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Uh-1 huey

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heres the screenshot of the huey, ill explain more tomorrow after youve had enough teasing smile.gif:


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where is the rockets the miniguns THE FIRE POWER biggrin.gif

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Um... the shadows are in the wrong positions... maybe you should edit the pic a little more biggrin.gif

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i'm making the basic model of the huey first, getting it all sorted, and then i'll add the firepower smile.gif

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i'd like to remind u that the huey has a two-blade rotor.

the shadow showed 4.

thats it biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jdf791 @ April 13 2002,03:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Um... the shadows are in the wrong positions... maybe you should edit the pic a little more  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

the model is pretty messed up at the moment as i've only just started on it so i've only done the outside model at the moment, no skins, the animation's buggered, the guys sit beneath the chopper, but that's because i've only spent 2 hours at midnight on it so far. if you want proof that its actually real state any shot on any island and i'll produce it within 10 mins, to prove its actually real smile.gif

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ummmmmmmm..........btw u can have a sound sample from the film "Epocalipse now" there is great sound there.

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heres another screen in mid air and infront of trees just incase you thought the other pic was edited, and yes that is the crew hanging from the front bit of the skids, and also the rotors are fucked, they spin circular from a different point of origin other than the fixed point, so they are fucked basically, but ill sort it tommorrow as its 3am and i need my beauty sleep


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hey.....im here!!!!

huey has ONLY 2 blades not 4. plz change it will ya?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ April 13 2002,04:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but ill sort it tommorrow as its 3am and i need my beauty sleep<span id='postcolor'>


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I believe ya, Thats awesome for the fuselage and tail boom all that is perfect. When you figure the rest out it will be awesome. Also its probably a little bit late for this info but the Ah-1 cobra was built on the same frame, rotars, gears and all that so the rotars should be in the correct spots if you had used that model, but you'll probably figure it out.

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The tail boom on that model is wrong (and a little short I think) the real aircraft doesn't have that big bulb thing and the tail rotor is only 2-bladed.

Some of the later Hueys (UH-1N/ model 412 etc) do have 4 bladed main rotors but they also have an extra engine in a redesigned larger housing with 2 intakes/ehausts..so I guess it depends which version you're modelling.

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hmm yeah its a little short, maybe that tail rotar is the one from the blackhawk or something and he couldnt put another one on. Thats why the cobra model would have been good, I dont remember it in the demo though.

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Stop badgering the guy about 2 blades,

Some newer hueys have 4 blades

Its not like that will deminish the enjoyment of playing with a huey



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I dont give a fuck if it had 9 blades its a damn huey in OFP!

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It looks good, but i wish to all fans soon release of the tools. Cuse this is little "strange"  smile.gif

Dont get me wrong, im really happy that here someone like Eviscerator (and others  wink.gif  )

Someone who just dont sit i try to make as much as possible at this moment.

Good work man. Hope you signed for tools  wink.gif

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That is top work there. Are you testing out p3dedit for OFP internals or something biggrin.gif

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it has two rotors, the shadow has four, the actual model has two rotors, and thats a .p3d edited blackhawk none of that p3dedit, that screen you saw was a very early model, i basically just got the model looking somewhere near a huey and shoved all the rest of the polygons into a tiny ball and hid them in the helicopter, so i could see if it works

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thanks for all your suggestions ill change the tail rotor and a few other things

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It's remaked UH-60, i see shadows and bad rotors from UH-60 biggrin.gif. But looking good wink.gif.

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it's really a trick to trick the enemy they think it's a blackhawk coming so they run but it's really a lil ol huey

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im haveing a slight problem with the rotors and the pilots they arent in the right places, if anyone has edited a blackhawk before and knows what to do please email me at [email protected]

oh and ive sorted the tail rotor and a little bit of changing with the body

i also need to know what blocks do what as this is my first vehicle edit so im completely in the dark

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right heres a new screenshot with the huey next to a blackhawk to show the extent of the editing and the nice new tail rotor


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Only UH-60 have a fucked rotors biggrin.gif

Good work Eviscerator wink.gif

I have a question for you: are this huey have a config from some helickopter from OFP confused.gif

All heli's from OFP have a fucked engine because i can make very fast turning. In real word helicopters is moving very slow (i'm not think about same fast flying, i think about moving (turning, incline'ing, etc.).

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