground or air.

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I put the Zoom in/out for Track IR onto a slider on my HOTAS.

This allows me to choose any degree of Zoom I want at all times in any role.

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Ok. Neat and nice, but thats not topic..

KEYBOARD function..

Ive also managed to get it to work on foot..BUT if i carry a AT its messed up.

If i sit down ok, stand up normal zoom again. And confirm the vehicle problem.

How hard is it to apply a code that lets us CHOOSE the Zoom/FOV level in settings?

Comon BIS, dont let the comunity beat you to this one too..

Show us "you are the man"...

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