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Cloud System

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Using the Bis cloud system.sqs from the module.

Is it possible to get the position of the cloud base as they are formed?

Atm the clouds which look great but do not have any form viewgeo lod which makes them totally useless.

If I can get a position I can give them a viewgeo lod.

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Are they not standard billboard particles? If so then they are AI viewblock by default.

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I believe that they are standard billboard particles but I am not 100% certain.

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Well what ever they are they do not have sufficient view blocking imo.

3.1 kms


2.2 kms


750 m


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hmmmm ... well that is "radar" after all.

Shouldnt that be switched off for WWII planes?

With the right config I suspect AI will then fall back to "visual" spotting.

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Inside the spoiler information is the code that I modified from the default cloud module. The only major difference is that I have moved these clouds 1200 meters above the default clouds.

Using this information, you should be able to camcreate (or other similar method) view blockers to your heart's content.

Let me know if it works.

_clouds = true

_obj = player

_type = 0

_levels = 1

_wimpact = false

_otype = _type

BIS_CloudType = _type

_posarray = []

_postarray = []

_lifetime = 285

_ocpos = [-1000,-1000]

_stalltime = _lifetime




_x = (getpos player) select 0

_y = (getpos player) select 1

_xc = (_x / 1000) - ((_x / 1000) % 1)

_yc = (_y / 1000) - ((_y / 1000) % 1)

_cpos = [_xc,_yc]

?( ((_cpos select 0) == (_ocpos select 0)) && ((_cpos select 1) == (_ocpos select 1))):goto "wait"

_ocpos = _cpos

_i = -2

_io = -2

_j = -2

_ijmax = 3

?(BIS_CloudType > 3):_i = -1; _j = -1; _io = -1; _ijmax = 1


_level = 0

_pos = format ["%1%2",(_xc + _i),(_yc + _j)]

? (!(_pos in _posarray) && _clouds): while { _level < _levels } do { [((1000 * (_xc + _i)) + 500),((1000 * (_yc + _j)) + 500),(0 + _level*5000),BIS_CloudType] exec "scripts\BIS_Cloud1500.sqs"; _level = _level + 1 }; _posarray = _posarray + [_pos]; _postarray = _postarray + [_time]

_i = _i + 1


?(_i < _ijmax):goto "posloop"

_i = _io

_j = _j + 1

?(_j < _ijmax):goto "posloop"

_max = count _posarray

_a = 0

?(_max == 0):goto "wait"


_ctime = (_postarray select _a)

?((_ctime + _lifetime) < _time):_posarray = _posarray - [(_posarray select _a)]; _max = count _posarray; _postarray = _postarray - [(_postarray select _a)]

_a = _a + 1

?(_a < _max):goto "check"



?(BIS_CloudType == 5):goto "wait"

?(_stalltime < _time):_stalltime = _time + _lifetime; _ocpos = [-1000,-1000]; _a = 0; _max = count _posarray; goto "check"

?(count _posarray < 25):_ocpos = [-1000,-1000]; _posarray = []; _postarray = []

goto "top"

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You also have to bear in mind that once something is spotted, it doesn't instantly disappear off the radar as soon as you can't see it.

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@[APS]Gnat - "hmmmm ... well that is "radar" after all"

Yes mate it is.

It is also a visual assistance for some people, like myself, are lucky to have their view distance set to 3 to 5 km max. So 'radar' helps, otheriwse you are lucky to see a plane at 300 yards.

Some ppl play with red and green markers on their screen - wgaf.

The clouds I made (not so pretty atm) block the 'radar' for player and for AI which balanced the game. No bullets appearing through the bank.

I am happy to switch it off but since no one (to my surprise) made comment about it in the main thread then I thought I would pursue this avenue.


This is true but the 'red dot' does disolve if a plane moves behind an object.


Thanks - I will switch of the 'radar' for the next release and see what the spray is.

I will copy and try this, I can use this hopefuly on other projects.

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To potentially make planes stay in view for longer, try messing with the featureSize value.

featureSize = xxxx;

TV tower is 150

LHD is 100

Lighthouses are 50

Works with ships anyway.

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