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Fast Sea Frame - FSF-1 - Sea Fighter

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Hi Gnat

How can I fill the RHIB with troops? Have they names I can use to execute a moveinCargo command?

Is it possible to replace the RHIB by mission editors with other vehicles, e.g. CRRCs or AAVs?


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Hi Blaunarwal

I'm not a scripting god, so no, but I can only suggest its possible using another script that uses a command like "nearestobject" to find the RHIB's, and then fill them with crew.

Possible to replace the RHIBs, but again a script that finds them, deletes them, then uses a script like the included ones to create & attach an new craft, in a good XYZ position.

Current scripts below (1 for each position). Make your own script and change the "RHIB" and SetPos bits to suit.



_ship = _this select 0;

_boat = "RHIB" createvehicle[0,0,0];

_boat attachto [_ship,[-3,-20.5,-2]];

_ship animate ["ZL1",1];

sleep 2;

while {(alive _boat) and (alive _ship) and (_ship animationPhase "ZL1" == 1)} do {};

detach _boat;



_ship = _this select 0;

_boat = "RHIB2Turret" createvehicle[0,0,0];

_boat attachto [_ship,[2.7,-20.5,-2]];

_ship animate ["ZL2",1];

sleep 2;

while {(alive _boat) and (alive _ship) and (_ship animationPhase "ZL2" == 1)} do {};

detach _boat;

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Thanks Gnat, I will try and see what I get and finally post here, if I get cool solutions.

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Very nice Gnat,

Do you have a download link for your Gnat001.bikey so we can add it to our server rather than having to resign with our own server key so people don't have to pull down a seperate *.bisign set?

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Very nice Gnat,

Do you have a download link for your Gnat001.bikey so we can add it to our server rather than having to resign with our own server key so people don't have to pull down a seperate *.bisign set?

OFPEC is the first place to check searching for an authors bikey ;)


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Unfortunately already tried there, the key that downloads is 0kb and is GNT.bikey not the same one used.

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Oeps, didnt know that.

Lets hope Gnat takes this as a good time to update his key there ;)

Its probably cause by the outage OFPEC had a couple of months back.

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Sorry, traveling on holidays for at least another week with no access to my resources.

In the meantime maybe try some one of the other game servers who are running my addons for a copy of the key .....

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There is one issue with the lashed boats, Gnat. I've observed that as the objects spawn in, the FSF tends to move, just a little. This isn't an issue for anything lashed to the deck, but it causes the ship to spawn boats like rabbits. Also, if you happen to load the boats with crew and then move the ship, you get major bumps. However, crew loaded in objects on the deck do not cause issues this way. I removed the starting RHIBs, which solved the spawning problem, and changed the deck scripting to take virtually anything with which the player can interact.

I have also managed to land on the deck with the ship moving; that isn't the problem, although it's tricky. You have to be right there with the lash command. The problem is the BIS physics model. You are considered stationary, and have no movement speed relative to that of the ship. So if you get out of the aircraft...

It might possibly be fixed by script, based on a position and a relative velocity, but I'm not sure of the details. I could probably also enable player lashing to the deck, although at higher speeds, you'd still be in the water before you could lash, anyway.

I would kill to have the right corner of the front rail removed for say about 3-4 meters. I've rigged a loading ramp, you see, so that I can run tanks off the deck, but I still have to contend with the rail (I have a creative fix for that, but it complicates things).

A quick note for those who change the script to load vehicles on the deck:

you must remove personnel from the driver position and from any turret whose activation causes the engine to start. Secondary turrets are not a problem. You should also make sure that the ship is not actually touching "land," as this confuses the physics model and results in amazing (and lethal) bouncing behavior (hence the ramp).

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Cheers Gnat, unfortunately not managed to find a copy yet.

Doeas anyone have a copy they could give me?

In the meantime will use our own key until you get back, enjoy the rest of your holiday :)

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However, crew loaded in objects on the deck do not cause issues this way. I removed the starting RHIBs, which solved the spawning problem, and changed the deck scripting to take virtually anything with which the player can interact.

Sorry QS, not sure what your trying to say. But sounds like you may be running a low spec computer which means scripts run badly.

The problem is the BIS physics model. You are considered stationary, and have no movement speed relative to that of the ship.

..... been that way since OFP ......

It might possibly be fixed by script, based on a position and a relative velocity

Mandobile suggest similar ages ago, but I'm concerned with bad performance on low spec computers.

... so that I can run tanks off the deck

Tanks?! Thats hardly realistic.

A quick note for those who change the script to load vehicles on the deck:

?! Odd. I suspect you're not using the included scripts (and animations) correctly.

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The FSF is considered part of the littoral fleet; modular in nature, and hence flexible. :-P Realistically, we needed a landing ship, so I converted it to carry tanks. I've since look in at the script and learned a great deal. Since landing craft models were released, I added a center docking point for the ship, which allows the landing craft to enter the boat well and dock. Naturally, the landing craft now carries the tanks, leaving the platform clear for air operations. I see that you generated "land," and then attached it to the ship. Interesting. I've had some luck getting the ship, the "land", and units embarking on the ship to generate velocity reports. I suspect that if we had the scripts add or subtract the ship velocity in terms of x,y,z to unit velocity x, y, z updated say, 6 times per second - given the created land base- we could use the ship while it was in motion.

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I had a thought. What if the ground were an actual model, with the various paths built in PRIOR to attachment to the ship? That might keep the pathways from interfering with the user action points? Just a thought, since my modeling ability is just about zilch (I did make a mace once, in 3dMax, but it didn't turn out so well).

I just got a feeling for what numerous per second scripting commands can do to a system. Set a towing script to check repeatedly for spawning qualified vehicles. Ugh. Not good.

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Yeh, tried that (ground model) and several variations before release, never seemed to beat the bugs.

Yes, too many scripts and quality of the whole experience drops. Thats why I try to limit the number of "tricks" my addons can do.

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Ok you asked me to add a request here so here we go:

Add a check to he RHib spawning script so its only run on the server (Issue was in MP with 30 people on the server she kept spawning one set of rhibs per person on connect) simple fix "if(!isserver)exitwith{};"

Add engine sound fx's


insideSoundCoef = 0.5;


 insideSoundCoef = 1;
 soundEngineOnInt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-start-01",0.1,1.0};
 soundEngineOnExt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-start-01",1.0,0.8,100};
 soundEngineOffInt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-stop-01",0.1,1.0};
 soundEngineOffExt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-stop-01",1.0,0.8,100};
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-engine-low-01",1.0,0.9,300};
   frequency = "(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
   volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.1])";
  class EngineHighOut
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-engine-high-01",1.0,0.8,300};
   frequency = "(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
   volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 1.3])";
  class IdleOut
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\rhib\ext-boat-engine-idle-03",0.562341,1.0,150};
   frequency = "1";
   volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])";
  class WaternoiseOutW0
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\water_sfx\ext-water-noise-nospeed",0.398107,1.0,100};
   frequency = "1";
   volume = "(speed factor[7, 0])";
  class WaternoiseOutW1
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\water_sfx\ext-boat-lospd-noise-02",0.398107,1.0,100};
   frequency = "1";
   volume = "((speed factor[2, 12]) min (speed factor[12, 2]))";
  class WaternoiseOutW2
   sound[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\water\water_sfx\ext-boat-hispd-noise-02",0.398107,1.0,100};
   frequency = "1";
   volume = "(speed factor[9, 18.7])";

Add a ladder to the back or the ship loading bay so players can get out the water if they fall off the ship

fix the walk way geo lod so you do not keep falling off the back while moving (a thicker one would be better)

Add more weight to the whole ship mass as it can bounce about if landed on by a very heavy vehicle (OSPREY) for exsample

Thats about it we are loving the ship as it is but would be a very nice if some/all was added/corrected

Thanks again.

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armatech, thanks so that's why I keep getting different number of spawned RH1B's, :D I thought it was something I was doing in other script addons causing the issue thanks for that.

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Thanks for the tweaks AT, but on;

fix the walk way geo lod so you do not keep falling off the back while moving (a thicker one would be better)

I'm affaid I've tried this all before, not matter how thick you make it, you still fall through when the ships moving.

I've even tried several "layers", and that didnt help.

It is already thick, but I'm thicken some more, but I doubt it will make any difference.

No promises on time, but I'll try asap.

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The selection of ships in ArmA has always been somewhat weak in my opinion. Keep up the great work.

I would love to see the LHD modified so you could go down to the welldeck and take a landing craft from or RHIB from there.

A shame you can't really move the ships without people and stuff falling off.

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I would love to see the LHD modified so you could go down to the welldeck and take a landing craft from or RHIB from there.

Huh? Sorry ReconTeam I dont understand.

I just re-tested and you can.

Walk downstairs, enter as driver or anything, then "release" the RHIB youre in. Done.

You can even release a RHIB from the well, without actually being in it.

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Yes, YOU can walk, but AI.... they keep standing and when they hit stairs going down they fall to water.

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Yes, YOU can walk, but AI.... they keep standing and when they hit stairs going down they fall to water.

Oh. Yes, as already discussed, I cant add AI pathways because for some weird reason it destroys the Action Menu items.

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Add a check to he RHib spawning script so its only run on the server (Issue was in MP with 30 people on the server she kept spawning one set of rhibs per person on connect) simple fix "if(!isserver)exitwith{};"

Have you checked this? Because the FSFInit.sqs script has the server check before the 2 RHIB spawn scripts, so its the same result. There should be NO multi-spawn in MP.

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Gnat;1654169']Have you checked this? Because the FSFInit.sqs script has the server check before the 2 RHIB spawn scripts' date=' so its the same result. There should be NO multi-spawn in MP.[/quote']

ok apon re-looking at the issue it is a easy fix.

as you have added the script to the ships init every time a new player connects to the server the init is rerun over and over (On the server) the way to fix this is to either add this to the init file at the end but this is not always effective as the script may run more then once if lots of players are on the server the other way to fix this is with a simple switch such as

//Get var form ship
_check = _unit getVariable "boatsloaded";
//Check is var is empty/not set
if(isnil "_check")then
//load ships and set var
//Broadcasts ships loaded
 _ship setVariable ["boatsloaded", true,true];
//run boat loading scripts
[_ship] execvm "\GNT_FSF\scr\FSFLoadRHIB1.sqf"
[_ship] execvm "\GNT_FSF\scr\FSFLoadRHIB2.sqf"
//Var is set so do nothing
//not needed but wont hurt

Edited by armatech

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