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sounds good excuse the pun :)

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HI GUYS SRY FOR SOUNDING DUMB BUT ........... ive been trying for days to get this to work ive got everything thats needed put them where it says in this forum but i cant find the arma 2 voip to activate wot am i doing wrong?????????????

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cant find the arma 2 voip to activate wot am i doing wrong

arma 2 voip :confused:

press 2x CAPS LOCK !:icon_eek:

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can someone please post a step by step setup please i followed the steps at the head of this thread and still cant get it to work.

im no computer genious lol but this thing as got me hooked.

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I reply'd in the earlier days, saying my unit tested it out and found some problems after about 2 hours of use.

We picked up the newest version to try it out again, and it is working like a charm. <3

All of us finally have the mod, except for a single member in our unit.

We have guided him several times, and it would seem that the files are located where they are supposed to. But it is still not working, he does not get any radio functions when ingame.

This is some of the stuff we have made him do:

Double checking multiple times.

Made sure he had the newest version of TS3 through the 'help -> check for updates'.

Made sure he had the correct version of Arma2 and ACE. (the one the rest of us are using)

Made sure he had the correct version of the mod.

Made sure the download was not corrupted by having him download again.

When he joins it says that he is using his @a2ts folder. (we made him download the alpine launcher as well)

The errors start when he gets ingame, he does not have the radio functions, and meanwhile he is not having any box in the corner saying 'ts3 plugin not responding'.

He cannot check the arma2ts mod in the plugin settings of TS3, since it is not visible.

It would seem that the mod is not loaded by the launcher, and that the plugin is not being detected by TS3. :/

Any suggestions? It would be appreciated, especially since the rest of us would have to get rid of the mod if he is not able to load it.

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Firstly @a2ts or @a2t ?

Secondly does he put .pbo files in the "Addons" subfolder? "X:\Games\A2\@a2ts\addons\[shit goes here]"

Thirdly, make sure he puts plugin dll (64 or 32bit, not both) into "ts3 client\plugins" directory NOT "ts3 client\plugins\arma2ts\"

The second option is only for wave files.

This looks like double-fail IMHO.

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This is what i have done so far:-

1) download the addon

2)extract the @a2t folder in your arma base path

3)extract the teamspeak folder content in your teamspeak 3 client plugins folder

now this is where im stuck step 4)activate the voip arma 2 in your teamspeak interface, i assume this means launch TS3 goto plugins and set a tick where arma 2 is????????? cant find arma 2 anywhere in the ts3 interface.

the addon i d/loaded is arma2ts_v003 contain 6 files:-arma,teamspeak,teamspeak plugin source code,changelog.text,plugin documentation.pdf and version.txt.

the first 2 files ive put where the steps say where does the source code files go?????????....please please help ill be iternaly grateful.

thx noob in need lol

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Firstly @a2ts or @a2t ?

Secondly does he put .pbo files in the "Addons" subfolder? "X:\Games\A2\@a2ts\addons\[shit goes here]"

Thirdly, make sure he puts plugin dll (64 or 32bit, not both) into "ts3 client\plugins" directory NOT "ts3 client\plugins\arma2ts\"

The second option is only for wave files.

This looks like double-fail IMHO.

@a2t obviously, sorry I can't remember everything 100% considering that it all happened 2 days ago.

The rest of us inserted both dlls, and no, they are not placed into the plugins\arma2ts\ folder, they are located within the \plugins\ folder.

I will tell him to only use one of the DLLs, don't think it will solve the problem though.

About the PBO files, they are already located within the @a2t\Addons\ when you extract the ZIP folder, so obviously they are still there.

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You need the correct version of A2T for the correct TS3-version. This means:

-For TS3 (beta 20, the newest version) you need A2T version 005.

-For TS3 (beta 18 or 19) you need A2T version 004.

-For TS3 (beta 01 to 17) you need A2T version 003.

To find out what TS3 version you got go to TS3\Help\About TS3. Only if you got the correct version installed you see the ArmA2-plugin in the TS3\Plugins-window.

Best luck,


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@a2t obviously, sorry I can't remember everything 100% considering that it all happened 2 days ago.

The rest of us inserted both dlls, and no, they are not placed into the plugins\arma2ts\ folder, they are located within the \plugins\ folder.

I will tell him to only use one of the DLLs, don't think it will solve the problem though.

About the PBO files, they are already located within the @a2t\Addons\ when you extract the ZIP folder, so obviously they are still there.

Update: Just recieved an answer from him, yes all of his content is in the right addon folder within the mod folder.

His TS3 DOES work with the plugin (he can chose it, I was mistaken sorry), so the only problem right now is the mod simply not loading, even though it does add it in the connection line once he connects to our server.

Edited by MortenL

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Great work guys! Looking forward to the new version!

Could you add a small radio icon that is displayed when the player is transmitting? Sometimes people forget to turn off broadcasting and don't notice it. The noise drives the other people crazy :eek:

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A better solution will be push-to-transmit that should be coming in the work-in-progress version.

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A better solution will be push-to-transmit that should be coming in the work-in-progress version.

Latest version will use push to talk, that is correct.

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the only problem right now is the mod simply not loading, even though it does add it in the connection line once he connects to our server.

Just paste here stuff.

-world=empty -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@a2t;x\oac\oac_core;x\caa1;@ACE;@ACEX;@acex_pla;@acex_sm

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Just paste here stuff.

-world=empty -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@a2t;x\oac\oac_core;x\caa1;@ACE;@ACEX;@acex_pla;@acex_sm

How would this fix it? isn't it really just the same commandline that his launcher creates? Not to mention that he used command lines before trying out the launcher.

Am I missing anything?

However, I will tell him to load ACE, CBA and the ts mod to see if it works then. Might be another mod fucking it up.

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;1618889']Silly question maybe' date=' MortenL, but your sure the guy has a radio in his inventory? :)[/quote']

We play with the same characters, and they should all be capable of atleast doing the shortrange radio communication. :)

A virus just killed his PC, so he will do the C:/format gimick. Hopefully this will be fixed after a quick reinstall. :)

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Sorry guys for my previous stance. I did believe that some basic knowledge is needed to play with mods. For example "how to copy files", "how to install mods", or if there are two files with number 32 and 64 it must be related with different OS versions. So, such things must not be explained and shouldn't be reported as a bug.

But looks like, I was wrong. So really sorry.

I suggest to add guide how to copy files using windows explorer and also Total Commander ;) Maybe some explanations about differences between 32bit and 64bit systems would be good too. You know - some one may ask for it some day ;)

Hey man I was about to post and tell what an arrogant person you are but seeing the sorry in the first sentence made me think otherwise only untill i realized you were being a smartass in the next lines.

Listen, people should post about their problems with the mod regardless of their technical skills, and not everybody are so much concerned about what those little files are named it might have been xxxxxyyyxyyx.xys or something like that for many people the main concern and interest for those who creates mods should be and it probably is to make this mod as userfriendly as possible, so we dont need a techfilter in a forum such as these.

those who have posted have done so in the hope of getting some kind of help and not being stomped because they might not know or care about 32 bits or 64 bits systems. I think its good that things like these gets looked at and maybe the mod will be even easier to install in the future.

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I have to agree, the "installation" guide isn't really that straight forward to everyone thats installed it so far.

We've about 30 guys install it in our group with varying levels of "success" (all down to understanding). More times than not it requires someone who did understand it all to walk them through it.

We have put together a little how-to for our new members - if there is any interest in that we can definitely post it here, or send directly to dev for inclusion in a future version?

Hit me up on PM if that's the case.

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How would this fix it? isn't it really just the same commandline that his launcher creates?

I've pasted mine for an example.

I just want to know if he does load addons correctly.

I bet he has a typo like @a2ts instead of @a2t, or has wrong order of sequence.

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I've pasted mine for an example.

I just want to know if he does load addons correctly.

I bet he has a typo like @a2ts instead of @a2t, or has wrong order of sequence.

As already stated, I did a typo when creating the post, I am not at home so I can't see the actual name of the folder. He obviously used the correct name, especially considering that he also ended up using a launcher.

Edited by MortenL

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