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class CfgGroups for aircraft

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Is there some way to set the group of aircraft to fly in their

class CfgGroups ?

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Odd interest, but I think I know why your asking.

As no ones piped up, as I suspect, probably, no.

Groups tend to be manually assigned. So only an intelligent script could break and reassign groups such that alike aircraft fly together.

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I've tried to set it when I was creating the GLT CA translation fixes and cfg groups extension, but I didn't found a value for setting it up.

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I guess for now we just set each aircraft's 'special' setting to fly.

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I am not sure what you mean, in cfggroups you cant add much stuff, you can only change placement on how it will look on map. They will however start in their default "formation" I am almost 100% sure.. so lets say you make them in a fine line, they will be wedge ingame (for soldiers i think), and if you put them in a circle they will still be in a wedge formation.

Without changing the formations like in a mod, you can only specify (in cfgvehicles) how close they will be to each other in a formation.

Not saying I got the only truth and not even saying I understood what you wanted.. but this is my reply :)

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This is true but the question had nothing to do re formation but simply setting the aircraft to fly eg: above the ground.

Seem this is not possible, that's ok.

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ahh, now I read your first post again and I got it :)

well, the postion can be set in 3d i think?

class Unit2


side = SFP_SWE_SIDE;

vehicle = "sfp_strv122";

rank = "Lieutnant";

position[] = {5,0,0};


Not sure it applies tho..

Anyway, if it works I guess you could put them in air, then have a init script that checks if they have a pilot and is "moving or not" (to make sure it isn't a normal plane that been set on flying). Then add some velocity until it got its engine going.

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