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Big hairy scud sighted at kolgujev!

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Ok guys, now i have problems with mission 39, "Search and Destroy". I have found the SCUD, but when i'am shooting a LAW in his ass, some russian soldiers, spetznatz, a Shilka or a tank ALLWAYS hit me with a bullet or two... Its f*cking annoying, ive tried so many times, but they allways find me after some seconds and kill me! When i bring my group, their always being killed so I'am the only one less.

PLZ HELP ME! mad.gif

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first, there are about 8-9 Spetz Natz around the mountain. you can take about 6 of them out. also there are some patroling regular soldiers. have your men take them out.

go down to bush, and you'll see 2 Shilkas, one near another tank, and another in the deep pocket of hills. go to the one in the pocket, and plant satchel charge under it, come back.

call in tank support, and then call in air support.

when they start engaging, shilka on farther place will turn around, and SCUD will be ready.

detonate Satchel charge, and then kill crew members.

fire LAW at SCUD, go prone immiediately.

ask your squad to come out to open area, and engage. your men will die, but you will survive as you head back to starting point.

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OK, i guess you mean that i should come over 'The Hill' from the west....testing that...

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i ve done somthg different me... i just order my suad to stay there and took the jeep... get to the hill just upper the scud place and do a little footage to the scud sneaking ... at the scud i put 2 satchel then fall back and touch off the satch just at the limit range ( to not being chased by russian).

Thought one time i meet the spetnaz team at fall back... i found the solution by asking some guy of my team to cover me while i fall back from this cliff.

Easy and if u are sneaky enough no bullet fired.

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I usually take my time with this stage.

I go around and climb the mountain from behind. Be careful if you try this as there a 2 patrols of spetznatz that seem to cover the same area, one coming while the other going. Then I attack from on top of the mountain. I usually load myself out with a law or something to do it this way as the ai won't try shooting rockets from this far away, or if the can't see it clearly. I also sometimes send my guys into forests and let them come out and attack with the tanks and helos before I start firing.

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for this one, i did not fire a single bullet. I was able to sneak in and place a satchel w/o ever being noticed..

their weekness? the backside of the scud facing the hill. Approach the scud from the moutainside and stay very quite and use the nearby trees for cover. If u come in at exactly the right angle, they wont even glance at you.. it takes a while but it works! (at least for me). OH and one other thing.. leave the rest of your mean in the nearby forest to the right of the 'enemy area' (its much easier to be unseen w/o ur group tagging along) Once youve planted the satchel sneak back out to the forest where the rest of ur men are b4 u detonate the satchel (dont go too far or you wont be able to set it off, I was able to set it off at the edge of the forest b4 i was out of range of the satchel) .. hope this works for you.. gl

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I drove alone in the truck to the forrest south of the site, then sneaked up on the mountain, took out a couple of SpetsNaz and then fired a LAW down into the Scud. Then I ran away smile.gif

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I just left all of my men in the beginning except for one Carlgustav man to come with me.

We get high up on the hill til we can see the scud. I put my Carl gustav man up there, and have him target the scud. As soon as he says "ready to fire" I start on my way to the other side of the hill to immediately get out of there. Then I tell him to engage at will. He fires, the scud is destroyed and I continue to make my way out of there. If he survives when he fires, I tell him to return to formation to come and get out of there too.

He usually doesn't make it.

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-Hehe. i know better. Take that cobra (marked on the map as november) and take everything out. You have to be a very good pilot and gunner to take out all shilkas and T80's (they fire at cobra's too).

I prefer the other way (on foot) because it's more realistic. I complete that mission with cobra sometimes for fun. smile.gif

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oh contrare. I say the mission is more realistic by way of the cobras!

If you were planning an assault on the launch site of a scud schedualed to be fired that day, and you knew the area was going to be heavily fortified, which would you send; a completely inadequate infantry squad consisting of 8 guys with limited ammo, or hit it with everything youve got from the air?

The squad you get is so totally inadequate. Going up against legions of special forces, tons of armor, and a hell of a lot more infantry, and youve only got one LAW soldier, one AT soldier, one medic, one sniper, and a few black ops? Even with support from the abrams squad, your not going to get much done. They take out maybe three t80s and a t72 and then they die. And the air support under AI control is just laughable. They get there, and then a second later, they're already shot down.

I have beaten this mission on foot before, so i am by no means complaining. Just voicing my opinion.

Its the second to last mission of the entire campeign. They might as well have hit it with everything they had anyway. I say, the launch site should have been ten times more fortified, but the attacking and supporting forces should also be ten times greater. Take every unit at the launch site and multiply it by three. Then take your existing squad, keep it that way, but add three other full infantry squads that will also be attacking. Then have two squads of four Abrams as armored support, and have a squad of three apaches as air support. This would make it last longer and prove to be very climactic. Of course, we'd all have to get new PC's to handle something like that.

I know why it was so challenging; so little against so much. Its because codemasters wanted it to be that way. As i said, its the second to last mission in the campeign - it has to be super tough.

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You`re probably right. It`s like in a James Bond movie, the easiest solution may be to bombard the area where the bad ones hide, but it`s simply more thrilling to send in only one or a few guys.

Now I revealed the truth: OFP is built on an action movie concept!   wink.gif

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Maybe, but you have to be very very lucky to destroy all those Shilkas without getting killed. I'm sure any of you saved and load the game a few times. AI shilkas are very accurate. More then real gunners in mulitplayer.

I'm now an expert with destroying Shilkas there. First you have to destroy the first three Shilkas (If you can), then you have to hide yourself in the chopper behind the moutian and destroy the last Shilka. You have to surprise it. It always works for me.

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Actually, no. I saved right as i was taking off in them, but i never had to re-load the game. I think i lost my gunner, but i took out all those shilkas faster than anything. I just kept my TOW missiles up, and never targeted anything else, until i had gotten them all.

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I agree that it should have been much "bigger".

I mean, it is the second to last mission.

It should have been like all of Nato versus all of the Russians, winner takes all.

But I did it the opposite way. I went in solo with just me and 1 Carl Gustav man. I set him up, had him target the scud, and had him fire once I was safely far away.

I try to call him back to me once he fires, but he usually ends up getting killed.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Posted: April 23 2002,22:20<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Posted: Sep. 15 2002,09:24<span id='postcolor'>

Yes Ralph, it's a busy day. tounge.gif

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IceFire is contributing his method in conjunction to the thread topic, so i'll let him get away with this this time.

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I did it the dumb way a few times before I hit upon that hill solution. Load my guys in the truck, drive up the hill, set them around to draw the patrols, carried myself and three laws down to the right area for shooting down at them. Called in the tanks, drew away the enemy armor, called in the choppers, plugged the two AAA wagons and put the final rocket in the SCUD. The choppers were eventually shot down but not before killing some Russians. Crawled back up the mountain with bullets hitting to either side, end of mission.

I do agree that the mission should have been balls to the wall. The problem, of course, is that not everyone has a ghz+ machine. The insane battle in the single player missions, that's gigantic but also a major processor hog. BIS would have been nuts to make the last mission in the game too massive for most people to play.

I suppose if someone here wants to rectify that they can always crank up the editor and build a mission that would cripple a 1.5ghz machine. smile.gif

Realistically, this mission would have involved every tank and aircraft NATO had. They probably wouldn't have been able to bring in more than the current force they had but the aircraft could have flown the attack from whichever islands they were based on, the A-10's most assuredly. Hell, what about B-52's for carpet bombing? But something like that would have seriously murdered player computers.

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