TRexian 0 Posted March 1, 2010 (edited) Finally a beta version of the JTD_mines, which at this point only has a claymore implemented. :) Most recent vid: HDnRrq-pVSo Download: The archive contains the addon and a test mission, and readme docs. Info (from the readme): ===================================================== Credits/Thanks: Pingu, for the ArmA version OFPEC - h- for setVariable help - DeanosBeano for config help ACE - for inspiration and motivation - Sickboy PMC - SnakeMan for support/testing ===================================================== Mines that are placeable via the editor, scripting (spawning), and the player. For mines placed by the player, a marker shows the placement. The placed mines can be disarmed, with a small possibility of accidentally discharging the mine. Units that are capable of disarming mines (Engineers and certain special forces) may also be able to pick up disarmed mines. Player-placed mines can be sighted-in, attached to a tripwire, or triggered remotely. ===================================================== Installation: The archive contains a folder structure \@JTD\addons - simply extract the archive someplace and place the @JTD folder in your ArmA2 root folder. There is also a \keys\ folder that contains the JTD bikey - place this file in the \keys\ folder in your ArmA2 root folder. (This is the same installation as the other JTD addons, which you should already have.) ;) More detailed installation: Within the archive are 2 pbos (with signature files): Pingu_claymore_base and JTD_mines. Place both of these in the addon folder of your choice. More detailed information as to the implementation of the claymores in the readme for it. Related other threads: Thanks! ***Bonus*** A pdf of various US Army Field manuals for the claymore is available here: Edited March 1, 2010 by TRexian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 1, 2010 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. JTD Mines v0228 betaCommunity Base addons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cultivator 0 Posted March 1, 2010 Thx for this Addon! News and DL by! Regards Culti Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted March 1, 2010 (edited) Thank you for this addon! I've been away from ArmA II a while but glad to see some work done on stand alone AP mines (I know ACE 2 also have but thats not an option right now). Do you plan to add a plain vanilla AP mine? Subroc released one a while ago but unfortunately it wasn't very usefull since the AI didn't trigger it most of the times. Link to Subroc's Generic AntiPersonel Mine Addon: Looking forward to any improvements/additions you may add! /KC Edited March 1, 2010 by KeyCat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRexian 0 Posted March 1, 2010 @ mirrors - Thanks guys! @ KeyCat - I will check that out. :) Our intention is to broaden the scope of this, now that we have a methodology for AP mines. PMC has some 3d models that I'll probably be able to use. Right now, I have an IED system roughed out that I'm planning for the next beta (no timeline for that yet). And, ideally, at least a few warning signs. But, it wouldn't be difficult at all to add a few more 3d models for different mines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slatmes 10 Posted March 24, 2010 I love the "do not eat contents" on the back of the claymore, do they really have that on there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subroc 4 Posted March 25, 2010 TRexian: if you find anything useful in my scripts feel free to use them, i wont be making any updates on my addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRexian 0 Posted March 25, 2010 Very good! Thanks! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRexian 0 Posted August 4, 2010 Just an update. :) This is most certainly not dead. I've recently made some good progress. Not sure when a public beta will be, but I expect soon. Maybe 3-4 weeks. ;) (And yes, I guess this is an announcement of an announcement.) The current list of components, which is subject to change, includes: - directional mines (claymore/MON-50, editor/player-placeable, and spawnable) - bounding mines (M16A/OZM-72, editor/player-placeable, and spawnable) - IED package (editor placed/spawnable, but not really player-placed yet) - a "Trash" module for visual clutter - mine warning signs (post/stand-up signs, editor/player-placeable, and spawnable) This will end up being the biggest addon I've done so far, so it'll need some extensive testing. :) Oh, and it will basically be for A2, although it should work in OA/CO, and can basically be configured to include OA classes. Couple pics: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 1 Posted August 4, 2010 Excellent! Thanks for the info. I look forward to checking it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Man 407 Posted August 4, 2010 I've recently made some good progress. Not sure when a public beta will be, but I expect soon. Maybe 3-4 weeks. ;) Do you really think anyone here in BIS forums get that joke, well besides me? :confused: Anyways, good job with the mines, don't forget to update other topic's as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRexian 0 Posted August 4, 2010 hehe I was going to start betatesting there. ;) Besides, [ASA]Oden and couple other Falconeers are around. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRexian 0 Posted August 19, 2010 Ok, am going through some final alpha testing before a public beta. (Hey mods - can I get a thread title change to remove the 0228? :) Thanks!) One thing that will likely change is a reference to the Creative Commons Licensing structure. It'll likely be allow derivative/non-commercial/attribution. The hopefully-final drafts of the readmes. The "main" readme: Readme for the JTD Mines addon for ArmA2 Ver. 05a JTD: -- DMarkwick -- ReconPathFinder -- TRexian ===================================================== Description: This addon features mines for players and mission makers. It currently features: - claymore/directional anti-personnel mines - bounding mines - various IEDs - anti-mine warning signs Requirements: - none that I know of. Issues: May conflict with ACE2 in some unknown way. Untested in MP environment. ===================================================== ***IMPORTANT INFO*** Classnames: Magazines: Claymore - "JTD_ClaymorePrimary" MON-50 - "JTD_MON50Primary" M16A bounding - "JTD_M16APrimary" OZM-72 - "JTD_OZM72Primary" Red sign - "JTD_RedSignPrimary" Red post - "JTD_RedPostPrimary" Objects (warning: these do not spawn in the "normal" way): Claymore - "JTD_Claymore" MON-50 - "JTD_MON50" M16A bounding - "JTD_M16ABetty" OZM-72 - "JTD_OZM72" Red sign - "JTD_warnSignRed" Red post - "JTD_warnPostRed" Mine Ammo Box - "ClaymoreAmmoBox" - 50 each of the mines - 5 each of the posts ===================================================== Main features (see readme for the specific variants): Mines - Mines that are placeable via the editor (Empty -> JTD Mines), scripting (spawning), and the player. For mines placed by the player, a marker shows the placement. The placed mines can be disarmed, with a small possibility of accidentally discharging the mine. Units that are capable of disarming mines (Engineers and certain special forces) may also be able to pick up disarmed mines. Player-placed mines can be sighted-in, attached to a tripwire, or triggered remotely. IED Module - There are 4 types of IEDs, including a homicide bomber. These are found in the Game Logics, under JTD_Mines. The different Game Logics allow the mission maker to specify a particular place for an IED, an object or array of objects, a particular area of road, or a named "man" class unit on the map. By using the setVariable command in the init line of the Game Logic, certain qualities such as the trigger radius and blast magnitude (and more, as appropriate) can be defined by the mission maker. These IEDs can also be spawned by referencing the underlying scripts. Trash Module - This is an attempt to alleviate the "sterile" feel of ArmA urban terrains. It creates a more cluttered environment, by placing objects that are unusable trash. ===================================================== Installation: The archive contains a folder structure \@JTD\addons - simply extract the archive someplace and place the @JTD folder in your ArmA2 root folder. There is also a \keys\ folder that contains the JTD bikey - place this file in the \keys\ folder in your ArmA2 root folder. (This is the same installation as the other JTD addons, which you should already have.) ;) More detailed installation: Within the archive are 3 pbos (with signature files): JTD_Mines, JTD_IEDs, and JTD_trash. Place all of these in the addon folder of your choice. ******************** Anyone can use this addon for use in ArmA2, including hosting the files for download. It must remain intact with this readme. Anyone wishing to include this addon in their own package have that permission, and although not a requirement, you might like to drop a line at either OFPEC or BI forums to let us know. :) The addon may not be altered without permission for public use. In the spirit of community sharing, without which this addon wouldn't exist in the first place, all scripts can be viewed and purloined for further use, with credits, as long as the addon itself remains intact as per the official release. ===================================================== FAQ ***What's the downside?*** There may a performance hit if several mines go off at the same time. The anti-personnel mines particularly generate quite a bit of shrapnel. Also, land combat becomes more dangerous. Infantry beware. ***What should I watch out for?*** If you place JTD mines in the ArmA2 editor, and you preview the mission, you will then create an addon dependancy written into the mission.sqm file. Exactly the same as if you'd used any other addon in your mission. That will require all users of the mission to have the JTD_mines addon. ***For mission makers and players?*** Please refer to the readme for implementation information as to the specific mine you are interested in. ***Bonus*** A pdf of various US Army Field manuals for the claymore is available here: ***What's next?*** Personal wishlist: - Dialog for the mine interactions. - Improved animations. - Ability to set multiple tripwires for a single mine. - Ability for editor-placed/spawned mines to have a "lateral" tripwire. - Ability to attachTo objects. - Eventhandler to deal with the situation if the mine is destroyed. - Have visual countdown of how far the mine is, within the addaction. ===================================================== Credits/Thanks: Pingu, for the ArmA version OFPEC - h- for setVariable help - DeanosBeano for config help ACE - for inspiration and motivation - Sickboy PMC - SnakeMan for support/testing UK_Force Dr_Eyeball Deadfast Claymore readme: Readme for the JTD Mines - claymore - addon for ArmA2 Ver. 05a JTD: -- DMarkwick -- ReconPathFinder -- TRexian ===================================================== Description: The claymore is an effective anti-personnel mine developed by the US that has been duplicated by many other countries. This package contains the US M18 "claymore" and the Russian MON-50. ===================================================== Information: Magazines: Claymore - "JTD_ClaymorePrimary" MON-50 - "JTD_MON50Primary" Objects (warning: these do not spawn in the "normal" way): Claymore - "JTD_Claymore" MON-50 - "JTD_MON50" Disarm: if you are close to a claymore you can disarm it (including editor-placed/spawned mines). If you are a class that does not have the ability to disarm mines, there is a (small) random chance that you will set off the mine. If you are a class that can disarm mines, there is a smaller chance that you will set off the mine while trying to disarm it (it is small, but greater than zero). Once it is disarmed, such classes have the option of placing the mine back in their inventory. *** Caveat: If there are not sufficient magazine slots for a disarmed mine, the player will be notified. The player must then drop objects to pick up the mine. ===================================================== Implementation: ******************** Editor placed: There is a new set of "empty" objects "JTD mines." Select the claymore and place it on the map. The icon should be self-explanatory as to which direction it faces. Red side is where it explodes towards. You can rotate it as you would any other object. For editor-placed claymores, the default tripwire distance is 6m. It can be set up to 15m by placing in the init line of the claymore: this setVariable ["JTD_twLength", 15] Where the number is the length you want the tripwire to be. The pitch is a random number from -2.5 to .5. To set the pitch manually within the editor, place this in the init line of the claymore: this setVariable ["JTD_pitch", 1] Where the number is the pitch you want. ******************** Spawned: To spawn a claymore or claymores, there is a function that needs to be called. It requires parameters such as this: _spawnMine = [_position, _direction, _pitch, _twLength, _mineType] execVm "\JTD_mines\scripts\JTD_fnc_spawnClaymore.sqf"; The parameters should be self-explanatory. The pitch is, in my experience, anywhere from -2 to +2 or so. You can get a feel for that by using the in-game claymore and sighting it in. The information will be hinted. The variable "_mineType" must be a recognized one. For US claymores, it is "CLAY" (as a string) and Russian MON-50 is "MON" (as a string). So, a valid spawning command for a MON-50 at the player's location would be: _spawnMine = [(getPos player), 90, 0, 15, "MON"] execVM "\JTD_mines\scripts\JTD_fnc_spawnClaymore.sqf"; ***Caveat*** - if a claymore is spawned in a position where the trigger already contains something that will set it off (including another claymore), it will immediately explode. ******************** Player placed: To place a claymore, you must either be kneeling or prone. Then use the addAction to place the claymore. When you do that, you may need to back up a bit to view it and get the additional addactions to sight it in, attach a tripwire, disarm it, or take the safety off. Safety Off/Detonate: for each placed claymore, there is the option of manual detonation. To do this, first select safety-off for the mine you want to detonate. Then, when ready, select the detonation action for the desired mine. Given the prevalence of wireless remote communication equipment, there is no limitation to the distance for detonation. Tripwire: be very careful where you go when you end it, otherwise you might set it off! It will extend from the claymore in a straight line in the direction you are standing when you select the "End tripwire" action. The maximum length of the tripwire is 15m. If you are beyond that, the tripwire will be automatically cut at that length. Any vehicle can set off the claymores, including air vehicles that are very near the ground. *** Caveat: once the tripwire is attached, there is no option for manual detonation. Sight in: this is very useful for setting ambushes, so that the claymore is properly aligned toward the target area. Press q or esc to exit the sight-in screen. Also, the angle and the pitch will be hinted. Markers: A marker will be placed to show where you have placed mines. It does not show direction, however. Misfires: There is a small chance that the mine will misfire when detonating. You should have a backup plan, just in case. Damage: The claymore is basically lethal within 20m along the axis of the explosion. Its effects drop off significantly beyond that, and towards the sides of the explosion. Bounding mine readme: Readme for the JTD Mines - bounding mine - addon for ArmA2 Ver. 05a JTD: -- DMarkwick -- ReconPathFinder -- TRexian ===================================================== Description: The bounding mine is an effective anti-personnel mine developed during World War II and duplicated by many countries. This package contains the US M16A and Russian OZM-72 bounding mines. When a bounding mine is triggered (either via tripwire near the mine or by command detonation), it "bounces" upward approximately a meter, then explodes, sending shrapnel in all directions. ===================================================== Information: Classnames: Magazines: M16A bounding - "JTD_M16APrimary" OZM-72 - "JTD_OZM72Primary" Objects (warning: these do not spawn in the "normal" way): M16A bounding - "JTD_M16ABetty" OZM-72 - "JTD_OZM72" Disarm: if you are close to a bounding mine you can disarm it (including editor-placed/spawned mines). If you are a class that does not have the ability to disarm mines, there is a (small) random chance that you will set off the mine. If you are a class that can disarm mines, there is a smaller chance that you will set off the mine while trying to disarm it (it is small, but greater than zero). Once it is disarmed, such classes have the option of placing the mine back in their inventory. *** Caveat: If there are not sufficient magazine slots for a disarmed mine, the player will be notified. The player must then drop objects to pick up the mine. ===================================================== Implementation: ******************** Editor placed: There is a new set of "empty" objects "JTD mines." Select the bounding mine and place it on the map. The trigger distance for the mine is 2m (radius). ******************** Spawned: To spawn a bounding mine or bounding mines, there is a function that needs to be called. It requires parameters such as this: _spawnMine = [_position, _mineType] execVm "\JTD_mines\scripts\JTD_fnc_spawnBounding.sqf"; The parameters should be self-explanatory. Valid minetypes are "M16A" (as a string) and "OZM72" (as a string). So, a valid spawn command to create an M16A at the player position would be: _spawnMine = [(getPos player), "M16A"] execVM "\JTD_mines\scripts\JTD_fnc_spawnBounding.sqf"; ***Caveat*** - if a bounding mine is spawned in a position where the trigger already contains something that will set it off (including another bounding mine), it will immediately explode. ******************** Player placed: To place a bounding mine, you must either be kneeling or prone. Then use the addAction to place the bounding mine. When you do that, you may need to back up a bit to view it and get the additional addactions to arm it, disarm it, or take the safety off. Safety Off/Detonate: for each placed bounding mine, there is the option of manual detonation. To do this, first select safety-off for the mine you want to detonate. Then, when ready, select the detonation action for the desired mine. Given the prevalence of wireless remote communication equipment, there is no limitation to the distance for detonation. Arm bounding: when you set a bounding, you will also have the ability to immediately "arm" it. This replicates the action of setting tripwires for it. In effect, a trigger with a 2m radius is created. Once you arm it, you have approximately 3 seconds to get beyond the trigger. This removes the ability to command detonate it. *** Caveat: once the bounding mine is armed, there is no option for manual detonation. Markers: A marker will be placed to show where you have placed mines. It does not show direction, however. Misfires: There is a small chance that the mine will misfire when detonating. You should have a backup plan, just in case. Damage: The bounding mine is basically lethal within 10m of the explosion. Its effects drop off significantly after that. *** Caveat: there is a delay in the detonation of the mine. It may seem that the trigger area of the mine either does not exist or is quite small. However, this perception is due to the delay. IED readme: Readme for the JTD Mines - IED - addon for ArmA2 Ver. 05a JTD: -- DMarkwick -- ReconPathFinder -- TRexian ===================================================== Description: Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) have become the weapon of choice by insurgents and terrorists around the world. They are generally inexpensive to make, devastating in effect, and insidious by nature. ===================================================== Information: Game Logics- There are 4 Game Logics created under Game Logics -> JTD_IEDs: - object - road - place - homicide bomber Each has a slightly different implementation, but all can be modified by using the setVariable command within the init line of the Game Logic. For instance, to set the magnitude of the bomb: this setVariable ["JTD_IED_magnitude", 1] Creates the lowest level of explosion. The blast magnitudes are from 1 to 3 (2 is default). While there is some variety based on proximity to the blast (directly related to the detonation trigger size), the following values may be helpful: 1 - personnel: effective fatal range of ~10m, injures to ~20 vehicles: nominal effect on military vehicles 2 - personnel: effective fatal range of ~25m, injures to +50m vehicles: effective on unarmored military vehicles to ~ 10m 3 - personnel: effective fatal range of ~50m, injures to +100m vehicles: can disable or destroy unarmored military vehicles up to 25m Generally, to place an IED map, simply place the desired IED Game Logic on the map, then use the setVariable technique to modify. The Place and Road Game Logics do not require any parameters, however the Bomber and Object Game Logics do. ** The enemy side designations require a string - NOT the typical side-type variable. String must be somthing such as: "EAST", "WEST", "GUER", "CIV", "east", "west", "guer", "civ" ===================================================== Implementation - editor: Use in the init line of the Game Logic- this setVariable ["variablename", value]; to set these variables. ******************** 1. Specific Object IED Used to specify an editor-placed object to make into an IED. To use: place object in editor, establishing the "probability of placement" and "placement radius"; place the IED Object GL on the map; synchronize the object(s) with the module; any number of objects can be synchronized with a single module, but they will all have the parameters established in the module. JTD_IED_radiusDet = # Distance at which IEDs will be triggered; default 25 JTD_IED_magnitude = # Magnitude 1-3, 1 being smallest, 3 being largest; default is 2 JTD_IED_enemy = str SIDE Specifies target side for bomber; default is "any" ******************** 2. Road IED Will select a road location near location of Game Logic JTD_IED_radiusSearch = # will limit the search for road segments to this distance; defaut is 50 JTD_IED_radiusDet = # Distance at which IEDs will be triggered; default 25; must all be the same if multiple JTD_IED_magnitude = # Magnitude 1-3, 1 being smallest, 3 being largest; must all be the same if multiple; default is 2 JTD_IED_objArray = [""] Specify what types of object to create as an IED; entered as classname string; multiple entries will be randomly selected; default is "SkeetDisk" JTD_IED_enemy = str SIDE Specifies target side for bomber; default is "any" ******************** 3. Specific place Location will be derived from position of Game Logic. JTD_IED_magnitude = # Magnitude 1-3, 1 being smallest, 3 being largest; default is 2 JTD_IED_objArray = [""] Specify what types of object to make into an IED; entered as classname string; multiple entries will be randomly selected JTD_IED_placementRadius = # Placement radius of IED; default is 1 JTD_IED_radiusDet = # Distance at which IEDs will be detonated; default 25 JTD_IED_enemy = str SIDE Specifies target side for bomber; default is "any" ******************** 4. Homicide bomber Will attach trigger to named unit. *** required *** JTD_bomber = OBJECT Name of unit that is bomber JTD_bomber_radius = # Trigger radius for bomber; default 25 JTD_bomber_enemy = "" Specifies target side for bomber, as string; default is "ANY" JTD_bomber_searchRadius = # Specifies how far the bomber will look for enemy; default is 500m JTD_bomber_magnitude = # Magnitude 1-3, 1 being smallest, 3 being largest; default is 1 JTD_bomber_targetNum = # Specified how many targets must be within range for detonation: default is 4 (+ the bomber) JTD_bomber_waypoint = BOOL True has the script generate waypoints, False allows external waypoints to be used. -- will create a monitor script to update the location of the bomber/trigger -- will generate waypoint toward random enemy ===================================================== Implementation - spawning: You can spawn an IED within a mission using JTD_IED_spawn.sqf. For instance, to spawn a Lada vehicle 50m from the player with a magnitude 3 IED, and a trigger radius of 35, that will explode when a west unit is nearby, the following code could work. _pos = getPos player; _dir = random 360; _dist = 50; _posX = (_pos select 0) + sin (_dir) * _dist; _posY = (_pos select 1) + cos (_dir) * _dist; _spawnPos = [_posX, _posY, 0]; _IED = "Lada1" createVehicle _spawnPos; _IED setVariable ["JTD_IED_magnitude", 3]; _IED setVariable ["JTD_IED_radiusDet", 35]; _IED setVariable ["JTD_IED_enemy", "west"]; _createIED = [_IED] execVM "\JTD_IEDs\scripts\JTD_IED_spawn.sqf"; _IED lock true; *** Caveat: if you do create an IED that is a vehicle, you should probably use the "lock" command to prevent units from mounting it and driving off. The trigger/IED will be at the position of the object spawned, not actually attached to the object. Trash module readme: Readme for the JTD Trash addon for ArmA2 Ver. 05a JTD: -- DMarkwick -- ReconPathFinder -- TRexian ===================================================== Description: The terrain in ArmA2, particularly in urban areas, tends to be rather sterile. In reality, the world is full of trash. This module is an effort to clutter areas with signs of human presence. ===================================================== Information: This addon creates a JTD Trash module in Modules -> JTD Trash. Part of the particle system of the ArmA engine allows the creation of a "particle" - something without true substance - using any model that is in the engine's inventory ("spaceObject"). So, for instance, you can create a "particle" of anything from a rifle to a tank. This module uses this ability to take an array of common objects, and randomly place them in an area. The placed "objects" do not have any physical space, so they will not act as cover and vehicles/men can move through them. But, that also means that there will be very little FPS lost. Also, trash will tend to be more dense in the center of the areas. But, the trash should stay out of the roadways, and may actually collect along them. ===================================================== Implementation: There are 2 ways to create trash, by using markers, or the default, which places the trash in all cities in the config. There are also several parameters that the user/mission builder can set using the setvariable command within the init line of the Game Logic. For instance, to set the magnitude of the bomb: this setVariable ["JTD_trash_density", 1.5] This command in the init of the module would create 50% more trash than the default. The available parameters are: JTD_trash_MarkerArray = [] Array of markers to use instead of city positions. JTD_trash_density = # Percentage factor of how much trash to place (.5 would be half as much, 2 would be twice as much); default is 1 JTD_trash_objAdd = [] Array of strings of classnames of objects to add as trash, useful for adding custom objects JTD_trash_objRemove = [] Array of strings of classnames of objects to add as trash, useful for removing default objects JTD_trash_customArray = [] Array of classnames to use instead of the default. Completely replaces trash array. Also, created during the process: JTD_trashFinished = BOOL Boolean to let the user know when the trash module is finished. To enable the debugging mechanism, in the init line of a unit, or the mission init, use: JTD_trash_debug = true ***************** Marker area: To specify in what area to create the trash, place and name a marker or markers. In the module, then set the variable JTD_trash_MarkerArray to include those markers. For instance: this setVariable ["JTD_trash_MarkerArray", ["trash1", "trash2"]] This assumes you have created markers trash1 and trash2. The module would then create trash at those locations. By placing smaller markers within larger markers and including them in the array, you can create higher densities of trash in certain areas. Config entries: In the absence of a marker array, the config entries for cities and towns will be used. This can take some time, depending on the size of the map and number of urban areas. The mission maker can check for the module boolean variable JTD_trashFinished. It is set to false at the beginning of the trash scripts, and to true when completed. ===================================================== The default trash array currently consists of: JTD_trash_objArray = ["Baseball", "Can_small", "MetalBucket", "Radio", "SkeetDisk", "SmallTV", "Suitcase", "Land_arrows_desk_L", "Land_arrows_desk_R", "Land_arrows_yellow_L", "Land_arrows_yellow_R", "RoadCone", "RoadBarrier_light", "Obstacle_saddle", "FoldChair", "Park_bench1", "WoodChair", "Barrel1", "Barrel4", "Barrel5", "Garbage_can", "Land_barrel_empty", "Land_barrel_sand", "Land_barrel_water", "Land_Pneu", "Paleta1", "Paleta2", "Satelit", "Fin"]; Brief youtube vid of the trash: H5WgdeK0B40 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites