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How to Return gunner of turret

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How do i return the object that is a gunner of a turret ?

assignedVehicleRole returns the position a unit is supposed to be in,

This is not necessarily the position the unit is in.

The crew command will return crew in order [driver,gunner,commander,turrets,cargo]

however if there is an empty position, it removes the element, therefore cargo could be in the turret element position

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Try this thread: B.I. Forums


Since version 1.08 of Arma, you can now use this function to return all the Gunners in a vehicle:

[_Vehicle] Call {Private=["_Gunners"]; _Gunners=[]; {If (Count (AssignedVehicleRole _x)>1) Then {_Gunners=_Gunners+[_x]}} ForEach (Crew (_This Select 0)); _Gunners}

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Thx Q (How did I miss that)

@ Snakeman, assignedVehicleRole has issues and is not reliable

Assigned role is the role the unit has been assigned too for a given vehicle, this does not mean the unit is even in the vehicle

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assigned vehicle roles also doesnt broadcast over the network, so therefor use of it in mp is useless

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Thx Q (How did I miss that)

Because with the wiki's search unless you know the exact name of the command or exact name of a command that happens to link to your command it's impossible to find it. Sure many commands are on the "" page, but many others are not.

At least you can use assigned vehicle roles for controlling server-side AI...

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