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Black and white at night?

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I was wondering does anyone else experience a sort of black and white effect at night? i have posted a picture to show.


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Yes, but this is a fairly accurate representation of how the eye reacts to night viewing. I know I dont see alot of color at night.

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I believe it's a dx8 thing. If your card can do pixil shaders (geforce3/4 radeon 8500). I just upgraded and I think it looks really good.


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Yes, thats right. One of ( if not the very ) best night time effects I've seen in a game and a lesson to all other game designers. Remember in future guys nights are dark!

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Yeah, it's a great feature. Try setting the time to 01wow.gif0. Then set your video options to max gamma and brightness. Only colours you see are Black, White and shades of grey. No green at all smile.gif

Excellent , BIS smile.gif

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thats really cool, think about it now i guess there arnt any colors at night lol most games if you get close enough to something you can see its color.

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Yeah, if you think about it. Colours are just resolutions of the amount of light-reflections. No light = No colours. The only real colour out there is Black (no light at all), but then again black is'nt a colour.

Cute eh tounge.gif

Did I make any sense tounge.gif

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I love fighting in night time.  

Being lost, lonely in the forest during a thunderstorm, low on ammo.  Seeing the flashes of lightning illuminate the silhouettes of trees.  You hear enemy footsteps squashing the wet leaves, but you can't pinpoint the direction.  Sounds of raindrops hitting the ground surround you in an envelope of panic.  Finally you find a way out of the woods, there's a clearing ahead.  It's too dark, you can't see well, so you run for your life towards that meadow ahead.  But suddenly another flash of lightning strikes in front of you, and for a split second you see the shadow of a T-80 tank, 100 meters away facing you.  You hear its turret motor echo in the shade of night, though it's too late.  Its crew has spotted you with their nightvision, and is aiming its machine gun to splatter your guts out.  As you run your heartbeat gets louder and louder.  Pretty soon it's the only thing you hear.  Then the ripping sound of .50 caliber bullets speeding from the barrel of the tank start whizzing by your ears....

.. to be continued.

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While the pixel shading for Night with Geforce3/4 owners is nice when your out in the middle of a field or forest, it looks very odd when you put the light of a vehicle on anything. The trees are grey/white, the ground is white etc. etc.

Vehicle lights/flares need to do what static lights in towns do and actually show color. I've spent many many weekends and weeks in the woods where I grew up and everytime I use a flashlight in the dead of night you do see color where the light is shining.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 09 2002,09:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yep, since all colors need to be reflected by light to show, nights seem black and white.<span id='postcolor'>

Umm... If there is no light at all you dont see anything... but night seems black & white because the "rods" in the retina of the eye cannot sense different colours of light, and the "rods" are much more sensitive than the "cones" in the retina. The cones detect different colours, but they arent as sensitive as the rods so when there is only a little bit of light the cones dont "see" anything.

Btw. I think the effect in OFP would certainly need some improvement, or an option to turn it off. Its a nice idea, but it doesnt work properly. If you turn on the car lights for example at night, everything (trees, houses, ...) are black and white too, even when they are lit by the bright lights of the car (Which certainly is bright enough for the reflected light to be detected by the "cones" so colors should be visible). Applies to other lights too, streetlamps, explosions, etc.

Look at this:


Its way too much black & white.

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Kegetys, look at this. It's not white at all. There's something wrong with your graphic. I have MSI GF3. Looks realistic:



Jeep light





I think that you guys have to change some settings.  biggrin.gif


Look at the light, Kegetys. Yours are almoust white.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedRogue @ April 09 2002,18:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">While the pixel shading for Night with Geforce3/4 owners is nice when your out in the middle of a field or forest, it looks very odd when you put the light of a vehicle on anything. The trees are grey/white, the ground is white etc. etc.

Vehicle lights/flares need to do what static lights in towns do and actually show color. I've spent many many weekends and weeks in the woods where I grew up and everytime I use a flashlight in the dead of  night you do see color where the light is shining.<span id='postcolor'>

your woods biggrin.gif :


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Well guys. I'm 100% sure that u can see colors if there's light. I know how's in real life, yes. Do u need a picture biggrin.gif

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SpaceAlex: Umm... in your shots I dont see it being black & white anywhere, so your card's pixel shader propably is not working wink.gif

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There are two very different types of nerves/receptors in your eye. First there are those that react on brightness/darkness. They need very little light. The others are acceptors that react on different strength of light, the powerful ones. But they need a higher level on energy than the b/w-receptors.

You could say: but the darker my screen gets, the lesser is the strenght of light. Right. But remember: in your room there's always light in the background (except you play deep at night), so the monitor would become too dark for your eyes to see anything (your eyes sets passing light level to the average of all light coming into your eye).

Hope I didn't bother you with this.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ April 09 2002,23:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SpaceAlex: Umm... in your shots I dont see it being black & white anywhere, so your card's pixel shader propably is not working wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Look at the jeep lights. This is not an option. I think that the right colors are mine colors.  tounge.gif

Maybe only mine pixel shader is working correctly. wow.giftounge.gifbiggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ April 10 2002,00:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Look at the jeep lights. This is not an option. I think that the right colors are mine colors.  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm I dont know... It looks just the same as with a GF2MX (that I have installed now), the jeep pic has some color everywhere, but its hard to say from a jpg picture. But is it black & white in the dark for you (if you do not have any lightsources in the game)?

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What would be really cool is light effecting how you see at night. If you are standing by a campfire, or in a town with lights and then venture into the country side you are completely blind until your eyes readjust. I've always extinguished campfires when I'm on duty at night not because it effects the game, but that's what would happen in real life.

And if the AI was effected, ie sentries huddled by a fire unable to see you at all would be nice.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ April 10 2002,05:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmm I dont know... It looks just the same as with a GF2MX (that I have installed now), the jeep pic has some color everywhere, but its hard to say from a jpg picture. But is it black & white in the dark for you (if you do not have any lightsources in the game)?<span id='postcolor'>

Well. I can't say that it's actually white. It's black. I can't see green, brown or any other colors in the night without lights. It's just black. Grass and trees are almoust grey. It's just a little more bright if my game's brightness and gamma is 2.0.

It's just like in real life. I can't see white in the night. Roads are white, but not grass and trees. Grass and trees are black and grey in the night. It is a little more white if the moon is shining, but i can actually see a few colors in real life when the moon is shining. wink.gif

I saw screens from other people and all nights are the same as mine. There's something wrong with those white colors. I wish BIS would say something about this. I'm sure that my night is realistic. White one is not.

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SpaceAlex, are you using 32bit or 16bit color? if you are using 32bit, could you try it with 16bit if its still the same? I would try it myself but I dont have my GF3 here right now.

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I'm using 32bit color afcourse. It's the same with 16bit.

Where's your GF3? Is it lost. biggrin.gif I have my GF3 right here in my computer.

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wow.gif Nice Screenshots Alex!

What resolution are your running at?

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