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Up-To-Date ACE Ammobox filler script?

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Hey everyone, just figured I'd ask here before going ahead n writing one..... does anyone have or know where I can find an up-to-date ACE Ammobox filler script? Preferably just the West side weapons/ammo/plus extras (masks, glasses, goggles, earplugs, ect), but if you just got one with everything that'll do. Like I said, don't want to reinvent the wheel if it's already out there. Thanks!

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take the standard domination one and manually delete/add in the classnames by hand in the missions script. That's what my group does.

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take the standard domination one and manually delete/add in the classnames by hand in the missions script. That's what my group does.

Thanks. Yea that's my plan but like I said, just wanted to see if someone already had a finished script before I go ahead n write my own. So far no luck though so I just may be doing that. Thanks again.

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_vec = _this select 0;
_side = _this select 1;
if (!isNil "param2") then
_level = param2;

_vec allowDamage false;

clearWeaponCargo _vec;
clearMagazineCargo _vec;

if (_side!="NONE") then
_vec addAction ["Save Loadout" ,"saveLoadout.sqf", [] ,1,false,true,""];

while {true} do

clearWeaponCargo _vec;
clearMagazineCargo _vec;

if(_side=="USMC" || _level>=2) then
if (_level>=1) then
_vec addWeaponCargo ["JAVELIN",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_eotech", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MG36", 100];		
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M107", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36a", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36C", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36K", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["SMAW",100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_AS50", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M240G_M145", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M60", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M32", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M79", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Green", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Brown", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Wood", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_ACU", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_WMARPAT", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_DMARPAT", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_RCO_GL", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim_camo", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 100];	
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["DMR", 100];	
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M40A3", 100];		
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 100];    
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M1014", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Mk_48", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4SPR_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para_M145", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_SA58", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_FAL_Para", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M16A4_Iron", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Aim_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Eotech", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock17", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock18", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Flaregun", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45_SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_MP5A4", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West",100];
if (_side=="RU" || _level>=2) then
if (_level>=1) then
_vec addWeaponCargo ["RPG7V",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["STRELA",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["MetisLauncher",100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["PK", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["KSVK", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Pecheneg", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["Igla",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG29",100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD90", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD91", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD92", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD54", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD99", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_EAST", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["RPG18", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_kobra", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_pso", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_pso", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_kobra", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_74", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL", 100];	
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_47_M", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_UN_kobra", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_PSO", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_U", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_kobra", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["SVD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Makarov", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD", 100];	
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["RPK_74", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Bizon", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["bizon_silenced", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Saiga12K", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["VSS_vintorez", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_SKS", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG22", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG27", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TT", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Scorpion", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_APS", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_APSB", 100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_1P29", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_KOBRA", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_PSO", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPK74M", 100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPK74M_1P29", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_East",100];


if (_level>=1) then
_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7V",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7VR",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7VL",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["OG7",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["STRELA",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["Stinger",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["JAVELIN",100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD",100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEAA", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEDP", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["Igla", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["AT13", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_PG29", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_TBG29", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_6Rnd_40mm_M32", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_40mm_Buck_M79", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M110", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_S_M110", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_T_M110", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_B_TAC50", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_S_TAC50", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_T_TAC50", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SMAW_Spotting", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_25x59_HEDP_Barrett", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25",100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", 100];	
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1rnd_HE_M203",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen",100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["15rnd_9x19_m9sd", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["15rnd_9x19_m9", 100];	
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["30rnd_556x45_Stanag", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 100];
_vec addmagazinecargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator",100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["Binocular",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["itemGPS",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Earplugs",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesRoundGlasses",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesSunglasses",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesTactical",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBlackSun",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBlueSun",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesRedSun",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGreenSun",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGasMask_US",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGasMask_RU",100];
_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBalaklava",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_Bizon", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_10Rnd_762x39_B_SKS", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_33Rnd_9x19_G18", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_17Rnd_9x19_G17", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_762x25_B_Tokarev", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_765x17_vz61", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_25Rnd_1143x23_B_UMP45", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APS", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m84", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m7a3", 100];
_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m34", 100];

//_vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",100];
//_vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",100];

sleep 120;

First parameter is the box, second parameter is "USMC" for western weapons, "RU" for eastern weapons and "NONE" for ammo only (script will always add ammo for all weapons so if you don't want that you need to modify it). 3rd parameter is "level" - 0 will place only light weapons, 1 will place all weapons appropriate to the given side and 2 will place all weapons regardless of side.

The action added for saving loadout will obviously require those scripts too:


forbiddenWeapons = [];
forbiddenMagazines = [];

if (player hasWeapon _x) then
	player removeWeapon _x;
if (player getVariable "ACE_WeaponOnBack" == _x) then
	player setVariable ["ACE_WeaponOnBack", ""];
} forEach forbiddenWeapons;

if (_x in forbiddenMagazines) then
	player removeMagazine "_x";
} forEach magazines player;

if (_x in forbiddenMagazines) then
	player setVariable ["ACE_RuckMagContents", []];
} forEach (player call ACE_fnc_RuckMagazinesList);

if (_x in forbiddenMagazines) then
	player setVariable ["ACE_RuckWepContents", []];
} forEach (player call ACE_fnc_RuckWeaponsList);

customWeapons = weapons player;
customMagazines = magazines player;
customBack = player getVariable "ACE_WeaponOnBack";
backpackMags = [player] call ACE_fnc_RuckMagazinesList;
backpackWeapons = [player] call ACE_fnc_RuckWeaponsList;
hint "Loadout saved";

spawn.sqf (needs to run for every player):

if (!isDedicated && (player != player)) then
   waitUntil {player == player};

customWeapons=weapons player;
customMagazines=magazines player;

while {true} do {
waitUntil {!alive player};
waitUntil {alive player};
execVM "loadLoadout.sqf";
if (!(player hasWeapon "itemGPS")) then
	player addWeapon "itemGPS";


removeAllWeapons player;
{player addMagazine _x;} forEach customMagazines;
{player addWeapon _x;} forEach customWeapons;
player setVariable ["ACE_WeaponOnBack", customBack];
{[player, _x select 0, _x select 1] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine;} forEach backpackMags;
{[player, _x select 0, _x select 1] call ACE_fnc_PackWeapon;} forEach backpackWeapons;

_primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon player;
player selectweapon _primaryWeapon;
// Fix for weapons with grenade launcher
_muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primaryWeapon >> "muzzles");
player selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);

Edited by galzohar

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Wow galzohar that is a fantastic post. Thank you for the explanation!

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http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Weapons_System (ace_sys_weapons) contains dynamic scripts that can get you the list of all weapons available in the game, with filtering for weapon type and scope range.

The so called magicbox has all limitations removed, and thus means every single thing is available in the box :)

It does need some work though to be useful to end users and mission makers I suppose :)

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Thank you Sickboy! I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen that part yet. There's just too much good stuff in ACE2! Not like that's a bad thing though. :)


Oops, I guess I did see that one. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make such scripts, not even where to start.

Edited by Manzilla

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galzohar THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Saved me a lot of time, plus this one comes with even more goodies then I was even thinking about. I do have a slight issue though getting this to work properly.... I guess question 1 is, is the script already to be used without editing anything right now? I tried to execute the script with "null0 = this execVM "ammo.sqf" " and I get some weapons, a lot of ammo, but not everything from the west weapons... like no M16's for example were showing up. I dunno, I'm confused now lol.... help is appreciated.....

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nul = [this]execVM "ammo.sqf";

in the init line of what ever you want to use. I.e. crate, vehicle and so on. And make sure you have the ammo.sqf in your missions directory with the mission.sqm, init.sqf, etc.

I hope that helps.


Oops I misunderstood your post. No, at first glance it does look like it's missing some things. I'm not 100% but it looks like a few are missing. Basically if you want all the ACE2 weapons and others you are gonna have to manually check which are missing and add them.

First check here:


then any you find you will have to add them like so:

_vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["[i][b]MissingWeaponName[/b][/i]", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["[i][b]MissingWeaponName[/b][/i]", 100];
_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 100];

basically just find this section I'm using and add more lines like I did and change the bold, italicized part to the mission weapon class name.

Then do the same for magazines if the weapons you add require it.

Now maybe I'm wrong and this does have all the West weapons, admittedly I haven't taken much time to check. It does look like it's missing some of the ACE2 weapons.



Is the last script name wrong? I see in "spawn.sqf" there is:

execVM "[b][i]loadLoadout.sqf[/i][/b]";

Is this supposed to be the last script you posted named "loadloutout.sqf"?

Edited by Manzilla

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I use this saved as weaponcrate.sqf and nul = execVM "weaponcrate.sqf";

Spas12 and ANother dont work for some reason.

all copied from ace wiki. Also if you use this in a vehicles it spawns with all this in it :)

clearMagazineCargo _this;

clearWeaponCargo _this;


//////////////////// //////////////////

/////////////////// Weapons & Gear ///////////////////

////////////////// ////////////////////


_this addWeaponCargo ["G36a", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_FAL_Para", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_HK416_D10", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_HK416_D10_SD", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_HK416_D14", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_HK416_D14_SD", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SA58", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SKS", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36C", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_eotech", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36K", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M1014", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_RCO_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim_camo", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_carbine", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_carbineGL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_compact", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Mk_48", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M240", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M249", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_SAW", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["DMR", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M107", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M24", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M40A3", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_sharpshooter", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Javelin", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M136", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SMAW", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Stinger", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 11];


//////////////////// //////////////////

/////////////////// ACE ///////////////////

////////////////// ////////////////////


_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rangefinder_OD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Earplugs", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock17", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock18", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M16A4_Iron", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Aim_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Eotech", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Flaregun", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4SPR_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_Aim", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_AIM_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_Eotech", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL_13", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL_EOTECH", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_SD_9", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_SHORTDOT", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_SHORTDOT_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_RCO_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL_AIMPOINT", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M109", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para_M145", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M240G_M145", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M60", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M32", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M79", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_MP5A4", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG29", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG22", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG27", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_FAL_Para", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_SA58", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AS50", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_ParachutePack", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_HuntIR_monitor", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Kestrel4500", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Wirecutter", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_USP", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_USPSD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_P226", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_M79_CQB", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14sp", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14gl", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14glsp", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14sd", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_oc14sdsp", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_gr1", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_gr1sp", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_gr1sd", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_gr1sdsp", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_TT", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Scorpion", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_APS", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_APSB", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ95", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ95_GL", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ95_SD", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ95_SP", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ95_TI", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ03", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ03_SP", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ03_TI", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBZ81", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBB95", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QJY88", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QBU88", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["m99", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QCQ05", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QSZ92", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QSZ92_LS", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["QSW06", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["PF89B", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["PF98", 11];

_this addWeaponCargo ["HN5B", 11];


//////////////////// //////////////////

/////////////////// Magazines ///////////////////

////////////////// ////////////////////


_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_10Rnd_762x39_B_SKS", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203", 12];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 10];

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 10];

_this addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 10];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Javelin", 11];

_this addMagazineCargo ["M136", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEAA", 16];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEDP", 16];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Stinger", 1];

_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", 16];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Mine", 6];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_12Ga_Slug", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_12Ga_Buck00", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", 20];


//////////////////// //////////////////

/////////////////// ACE ///////////////////

////////////////// ////////////////////


_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Claymore_M", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_BBetty_M", 3];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Battery_Rangefinder", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ace_flashbang", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ace_m84", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ace_m7a3", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ace_m34", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_IRStrobe", 1];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_M86PDM", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_M2SLAM_M", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSWhite_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSGreen_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSRed_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSYellow_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_762x51_T_M24", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_T_DMR", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_10Rnd_127x99_T_m107", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SMAW_Spotting", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_556x45_T_Stanag", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_200Rnd_556x45_T_M249", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_12Ga_Slug", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_12Ga_Buck00", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_9Rnd_12Ga_Slug", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_9Rnd_12Ga_Buck00", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_6Rnd_40mm_M32", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_25Rnd_1143x23_B_UMP45", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_33Rnd_9x19_G18", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_17Rnd_9x19_G17", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_25x59_HEDP_Barrett", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M110", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_S_M110", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_T_M110", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_B_TAC50", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_S_TAC50", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_T_TAC50", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG22", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG27", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_PG29", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_TBG29", 2];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSWhite_FG", 6];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSRed_FG", 6];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSGreen_FG", 6];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SSYellow_FG", 6];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_HuntIR_M203", 8];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_R", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_G", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_W", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_Y", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_B", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Knicklicht_IR", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Bandage", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Morphine", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_Epinephrine", 5];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_40mm_Buck_M79", 12];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ace_6rnd_cs_m32", 10];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USP", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USPSD", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_15Rnd_9x19_P226", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x39_B_OC14", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x39_S_OC14", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x39_T_AK47", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x39_SD_AK47", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x39_S_AK47", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_762x25_B_Tokarev", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_765x17_vz61", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APS", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_580x42_QBZ", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_580x42_QBZSD", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_QLG91", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_T81", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_580x42_QBB", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_580x42_QJY", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_580x42_QBU", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_M99", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["50Rnd_580x21_QCQ", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["50Rnd_580x21_QCW", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_580x21_QSZ", 20];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_580x21_QSW", 20];

Edited by kdjac

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One more thing. Where do I put the last three scripts, in terms of activation? Do I call all 3 from the init lines of the units that I want to have their loadouts saved?

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Corrected typo in script file name.

spawn.sqf called from init.sqf on all machines.

The other 2 get used by the first 2 - spawn.sqf uses loadloadout.sqf, and saveloadout.sqf is added to an action to the ammo box from the populateammocrate.sqf script.

On the ammo crate:

hNil = [this, "USMC"] execVM "populateammocrate.sqf";

The "USMC" parameter is supposedly optional, but the default is "NONE" which gives ammo only.

If your mission has a second parameter, this script assumes that its used to determine whether to give you light weapons only, side weapons only, or all weapons (param2 = 0, 1 or 2). If you don't want to use mission parameters then remove the 3 lines that start with if (!isNil "param2") then. Other than that the script is good for use the way it is as long as you also run the save/load/spawn scripts (and if you don't wish to use them you can of course remove the 3 lines that start with if (_side!="NONE") then.

Note that pipebombs and mines are disabled at the end, remove the // if you wish to include them.

This was written just after ACE added the new AKs, but before they added the HK416s, so you'll have to add those yourself or wait for an update.

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Alrighty, thank you very much, this cleared it up and I now have a loaded ammobox! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Now for another quick question. When you say that Spawn.sqf must be called from the init.sqf on all machines, is it good enough to just do " null=[] execvm "spawn.sqf" " in the init.sqf or is there something else that must be done to make sure it goes on ALL other machines?

Also going slightly more off topic, what about JIP?

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Just execVM "spawn.sqf" is fine, as long as it's in the init.sqf it will run on all machines (unless you intentionally make it not run)...

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Question about this param2 deal.

When you say:

"its used to determine whether to give you light weapons only, side weapons only, or all weapons (param2 = 0, 1 or 2)"

that got me a bit confused.(I'm a bit slow sometimes as well;))

So this filters only West weapons in the box:

hNil = [this, "[b][i]USMC[/i][/b]"] execVM "populateammocrate.sqf";

but does this mean "side" weapons as well? If I'm opening the crate with a West unit that is:

Nil = [this, [b][i]1[/i][/b]] execVM "populateammocrate.sqf";

and then for all weapons from the script:

Nil = [this, [b][i]2[/i][/b]] execVM "populateammocrate.sqf";

Do I have this right? Apologies for the basic question but I'm still a bit dense on occasion.


No, just tried it. What I thought isn't the case. Not really getting how to play around with the different parameter options or set that up for that matter. I get this is for the OPFOR:

hNil = [this, "[b][i]RU[/i][/b]"] execVM "populateammocrate.sqf";

but I can't figure out the light weapons part and other tweaks like that.

Damn, I thought I understood. Oh well.

Edited by Manzilla

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This was made for a PvP mission where the admin can choose what "level" of weapons is available via mission parameters. See description.ext.

Basically at the start of the script there is _level=1; (which means all weapons of the appropriate side) and then if (!isNil "param2") then {_level=param2;}; which means if you have a 2nd parameter in your description.ext then _level will be changed to it. If _level is 0 you will only get light weapons. If _level is 1 you will get all weapons for said side ("USMC" or "RU"). If _level is 2 then you will get all weapons.

If you are not using the second parameter in description.ext (which I used in my mission) to set the "level" of weapons available, then just remove that part and set _level to whatever you want at the start of the script. Or just edit out any if conditions to work as you wish...

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Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me in more detail. I get it now! ;)

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I am still lost here.... I am launching it with "hNil = [this, "USMC"] execVM "ammo.sqf";" and I get some of the weapons for West side, but not all of them... even ones listed in the script is not showing up, things like SMAW, Javelin, and Stinger aren't showing up, but they are right there in the script. Am I having a problem with this second param as well? I re-read your explanations a few times but I am still lost as far as that goes.... I don't have anything listed in my description.ext about ammo or this script.... :confused::confused::confused:

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Do you have any parameters in your description.ext? Just in case, remove the if (isNil "param2") then {_level=param2;}; part. With the default _level=1 you should get all western weapons, and will only "lose" the heavy ones if you set _level=0.

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;1605281']I am still lost here.... I am launching it with "hNil = [this' date= "USMC"] execVM "ammo.sqf";" and I get some of the weapons for West side, but not all of them... even ones listed in the script is not showing up, things like SMAW, Javelin, and Stinger aren't showing up, but they are right there in the script. Am I having a problem with this second param as well? I re-read your explanations a few times but I am still lost as far as that goes.... I don't have anything listed in my description.ext about ammo or this script.... :confused::confused::confused:

Check this out:

_vec = _this select 0;

_side = _this select 1;


//if (!isNil "param2") then


//_level = param2;


_vec allowDamage false;

clearWeaponCargo _vec;

clearMagazineCargo _vec;

//if (_side!="NONE") then


_vec addAction ["Save Loadout" ,"saveLoadout.sqf", [] ,1,false,true,""];


//while {true} do


clearWeaponCargo _vec;

clearMagazineCargo _vec;

//if(_side=="USMC" || _level>=2) then


//if (_level>=1) then


_vec addWeaponCargo ["JAVELIN",2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["SMAW",2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_eotech", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MG36", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M107", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36a", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36C", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36K", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_AS50", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M110_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TAC50_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M240G_M145", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M60", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M32", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M79", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Green", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Brown", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Wood", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_ACU", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_WMARPAT", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_DMARPAT", 2];


_vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_RCO_GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim_camo", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["DMR", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M40A3", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["M1014", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Mk_48", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4SPR_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M249Para_M145", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_SA58", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_FAL_Para", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M16A4_Iron", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_GL_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_ACOG_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Aim_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_M4A1_Eotech", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock17", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Glock18", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Flaregun", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_UMP45_SD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_MP5A4", 2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West",2];


//if (_side=="RU" || _level>=2) then


//if (_level>=1) then


_vec addWeaponCargo ["RPG7V",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["STRELA",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["MetisLauncher",100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["PK", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["KSVK", 100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Pecheneg", 100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["Igla",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG29",100];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD90", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD91", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD92", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD54", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_RD99", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Rucksack_EAST", 2];


_vec AddWeaponCargo ["RPG18", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_kobra", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_pso", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_pso", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_kobra", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_74", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AK_47_M", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_UN_kobra", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_PSO", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_U", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_kobra", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["SVD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Makarov", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["RPK_74", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Bizon", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["bizon_silenced", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["Saiga12K", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["VSS_vintorez", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_SKS", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG22", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPG27", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_TT", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_Scorpion", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_APS", 2];

_vec AddWeaponCargo ["ACE_APSB", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_VAL_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_GL_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK103_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK104_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK105_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_GL_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AK74M_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_1P29", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_GL_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_KOBRA", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_AKS74P_PSO", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPK74M", 2];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_RPK74M_1P29", 2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_East",2];


//if (_level>=1) then


_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7V",2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7VR",2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["PG7VL",2];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["OG7",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["STRELA",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["Stinger",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["JAVELIN",100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD",100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEAA", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEDP", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["Igla", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["AT13", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_PG29", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_RPG29_TBG29", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_6Rnd_40mm_M32", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_40mm_Buck_M79", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M110", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_S_M110", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_T_M110", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_B_TAC50", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_S_TAC50", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_T_TAC50", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_SMAW_Spotting", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_5Rnd_25x59_HEDP_Barrett", 100];


_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25",100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1rnd_HE_M203",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen",100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["15rnd_9x19_m9sd", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["15rnd_9x19_m9", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["30rnd_556x45_Stanag", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 100];

_vec addmagazinecargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["Binocular",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["itemGPS",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_Earplugs",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesRoundGlasses",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesSunglasses",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesTactical",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBlackSun",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBlueSun",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesRedSun",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGreenSun",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGasMask_US",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesGasMask_RU",100];

_vec addWeaponCargo ["ACE_GlassesBalaklava",100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_Bizon", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_30Rnd_762x51_B_FAL", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_10Rnd_762x39_B_SKS", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_33Rnd_9x19_G18", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_17Rnd_9x19_G17", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_8Rnd_762x25_B_Tokarev", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_765x17_vz61", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_25Rnd_1143x23_B_UMP45", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APS", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m84", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m7a3", 100];

_vec addMagazineCargo ["ace_m34", 100];

//_vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",100];

//_vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",100];

sleep 120;


Just comment(//) what I did in his script and it will give you all the weapons. I think I just removed the parameters part but I seem to get all the weapons. I think this is what he mention earlier about removing certain parts.

It's the same script but I did change the weapon's count from 100 to 2.

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Thanks guys, got it now. Just had to // out the one part that galzohar mentioned and bingo, all West weapons everything is good now. Thanks again, very much appreciated!

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Not all weapons, but adding the missing ones shouldn't be too hard ;)

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Yep, I added the HK weapons and after that, not noticing anything important not being there. Thanks again, cheers!

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