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A World War 2 Mod would be epic!

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31st Normandy Mod, Invasion 44. Probably some others out there ;).

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"To think before writing on a forum is like wiping one's behind before taking a crap." -Slightly adapted quote, originally from Arne Anka

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His search button must be broken. There seems to be alot of that lately.

Can mod sit him in the corner please?

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Sometimes I feel like people make these threads just to mock us. As if they intentionally act like an idiot and don't look at the STICKIED thread.

But that's just me.

Now excuse me while I go conjure up other conspiracy theories.

On a serious note, there's a pre-made addon request thread and threads for all previously named projects already in motion.

Edited by Black1ron

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Hey, i wonder if someone is gonna make a game,like...a military sim.with much stuff to blow up and people to shot at. maybe it could be in chernarus or so, USMC Forces would invade that country and you have to control a team, razor team would be a cool name for it!:tongue:

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