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VF Ladder Addon

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No problem VF! Been too busy with Real Life things to even look at addons lately. Crunch time right now at work :(

The timber board is just over 3m long; the metal ladder is just over 6m long. Both are from the A1 sample model buildings, and textures are included. Shadow and geometry LODs adjusted accordingly.

I would like to find the construction scaffold to use one of those boards as well but gave up looking for it. How long should a *long* board be? I could resize the wood plank if necessary.

I know how to add a vehicle or weapon config to the game; I just don't know where to look for a static object config.

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Good news Victor!

I finally managed to get some time to figure out the config. I PBO'ed and signed the files.

Planks are found under Empty > Objects >





Files are here:


Please let me know if you can get the zip file OK.

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with these planks and ladders, would it be possible to have an action to raise or lower the far end, so it could be angled?

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The planks don't have any axis, so Victor's mod would have to do any rotation. If it is necessary I can add an axis to them like on a gun turret. Not sure how the addon could do the code to make it rotate. It will be up to Victor to say for certain.

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Thank you for your ongoing comittment to this hpcookie! I haven't looked at this addon for months now due to distracting RL comittments :) But I sure will try before my next travels in August (back to my desk in September then).



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So victor, your really able to get this plank system I had the idea about while back, i mean you have to get the planks

ingame and then basically spawn them, and somehow use an attach to command to get it all to work, or how does this work?

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Yes indeed Gunter, as hpcookie designed some planks they're now in game. Required adaptations to code were limited; for the most part the logic was sufficient to use planks as well.

No attachTo, objects are just being placed in the game space. With all related implications like killing yourself if you get into the way of floating objects, not being able to enter the planks sometimes, sliding rather than walking along etc.But I'll fine tune this through time.

I will update this post with a link to the beta version using hpcookies planks later today. [Postponed until hpcookie has finished the object design]



Edited by VictorFarbau

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Great job, looking forward to testing this out, very happy that you keep on making a fine little mod better.

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Victor I won't be able to look at it until this evening. I have an idea about the sliding - I can make invisible "rails" along the side of the plank object geometry which in theory will prevent sliding off. I will also make the walking area a bit larger to make it a little more forgiving.

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Hey VF, I hope you don't mind - I turned the addon in to a script and am planning on using it in my mission that will be played in United Operations, I have no plans on publicly releasing the mission beyond UO.

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Victor, good news!

Check your PM - I have made new versions for you to test as we discussed. One version has a wider walking area, and the other version has the wider walking area and invisible side rails. The intention of both of these is to limit the chance of accidentally stepping off of the side of the planks.

The wider area is about 1 meter wide, which in my testing seems to work best with the game engine. The invisible side rails are also about 1 meter high on both sides.

More details in the PM. Please let me know if I need to make any changes, additions, etc. as I will have some time this weekend!

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Victor, good news!

Check your PM - I have made new versions for you to test as we discussed. One version has a wider walking area, and the other version has the wider walking area and invisible side rails. The intention of both of these is to limit the chance of accidentally stepping off of the side of the planks.

The wider area is about 1 meter wide, which in my testing seems to work best with the game engine. The invisible side rails are also about 1 meter high on both sides.

More details in the PM. Please let me know if I need to make any changes, additions, etc. as I will have some time this weekend!

I know this is old but is there any update on this? Would love t have a working Plank system.


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Sent him the info. Never heard back from Victor... not sure if he's still working on this project.

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